Vendetta - Curse of Raven's Cry

Vendetta - Curse of Raven's Cry

I'm finally a paying customer, please optimize
Just bought the deluxe edition in good faith. Please make an effort to get a new video card to optimize this for newer gpus. I have two 980ti's and people are having issues still with similar setups. I don't expect this to be fixed tomorrow, but I'm hoping you are still working on this.
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1-15 / 99 のコメントを表示
Raidor [dph]  [開発者] 2015年12月28日 13時29分 
We are currently analyzing the problem. But this is quite an expensive, complicated and time consuming research. On the one hand it is quite understandable, that a customer who spent 600+ bugs on a high end card (e.g 980Ti) expects that a game runs faster than on a 2 years old (e.g.780 GTX) - on the other hand ... if you put two or four engines in a car it will be probably not run faster than with one powerful engine. It will for sure be more heavy and bigger, consume more fuel and be very expensive. Please notice, that the developers of the well known Benchmarks receive any support, money and any hardware they want from the graphic card manufactors ... we received the last free graphic card 5 years ago, never ever any money and have to purchase graphic cards like an end user without any discount in retail.
Raidor [dph]  [開発者] 2015年12月28日 13時45分 
and I may add something: it was not our intention to create a graphic benchmark. VCR is a complex RPG with unique characters and story driven. Our focus is on interesting quest chains (which are very difficult to create) and not on frames per second. Beside this I thing that anything above 30 FPS does not matter for the gaming experience. And on my PC i7, GF 780GTX the game runs with 4K never above 30 FPS. No idea what it does on a GF980ti - I heard it is sometimes slower.
最近の変更はRaidor [dph]が行いました; 2015年12月29日 1時07分
30fps always looks jerky and blurry to me. I prefer gaming at 60fps. But all I want to achieve that is to run at 1080p at console or better graphics. I have a 4k display but don't need it at that resolution. I'd love to run it at highest settings, but don't care if I have to do medium. That may be possible now. I just want it not to have severe issues no matter what becuase it hates my gpu even if I do turn things down.
Trusty 2015年12月28日 19時09分 
"Beside this I thing that anything above 30 FPS does not matter for the gaming experience."
You're a developers and you believe that 30 FPS doesn't matter for the gaming experience, seems like a poor excuse to not work on optimizing the game and to justify its faults. Almost as bad as developers saying games are locked to 30 fps for a more cinematic experience- but if it was cinematic it wouldn't be all jerky. Some people like me are running 4k gaming machines and would actually like to use that and take advantage of it. Sorry if i'm coming off as rude but this whole 30 fps nonsense is starting to get out of hand.
3x3cUt0r 2015年12月28日 19時14分 
Are you serious? more than 30 fps doesn't matter? let me guess, you developed for consoled not for PC.
Wow just wow
How did you become a dev ?
looniam 2015年12月28日 20時42分 
seriously - you have issues if a 980TI is slower, when it's an 80% performance increase over a 780 accross the board - so one bigger engine isn't going faster in your car.

welcome to the world of game devolopment, it IS expensive and time consuming. customers are tired of hearing the same excuses after paying good money for a game and have it run like rubbish until after 2,3,4 or 5 patches and 6 months later.

talk with the hardware manufactures, both ATI/AMD and nvidia have both open source and libraries available to get YOUR game working properly/better. cultivate a relationship with them and you might find some spanking new hardware at your door step.

yeah it is difficult and time consuming but do you even try bro?
Raidor dph の投稿を引用:
and I may add something: it was not our intention to create a graphic benchmark. VCR is a complex RPG with unique characters and story driven. Our focus is on interesting quest chains (which are very difficult to create) and not on frames per second. Beside this I thing that anything above 30 FPS does not matter for the gaming experience. And on my PC i7, GF 780GTX the game runs with 4K never below 30 FPS. No idea what it does on a GF980ti - I heard it is sometimes slower.

Going from 30FPS to 60FPS is a HUGE difference in the fluidity and responsiveness of the game, Literally anyone who has tried 60FPS even on consoles will tell you the same thing.

This just seems like lazy dev work.

Also a 980 Ti is A HELL of a lot faster than a 780 by a very large margin, In most cases 1 x 980 Ti is as fast as 2 x 780's in SLI as you can see here on Anandtechs site -

Also here is a 30FPS vs 60FPS side by side video , If you can't tell the difference immediately then you sir/madam need to go to the opticians !
Raidor [dph]  [開発者] 2015年12月29日 1時30分 
It was somehow clear, that this discussion starts now. It is my personal opinion, that 30 FPS with all details in 4K resolution (on a 55"+ monitor of course) are suitable for an RPG, if this is reached on a mid price PC with i7 6 core, 8 GB Ram and GF780 GTX (such a system is available 1.200 USD). Of course a higher frame rate is always better, but not required. Of course also a better system makes sense, but (again my personal opinion) some of the current high end graphic cards are not worth the price and their design goes into a wrong direction.
My remarks regarding the development costs was targeted to the investment into tons of expensive hardware. To be exact, I am fad up with buying every expensive new graphic card which appears on the market. And as said, some years ago AMD and nVidia gave out free samples to developers. Today not anymore. Maybe to some major Publishers - I do not know about it. This basically makes it nearly impossible to use a properitary engine technology to affordable costs. And middleware suitable for a RPG is not on the market.
I am a PC gamer and developer since 35 years. I use my PS4 for watching movies only and I never unpacked my Xbox One.
My compare of graphic cards and cars, was meant: TWO engines in ONEcar, do not make the car faster - ONE very powerful engine does. - This was referred to SLI/Crossfire.
Raidor dph の投稿を引用:
and I may add something: it was not our intention to create a graphic benchmark. VCR is a complex RPG with unique characters and story driven. Our focus is on interesting quest chains (which are very difficult to create) and not on frames per second. Beside this I thing that anything above 30 FPS does not matter for the gaming experience. And on my PC i7, GF 780GTX the game runs with 4K never above 30 FPS. No idea what it does on a GF980ti - I heard it is sometimes slower.

The human eye extends up to 60 frames per second. 30 FPS might be standard for a console but not acceptable on PC. Typically I reduce graphics quality until the FPS is at least 50 and averaging 60. Thus smooth motion is more important than pretty graphics.
OveR 2015年12月29日 2時47分 
30fps is fine for gaming kids dont whine game is good! :B1:
0veR の投稿を引用:
30fps is fine for gaming kids dont whine game is good! :B1:
Yes, fine for kids. Kids with consoles.
Raidor [dph]  [開発者] 2015年12月29日 5時03分 
Once again - I did not say that 60 FPS is not better than 30 FPS - I only said that for an RPG 30 FPS on 4K is sufficient. (for a Shooter not) ... and btw: 4K makes no sense below 50".
And our priority is to deliver a good gaming experience on mid price PC hardware. About the special features of the newest high end graphic cards we will take care, when we have time (and too much money - or get the cards for free).
no, its not. framerate is not for you to decide whats enough and what isnt. 60 is better at all times without exception no matter the resolution
Raidor dph の投稿を引用:
4K makes no sense below 50".
ill never buy a game from you for this, maybe you have atrocious eyesight but the rest of us dont, even a tablet benefits from 4k
最近の変更はLeviateinnが行いました; 2015年12月29日 5時19分
Raidor [dph]  [開発者] 2015年12月29日 6時04分 
@Haruna: I am not the company. It should be possible to post a personal opinion for a forum moderator.
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投稿日: 2015年12月28日 8時41分
投稿数: 99