Quar: Battle for Gate 18
Linux support?
Being a long-time fan of the Tabletop, I would like to know if a linux-version can be expected at some point in the future, or if such a thing is out of the question, since I was unable to find any hints on that topic.
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Показані коментарі 11 із 1
Hey Markus,

We will definitely keep Linux in mind. We can't officially say yay or nay right now because we have a bunch of work to do on Quar related to VR optimization etc. But I promise, we want as many people to experience the world of Quar as possible!

Steel Wool Games
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Показані коментарі 11 із 1
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Опубліковано: 7 квіт. 2016 о 4:58
Дописів: 1