Missing Translation

Missing Translation

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Rhia Sep 24, 2015 @ 7:53am
Doors 3 and 4?
Is there any way to unlock the two locked doors within the school? I've tried talking to everyone about every symbol I've come across, they only seem to give me a positive or negative response, and the computer doesn't seem to like me inputting numbers, or even wanting to wave hello. Are the two locked doors just there to fill space, or is there something I've missed?
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Showing 1-15 of 19 comments
Ludipe  [developer] Sep 24, 2015 @ 8:06am 
Those two doors lead to small puzzles which were designed by devs from other games(kind of a cameo). They aren't finished yet, we thought they would be ready for release, but we'll have to wait and update the game the game once they send me all the data.
Rhia Sep 24, 2015 @ 8:09am 
Alrighty, cool! Looking forward to working my way through them, the game so far is fantastic, cute, and a good way to spend some time, so more of that is a good thing. Can't wait to see future projects from you guys!
Ludipe  [developer] Sep 24, 2015 @ 8:14am 
The team is now working fulltime on a really cool project for about 3 weeks :D
In 1-2 months from now we'll start showing our progress, there will be streamings and devlogs so everyone can participate. You can follow our progress here---> http://www.alpixelgames.com/
CptFuzzball Sep 24, 2015 @ 9:29am 
will the doors tie into the symbols you learn throughout the game? cause I still haven't found what those are for.
Ludipe  [developer] Sep 24, 2015 @ 9:31am 
See a bubble on the upper-left corner of the screen? Click on it and try using your mouse :)
CptFuzzball Sep 24, 2015 @ 9:46am 
Originally posted by Ludipe:
See a bubble on the upper-left corner of the screen? Click on it and try using your mouse :)

Trying to avoid spoilers :$, because I figured out how the bubble works.

and the numbers. I got some "answers" from the people in the game using the thing I call the Teacher sign. I'm just not sure what to do with those answers
Ludipe  [developer] Sep 24, 2015 @ 9:54am 
Hard to give a tip without spoiling anything haha. Solving the regular puzzles gets you to complete your goal, exploring the village and trying to understand the weird parts give you tiny clues of why everything happened.

Some players were able to guess the whole meaning of everything, but it's supposed to be really hard and abstract. My advice is always the same, try to spend some time to play around and experiment as long as you're having fun :missingguy: :D
CptFuzzball Sep 24, 2015 @ 11:06am 
thank you .. guess I'll be returning to it sooner or later :)
Tredecim Sep 24, 2015 @ 12:03pm 
Regarding the computer:
Feed the computer some symbols found on the walls or given to you from the people you've talked to - it understands some of them
Sasquatchy Sep 25, 2015 @ 2:00am 
Guess I should have checked here first before spending the last 30 minutes trying to break the 'code' for doors #3 and #4. I kept thinking I was missing something when I kept repeating the 10(?) symbol and getting a desk picture in response. Glad to know I just wasn't getting it. Great little puzzle game.
So will there be more content with doors 3 and 4? More puzzles and/or achievements I mean. I'm just curious if the classrooms will have more translation puzzles and if that will play a bigger role.

I really liked this game. It stayed interesting with different puzzle designs. None of the three designs overstayed their welcome and the black/white is always nice, 1000 Amps and Closure used the same color spectrum. I really like it for some reason. It's used so rarely, which is good so it doesn't get overused.
updog Oct 8, 2015 @ 8:51am 
Originally posted by Ludipe:
Those two doors lead to small puzzles which were designed by devs from other games(kind of a cameo). They aren't finished yet, we thought they would be ready for release, but we'll have to wait and update the game the game once they send me all the data.
do you have any idea of an actual date or is it too difficult to tell?
Earentir Oct 20, 2015 @ 6:25am 
You need to somehow notify people the game is over... Me and a friend were looking for clues on opening the doors for 2 hours...... It would be a better experience if I felt I didnt loose two hours searching in vain.
Teamw0rk Oct 24, 2015 @ 11:32am 
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Last edited by Teamw0rk; Oct 24, 2015 @ 11:36am
FemaleWarrior Oct 24, 2015 @ 7:55pm 
Also what is with the spade and shovel display? (I entered the academy, second door and received that image on the screen by entering the symbols on the building.) Trying to figure out how to open those two doors was a waste of time.
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