

Crash to Desktop after starting campaign
Geez, not another unplayable game in my library again. Anyone else on Windows 8 having this problem?
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Ye many people are. Mine crashes on launnch
Damn. Do we wait for a fix or will one ever even become available?
sseebbee 30. Dez. 2013 um 15:56 
nope will never come. iirc the comapny dosent even exist.
So just a wasted 2 dollars? That's a bummer. Not enough money to raise a fuss over but still lame. I was really excited when I saw Sacrifice on sale :/
Zuletzt bearbeitet von TwigSmitty; 30. Dez. 2013 um 18:29
it works for me on win 8 but nor for my friend on win 7 idk what the problem is
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