

Katastic Voyage 2017 年 8 月 8 日 下午 3:14
Can someone explain the ending STORY? [spoilers]
At the last level, you go in the wrong exit, and get kidnapped. Then you find your kids and then the old guy goes to explain it... and then the daughter shoots you.

Okay, so I expected to get the ANSWERS when I beat the last level correctly after that. Except I didn't. It just ends.

The kids mention something about "screw you [dad] for leaving us at the orphanage." which... we didn't do. The professor mentions we met before... but... other than him killing your wife and kidnapping your kids... is he from anywhere else?

- WHY is he making psychopath children?
- Why did he target YOUR family?
- Why are your kids not insane serial killers like the rest?
- Why do your kids hate you / think you left them at an orphanage?

Basically, every question I had... never was answered.

(Also, I watched some dev blog video on YouTube and it had CINEMATICS. I didn't have any of that. I only had static shots. What happened to the cinematics?!)
最後修改者:Katastic Voyage; 2017 年 8 月 8 日 下午 3:15
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Nedly Dedly 2017 年 8 月 18 日 下午 9:21 
There is actually 3 endings. Anyway, answers: 1) I am not sure, but I think he is just a psychopath himself; 2) He doesn't care what family to target actually, he just needs kids; 3) Because they are still "in training" it seems; 4) Most likely because they have been brainwashed.
最後修改者:Nedly Dedly; 2017 年 8 月 18 日 下午 9:32
Lamerde 2017 年 8 月 21 日 下午 11:24 
引用自 John Smirnov
There is actually 3 endings. Anyway, answers: 1) I am not sure, but I think he is just a psychopath himself; 2) He doesn't care what family to target actually, he just needs kids; 3) Because they are still "in training" it seems; 4) Most likely because they have been brainwashed.
Isn't his background a psychologist who has written books and theories, so to him this is like one big social experiment. Although no way to go about it other than he's completely sociopathically nuts.
minstrelofmoria 2017 年 8 月 23 日 下午 8:17 
Your kids cut off a child's hand and mailed it to you, so they're pretty clearly serial killers at this point. Your family was targeted because you investigated one of his previous experiments. (The bad guy monologues about this for quite some time if you hang around him after he's knocked out of the wheelchair.)
Katastic Voyage 2017 年 8 月 26 日 下午 8:29 
He glitched on mine. After he dropped he only said like two sentences and then the kids would come running after him. But no matter how many times I reloaded he never said anything more. Thanks.
Froggo 2020 年 7 月 25 日 下午 3:42 
heres how i think it works

1. professor is rich has lots of friends who are psychos
2. professor goes to orphanage - makes kids psychos like him
3. some people find out about it and are killed (student massacre that is brought up in last level bad ending)
4. professor kidnaps smiths kids, gets him out of his job (newspaper in his house near the gun range talks about him being a violent drunk inbetween the hospital and butcher level)
5. smiths kids become crazy, lied to for years about how smith killed their mother and is a dangerous man

story was told very poorly. game had some really good atmospheric moments but really dropped the ball when it came to giving characters motivation and having an overall plot to tie things together.
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