Godus Wars

Godus Wars

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
CyberGrim Feb 3, 2016 @ 5:56am
Current Known Issues - Build Released 03/02/2016
Hey all,

As is the case with Early Access - and despite my working into the early hours of every morning and badgering developers for fixes - there are inevitably going to be issues.

With that in mind, I thought it would be useful for me to post a few of the major issues we're aware of and are working towards fixes for.

As usual, please post any new bugs you come across in this forum - using the instructions in the 'Bug Reporting' thread as a guide - and I'll review them, reproduce them and get them into the database to fix in upcoming patches.

So, without further ado, bugs!

  • When the user attempts to move a group of Warbands, they can often be seen leaving to go to 0,0 once they've reached their destination
  • The 'Attack' button is off screen for the map 'Pigweave Mere'
  • Selecting "1920 x 1080" when the user has a double monitor setup, causes the window to center across the two monitors
  • If the user plays the game in windowed mode, completing a level forces the Wrapper into fullscreen
  • The enemy warband can sometimes be seen walking in a stop/start motion
  • When going from a fullscreen wrapper, to fullscreen game, the wrapper appears in the middle of a double monitor setup
  • Minimizing the Godus application as soon as it appears from the wrapper, before it has a chance to resize the screen, prompts the application to crash
  • After relaunching the game, after playing a match in windowed, the resolution will appear squashed

I'll do my best to update this list as people find major issues and I get them in the database, however, as I'm sure you'd expect, my top priority is to actually get the problems addressed.