Carrotting Brain

Carrotting Brain

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Cat Plus Plus  [developer] Oct 23, 2015 @ 3:04pm
Frequently asked questions
What are the default controls?
Keyboard 1:
  • Move: WASD (jump is W when on the ground)
  • Aim: mouse
  • Interact: E
  • Fire: left mouse button
  • Alternate fire: right mouse button
  • Reload: R
  • Previous weapon: mouse wheel down
  • Next weapon: mouse wheel up

Keyboard 2 is now unbound by default.

  • Move: left stick (jump is left stick up when on the ground)
  • Aim: right stick
  • Interact: X
  • Fire: right trigger
  • Alternate fire: left trigger
  • Reload: B
  • Previous weapon: left bumper
  • Next weapon: right bumper

How do I pick up the crates?
You need to move close to the crate, aim at it and then press interact button.

What do the crates do?
  • Small rectangular crates with aim symbol contain one random weapon.
  • Large rectangular crates with ammo symbol replenish ammunition for your currently held weapon.
  • Square white crates with first aid symbol replenish your health.
  • Square green crates with three stars are dropped by dying players and contain all weapons they had.

What makes some crates more explosive than others?
Why did I die from green crate exploding?
All crates explode when hit enough times. Ammo crate explosions create shrapnel which might be hard to see, but can be quite deadly — be careful around them! Player weapon crates explode the stronger the more weapons they contain.

How do I dig in the terrain?
Use your mining pick's alternate fire. The longer you hold the button, the bigger the hole will be. You can also use explosives (rockets, grenades, crates).

How does the Gun Game mode work?
In Gun Game there are no weapon crates: you'll get new weapons as you score kills. Look at the upper middle part of your HUD to see which weapon you'll get next, and how many kills you need for that. Your progress will reset if you die.

How does the alternate fire of the rocket launcher work?
The rocket will fly towards the point you're aiming at with the laser. For best results use it quickly — rockets have a finite supply of fuel.

What does the alternate fire of the grenade launcher do?
Grenade launcher can fire projectiles that explode on impact and ones that explode after a certain amount of time. Alternate fire switches between them. You can check the current mode by looking at the icon in the lower right corner of your HUD.

Can I launch things held by the gravity gun?
Not directly. Try building up a momentum and then releasing them.

Where are the editable data files?
  • C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Raving Bots\Carrotting Brain (Windows)
  • ~/.config/unity3d/Raving Bots/Carrotting Brain (Linux)
Last edited by Cat Plus Plus; Nov 24, 2015 @ 3:13pm
Date Posted: Oct 23, 2015 @ 3:04pm
Posts: 0