The Dwarves

The Dwarves

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fabio.ticconi 2017년 12월 2일 오전 8시 49분
Crash entering Ogre's Death Fortress
It happens every time (on Linux). Any clue as how to work around that?

Do the devs read here or is there a procedure to send a bug report?
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20개 댓글 중 1-15개 표시
Iperpido 2017년 12월 9일 오후 4시 50분 
+1, it happened also to me
fabio.ticconi 2017년 12월 10일 오전 1시 23분 
Iperpido님이 먼저 게시:
+1, it happened also to me

same platform?
cruelj 2017년 12월 11일 오전 11시 59분 
+1, Xubuntu 17.10
Iperpido 2017년 12월 11일 오후 3시 18분 
fabio.ticconi님이 먼저 게시:
Iperpido님이 먼저 게시:
+1, it happened also to me

same platform?
Yep, ArchLinux, on KDE.
Dontcarebear83 2017년 12월 12일 오전 5시 58분 
Same here. Ubuntu 17.10, Nvidia GTX 960, drivers are up to date.
Finishes the exposition in the map, loading screen (Counts twice to 100%) and crashes neatly into the Steam library.
Dontcarebear83 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2017년 12월 12일 오전 6시 08분
Dontcarebear83 2017년 12월 13일 오전 1시 56분 
Sent the company a ticket, got a reply that they already know about it and working on it so it will be patched as soon as possible.
fabio.ticconi 2017년 12월 13일 오전 11시 02분 
YT GamingTux 2017년 12월 24일 오후 6시 38분 
Have the same issue.
I can workaround this with a little trick
Myrakel 2017년 12월 25일 오후 2시 17분 
@YouTube.GTuxTV - your link does not work for me.
I have exactly the same issue with the GOG version. Tried several times (x86_64 ArchLinux with open source drivers for an AMD GPU) but it always crashes to desktop after counting to 100 and then starting to count again in the loading screen. (The location is called "Ogertod" in german)
YT GamingTux 2017년 12월 25일 오후 2시 49분 
Ja das Problem besteht auch in der aktuellen GOG Version. Einziege möglichkeit derzeit scheint zu sein eine ältere Version zu nutzen (in meinem Fall war es 1.1.2) Nach Ogertod läuft das Spiel dann auch in der aktuellen Version erstmal wieder gut. Erst im Finale nach dem verlassen der Festung der Fünften gibt es dann wieder Probleme. Hier scheint das Spiel in jeder Cutszene zu crashen daher muss man das Finale wohl komplett in der alten Version spielen.

Ich kann verstehen, falls KingArt das Spiel nicht mehr patchen kann oder möchte, da die die Entwickler sicher längst anderweitig beschäftigt sind und sich auch wohl nicht mehr in "Die Zwerge" reinarbeiten können nur für nen Patch.
Aber es wäre sicher möglich eine ältere Version des Spiels Beta-Bereich verfügbar zu machen, damit Linuxspieler für die 2 betroffenen Stellen dann wechseln können.
robilar5500 2018년 1월 3일 오후 4시 20분 
It's been happening since EA release. A lot of people reported it, but unfortunately, the devs decided to remove all bug reports upon full release. In fact, in general, they seemed to ignore all bug reports back then. Apparently they still do.
~❄calagane❄~ 2018년 1월 4일 오전 4시 26분 
personaly i crash all time im on the worldmap and i talk with people!
ashurakain 2018년 1월 15일 오전 3시 32분 
not just ogre fortress for me, any area, after the encoutner with the twins, i enter to, i get a crash, only map traveling works and map talking, but not entering battles or areas where you walk around. And even then i still get a crash.

Starting to regret buying this game.
Tommy Wiseau 2018년 3월 27일 오후 12시 25분 
and more than a year since last update
Atomfried Megaforce 2018년 3월 29일 오전 1시 21분 
Hey guys,

this bug happened to me yesterday, too.

I opened a ticket at kingart-website. Some other players did, too. But they said they never got a reply.

I got a reply within 16 hours:
kingart님이 먼저 게시:
Hi [...],

We are still working on this bug. The patch should be ready in the next days.


Greetings from Bremen/ Germany,

KING Art Games

Well, I hope this will become true :) lets wait for the next days.
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20개 댓글 중 1-15개 표시
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