VirZOOM Arcade

VirZOOM Arcade

Categorized under full controller support.
Thought you guys should know.
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1-8 / 8 のコメントを表示
76561198295368552  [開発者] 2017年3月13日 6時55分 
We do in fact offer full controller support! You can play all the VirZOOM Arcade games for free with an Xbox or PlayStation controller.
Wouldn't let me bypass the main menu without a "bike dongle".
76561198295368552  [開発者] 2017年3月13日 7時15分 
If you don't have a bike dongle, you need to have a compatible controller plugged in. That pretty specifically means an Xbox 360, Xbox One, or PlayStation DualShock 4 controller. If you do have one of those plugged in and it wasn't recognized, please let me know – it means we have a bug!
Jason at VirZOOM の投稿を引用:
If you don't have a bike dongle, you need to have a compatible controller plugged in. That pretty specifically means an Xbox 360, Xbox One, or PlayStation DualShock 4 controller. If you do have one of those plugged in and it wasn't recognized, please let me know – it means we have a bug!

Where does the Steam Controller fall in that?
76561198295368552  [開発者] 2017年3月13日 8時52分 
We don't currently support the Steam Controller (it's not an Xbox controller or a PlayStation controller), but we've ordered one for the office so we can look into what adding support would entail.
Alright thanks, really isn't a biggie. Just seemed very abrupt chillin' with a Steam Controller. Seems better with the bike anyway. Enjoy the Controller, I think you guys will like it! :) Have a good one.
Aww no steam controller support is lame, how about the vive controllers?
76561198295368552  [開発者] 2017年3月22日 6時58分 
Only Xbox and PlayStation controllers so far. We did order a Vive controller after this thread was posted so we could tinker with it in the office and see what'd take to add support for it, though, and I'll mention we got a request for Vive controllers too!
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