7 Mages
How real time/ turn based works?
I am playing the first dungeon and it seems that turn based combat only activates when in melee. If I want to shoot fireballs to a zombie who is 2+ tiles ahead I must attack in real time.
Is this the way it is supossed to work?
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In original game, you could enter into combat sequence by hitting Enter without needing to melee engage. I gues there will be something similar ;-)
Johny_G  [Fejlesztő] 2016. márc. 15., 1:04 
Yes, it is supposed to work this way. Turn-based combat is only activated for enemies visible on the minimap. The playtests have shown that players get confused when they're still kept in combat mode while not knowing where the enemies actually are.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Johny_G; 2016. márc. 15., 1:04
Nihillus eredeti hozzászólása:
In original game, you could enter into combat sequence by hitting Enter without needing to melee engage. I gues there will be something similar ;-)

Enter does not work for me. I need to click -and not release button- over the mage portrait -that I find pretty inconvenient with the urge of a combat.

Johny_G eredeti hozzászólása:
Yes, it is supposed to work this way. Turn-based combat is only activated for enemies visible on the minimap. The playtests have shown that players get confused when they're still kept in combat mode while not knowing where the enemies actually are.

As fas as I have played this does not work the way you say:
-I have seen a lot of times monsters -both in main screen and as a red dot on minimap- and turn based is not activated at all, tipically until the monster is at melee range.
-Once, I could not exit the combat mode because a monster was roaming nearby. But it was not visible at all, nor the main screen neither the minimap.
Johny_G  [Fejlesztő] 2016. márc. 15., 1:35 
The Enter thing relates to Napoleon Games' older game that Nihillus was probably a fan of :-). It does not work this way in 7 Mages. You have to use the long press to open combat menu. It might be somewhat adjusted in the final PC version.

However, thank you for the feedback about the combat! Such behaviour is definitely strange and we will take a look at it in future updates. Do you, by any chance, have any screenshots of such situations? The relative positions of party members and enemies might actually help us with debugging. Thank you!
Ok. I´ll send you screenshots when the bug happens.


I can not still recreate the second situation: no red dots visible and I can´t exit combat mode. I think that it is because the portion of minimap with the red dot was not visible on screen.
Johny_G  [Fejlesztő] 2016. márc. 15., 2:28 
Oh! The images are actually correct. The enemy only starts combat from predefined distance. For the early levels, it's usually the melee distance to keep the difficulty lower. But if the enemy is on the minimap and you attack it with projectile (i.e., fireball), the turn-based combat will start even on longer distance.

The other described situation would actually be a bug.
Ok. In that case, it seems that a necessary strategy on more advanced game levels is trying to activate TB combat before your enemies attack you. But then the long press seems to be a very inconvenient method since you need to be as fast as possible.
swann_rembrandt eredeti hozzászólása:
Ok. In that case, it seems that a necessary strategy on more advanced game levels is trying to activate TB combat before your enemies attack you. But then the long press seems to be a very inconvenient method since you need to be as fast as possible.
That's probably due to the EA version is port from mobile version, where it does make sense and is easy to use. I assume it'll be changed to something "more PC like" in the near future (the enter key sounds like a good option to me).
Johny_G  [Fejlesztő] 2016. márc. 15., 5:34 
Actually, the game is designed so you never have to snipe enemies from distance, so there was no extra effort to make this process any easier :-). But you can, of course, still use it as a part of your strategy. But simple right click or a keyboard shortcut (remappable) are definitely being considered for the final PC version.
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