Shoppe Keep

Shoppe Keep

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All Changelogs
Below is a list of every single Change log Shoppe Keep has undergone since May! The most recent ones are:

ChangeLog 08.20:

- The - & + keys now can be tapped to increase prices by just 1%
- When holding shift and pressing the - & + keys, it will increase the speed which price increases or decreases
- Added some text in the far right corner to help players with the new pricing addition
- Thickened collider for customers to try to decrease stacking when shoppe is busy
- Fixed an issue where when players met all requirements on a scenario, the game would wait for an additional item to be sold before completing the scenario

ChangeLog 08.16:

-Bug fixes
-Bot zaps thieves in 10 unit radius
-Secret addition: Hammer Time

ChangeLog 08.14:

-Various scenario fixes
-Toolbar for different phases

ChangeLog 08.12:

-Fixed barrier bugs
-Barrier progress bar over door
-Fixed Some difficult scenarios
-Fixed camera sway bugs

ChangeLog 07.19:

-Secret addition - That looks good on you!
-Secret addition - Early Access players will look spectacular
-Fixed thieve multiple item bug
-Started fixing some feature bugs with scenarios, especially for customer %

ChangeLog 07.15:

-Welcome screen for new players or the reset ones with a possibility to enter his/her name
-Scenario descriptions in scenario menu
-Secret addition - Put your feet up
-Secret addition - Hello Mario
-Secret addition - Liquidating assets

And in the comments below are a list of historic changelogs!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von RapheePlays; 20. Aug. 2015 um 8:18
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Changelog 05.09:

-Customers unhappy with the price, will knock the item out of it's place requiring the player or a bot to pick it back up.
-Test bot's can be bought like any other item for 0 gold at the bottom of the order list
-Test bot's dock can be placed by pressing V to enter object placement in free mode, it is the last "Pole" type object
-Q is an all to go shop control button, it will bring up the usual order scroll and 3 new buttons in the left side (Placeholder)
-Skills button opens and closes the skill window
-Bot's button will be grayed out if no bots are found on docks in the scene, when at least 1 bot exists you will be presented with a scrollable window showing a panel for each bot and 3 buttons to change its state (Currently only gathering works), on the right side when hovering over a bot's panel you will be shown what that specific bot's dock lock box contains so you can go and pick them back up
-Stats button currently inactive
-Progress bar replaced with a 360 degree filling image in the center of the screen
Changelog 05.10:
-Bot has lift off, land, fly, zap sounds.
-Hovering over placed item will bring out a WIP bubble with the items information
-Old shield re textured + 2 new shields
-Animated Central UI
-Warriors want to buy the new shields
ChangeLog 05.12:

-Refurbished UI with animations and new font's, visuals
-Main Menu visuals reworked
-Fountain particles and water splashes
-Animated Portal
-More options for changing visuals
-The doors when opening emit dust
ChangeLog 05.13:

-Scroll and hand camera has raised FOV from 60 to 70
-New mouse cursor
-New item icons for a refurbished UI
-Item icons show in item descriptions on hover, corner of UI when selected, Quest log and item order
-Filter by gold in order scroll
-New quest log
-Confirmation windows for quitting and unlocking skills
-Minor bug fixes and updates
ChangeLog 05.16:

-Bot is finished, needs extensive tests
-Customers become skeletons on death and dissipate over time
-For us dev's press K for lot's and lot's of XP, giving thousands of Keep Points, so we can test skills more efficiently
-Pressing I will toggle the main UI on/off
ChangeLog 05.19:

-Pressing P will toggle phasing trough objects and walls
-Left ♥♥♥♥ and left control raises and lowers the main camera.
-WIP durability in place, but turned off for debugging.
ChangeLog 05.20:

-Customers dirty the floor where they walk
-1,2,3,4 buttons change player state
-Q,E buttons are context buttons:
Shop Keep state - Q opens central UI, E opens shop
Builder state - rotates object left and right
Cleaner state - Q selects Broom, E selects Hammer
-Dirt directly influences the appeal of the shop, clean shop + 30% skill gives you an overhead of 130% appeal
-Object durability suffers from items being placed, taken, knocked off out of it, reaching 80 durability will make the customers ignore the object and it's items
-A chaotic customer now sometimes runs in and knocks some items out
-Broom and hammer functionality, no visuals or sounds as of yet
Zuletzt bearbeitet von RapheePlays; 20. Aug. 2015 um 7:51
ChangeLog 05.24 :

-Combat state let's you damage objects, kill customers
-Skeletons now have to be removed with a broom or face an impact on shop appeal
-Trash piles spawn when an object is destroyed, remove with broom
-Customers bleed when hit, if killed ragdolls and you have to use the broom
-Object hit FX
-Blood FX
-Barbarians attack the player
-Shooting a spell drains mana, wait to recharge it
-Player health recharges
-Dead barbarians/Customers eyes change
-Once a barbarian has spawned every customer, thief, havoc, innocent will just run out of the shop for their lives, kill barbarians to restore order.
-To spawn barbarians press O (For debugging purposes for now)
-Once a barbarian is damaged by the player (Sword damage works for now) all of them will gang up on the player
-Knockout animation and state done
-Barbarians want to destroy every display object in the store, after none are left, they will leave
-Havoc customer now can become any class, he will have a 1 in 25 chance to make a spawned customer want to knock off items
-Bots should now behave properly even with the dirt on the ground
-Barbarians drop their sword, you can not buy it, but you can sell it
ChangeLog 05.29:

-Objects will "flinch" when hit by a repair hammer or damaged
-Rats spawn in junk piles and will dirty the floor
-New Central UI Button:Statistics
-Statistics panel shows appeal and the causes that lower it including:
Body,Skeleton, Junk pile count and a progress bar of how dirty is the floor
-Specularity in objects as a test
-Animated menu buttons
-Shop size choice (The system is here, will be used when more shops come)
-Reworked the start of free mode
-Moved the "Press E to open shop" in a more appropriate place
-Barbarians spawn each time 100 customers spawn
-We have another lose condition - Shop Appeal
-4 Time phases in free mode (Build,Morning,Day,Evening)
-Skip time phases with M(Debug reasons the cost is 0 gold, so skip away)
-Debug reasons Build mode has 0 SPM, Morning 50 SPM,Day 38 SPM, Evening 12 SPM
-A watch...Yeh, state 5 (Press 5 to check your watch)
ChangeLog 05.31:

-Broom mesh with animation and sound
-Counter object has stages of deterioration, and can be fixed
-New Options variable (UI Size)
-New logo on main Menu
-Reworked Barbarian AI size (Should no longer clip trough walls)
ChangeLog 06.02:

Version: 0.6.5631.297

-Finally builds will have version numbers hooray!
-If previous saved free mode shop is found, load it on game start
-Save shop data when the shop closes it's doors
-Started going to the gym at 6 AM
-Various bug fixes
-Free Mode menu displays saved shop information
-Combat sounds
-New saving library, should be able to carry out to next builds
-Removed appeal loss check for now
ChangeLog 06,02v2:

Version: 0.6.5631.36594

-Fixed issues with Shop Keep state left side UI buttons being hidden if UI size set too big.
-Time change cycle limited to Free Mode only
-Load/Save Shop state data limited to Free Mode only
-New taxing system, additional gold amount numbers on top of current gold until I find a good place for them
-Customer spawn rate in free mode increases by 20 on each time of day if shop appeal is 60% or higher
-Shop appeal can be 100% at maximum (With the Popular skill acquired)
-Removed a separate scene for loading a level, it is now part of the Main Menu scene which darkens and shows a rotating cog (Will be changed later) and loads the level in which to play. Should have a smoother transition now
-Save and Load accumulated and outstanding tax on the end of the day
-Watch player state available in Free mode only, It shows that you can Press M to skip phases and continue building, as well as states how much it would cost
-Fixed starting with 0 gold bug, If no save data is found you will start with 5 times your current level gold. Building up your empire bit by bit.
-New Menu button style
-Changed logo in Splash
-Disabled the scenario button as it is totally broken with the day night cycle in place
-In cleaning/fixing state you are now presented with a hint of which button to press to equip Broom/Hammer
-Renewed Trello Gold subscription
ChangeLog 06.03:

Version: 0.6.5632.36944

-Fixed Accumulated tax not being removed on each tax iteration
-Updated Game Engine, has some fixes concerning AMD GPU's
-Barbarians now properly rotate to face the object they are hitting (Animation has no root in it for now, so as the barbarian is actually facing the object, the animation makes him rotate about 15 degrees to the left
-Ate some soup for breakfast
-Day phases last 5 minutes now instead of 10
-Barbarians no longer drop their swords
-Press O to spawn a big Barb called "Barbingantua" Acts as a usual barbarian, but unable to run and shakes the ground on every step, on death has 30% chance to drop a barbarian sword
-Remapped all AI navigation points for easier control
-Fixed pathing behind the front house
-Customers have a priority wish list, they will first search for the specific item in the shop and if found they will only take notice if the margin is fair, and buy it, for example, warriors now have a priority for a barbarian sword
-Barbarians will now spawn only when these conditions are met - each time 200 customers have spawned + shop appeal is higher than 70%
-Customers ignore items in objects that have 40 or lower durability
-If object durability is lower than 60 and a customer buys an item from it, they will get a 20% discount from the asking price (Skill +% and accumulated tax from each sale is calculated from the remaining 80% Gold from the sale)
-Fixed increasing day count in any time phase
-You can kill thieves and customers via sword now
ChangeLog 06.05:

Version: 0.6.5634.40236

-All barbarian types should correctly register that all the objects are destroyed and leave
-Barbingantua has 200 health and hits for 80+ damage
-Barbingantua is immune to zapping (Just pray)
-Customers now hold the barbarian sword item when bought
-Combat state engage sound
-You can now sweep with the broom whenever you like, it acts in a same way like the sword, just with anything that is dirty. body, skeleton, trash piles, cleans everything that is in front
-Bots can be picked up again
-Check your shop value below the appeal while in Shop Keep state
-Customer SPM receives + (Shop Value / 50), the more value you got, the more customers are being attracted
-Barbingantua will now spawn if the player deals 1000 or more damage to barbarians in a single play trough(Game instance, if you quit, and reload, the damage counter resets) - making this a realy rare enemy.
-Barbarians have their health increased to 50, player base damage is 25, meaning it is a 2 hit kill now
-Placing an object now costs Gold (List of cost will be given later, for now they are still free for 0 Gold)
-Placing an object emits VFX and a specific Sound for said object
-New stomp FX
ChangeLog 06.06:

Version: 0.6.5635.34206

-Dust FX when finished cleaning up trash pile, body, skeleton etc.
-Increased customer carry gold formula and margin tolerance
-By mistake barbarian damage was counted from damaging placed objects, now fixed
-New customer buy FX
-More comfortable way to fixing object durability
-Exclamation mark is shown near tax when you reach or overdraft your max tax amount, best to pay up now, or next day phase you lose
-A hammer animation plays over an object which is at or lower 40 durability*(For now works only on the counter as it has the states fully added)
-Reworked thieving function, now every customer unless they are ones who cause havoc or found a priority item will have a 30% chance to steal an item, with the first skill concerning thieves, you can make it 15%, and another skill makes thieves think twice, potentially lowering theft to 7.5% per customer
-Version number in main menu left down corner
-Better looking fade for level loading
-Properly add +30% shop interest with the 4th skill in the anti haggle tree
-Fixed main music spacial blend
-Free mode has all cross fading music in place
-Combat (Placeholder) music cross fades with any current music
-Helper bot costs 450 gold now (Expensive contraption)
-Prices for objects:
Pedestal - 4 Gold
Shelf - 50 Gold
Table - 25 Gold
Hat Rack - 25 Gold
Counter - 210 Gold
Armor Rack - 350 Gold
Bot Dock - 450 Gold
-Deleting placed object nets you back 50% gold
-All objects are collision free for the player for now (Not a bug, I made them be collision free)
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