Godus Wars

Godus Wars

71 Feb 6, 2016 @ 6:32am
Cards and Powers Files and Tests
As requested in another discussion:

I'm guessing you want the Power card lines and the Trebuchet (the rest is mostly generic single stat troop buffs and +X starting Belief type cards), I've pasted it below.

Player Quagmire cardImg_1 PlayerCardImage0.png 350 1 9 5 350 60 5 Player Healing Rain cardImg_1 PlayerCardImage0.png 10 1 9 3 10 20 3 Player Trebuchet cardImg_1 PlayerCardImage0.png 250 1 11 1 250 60 0 Player Fierce Charge cardImg_60-001 PlayerCardImage0.png 500 1 0 5 500 15 -1 Opponent Miasma cardImg_1 OpponentCardImage0.png 400 1 9 5 400 40 5

I also threw in a +5 attack buff, which is excessively good (single volley warband kill). You might have fun with that as well. I believe it's the standard drop from the final region of 1st continent.

EDIT: I also threw in Miasma, which Bryan was carrying. I believe it's just a modified Quagmire, so not really new.
Last edited by 71; Feb 6, 2016 @ 6:34am
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Spiderweb Feb 6, 2016 @ 6:37am 
cool thanks 71, godus.boards.net does have a guest posting facilities but this is great. I have a feeling 22cans will hide this away more in future releases. I'll repost it on godus.boards.net if that is ok with you?
Last edited by Spiderweb; Feb 6, 2016 @ 6:38am
71 Feb 6, 2016 @ 6:40am 
Yes, it does seem like you could just paste in any cards/powers/troops that are behind a paywall with a simple line of text. Not the most elegant design by any means.

Edit: Also, you're welcome to repost as you wish. I'm not really in the mood to go fishing through another message board at the moment.
Last edited by 71; Feb 6, 2016 @ 6:44am
Gmr Leon Feb 6, 2016 @ 10:55am 
Hey 71, thanks for posting this! I've actually got a Google Spreadsheet[docs.google.com] with editing open to make this easier, but I didn't know where might be a good place to ask you about this.

I've also some brief instructions here on what I was mainly gathering. Hard to tell from the formatting here what you've copied over exactly (as the column count doesn't seem to match).

I don't know that the bonus cards matter all that much either, but I've been gathering those too, mostly just 'cause why not. Thanks again for all your contributions around here lately! =)
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