Time Gentlemen, Please!
Steam Trading Cards
Doing Steam Trading Cards for this game will surely jump the ratings by alot!
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Показані коментарі 115 із 37
Yes, I think I'll look into it soon :)
I bought the game, gonna look into it soon :D, I heard good things. + yeah, trading cards would be really awesome!
I'm looking for an artist to do something really special :)
it's 50 cents, just buy the damn game/s
Цитата допису Air:
Цитата допису XtremeNugget:
it's 50 cents, just buy the damn game/s
It's 50 cents. Thank you. But I will only buy it when I see trading cards.

Just for people like you, who buy games just for trading cards and are cheap so much that they cannot spend 50cents on such game..Pff, disapointment.
You didn't ask for trading cards you said you won't buy the game unless it has something that is optional to be there.
Cards won't be there until after the sale I'm afraid. It takes time to put all the assets together, and then Valve roll the cards out with a staggered release, it's not instant.
Yeah, until you finish the art for the cards and the outside art PLUS the foils and till valve next release
it takes time and it's understandable!
love the games, will likely put together level 5 badge when they come out
I'm not sure how I feel about cards, they're obviously a marketing trap from Valve to make them money, but at the same time, it makes the developers a little money too. It's kind of sad that a games ratings will increase if it has Steam cards, it shows that people aren't actually playing the game for the game, they're playing it for virtual, pathetic rewards.
Цитата допису Fée de la Mort:
I'm not sure how I feel about cards, they're obviously a marketing trap from Valve to make them money, but at the same time, it makes the developers a little money too. It's kind of sad that a games ratings will increase if it has Steam cards, it shows that people aren't actually playing the game for the game, they're playing it for virtual, pathetic rewards.
You're right, but not all people are like that, some play actually play games and see how this game is awesome. Myself, I owe not many but a decent amount of games, and I had some games that have cards in them and I actually said "WOAH, this game is awesome and I didn't even know it" So yeah, it happens.
Just thought of something, if the bundle is 50 cents like during the steam sale AND have trading cards, it would be quite easy to sell the cards and profit.
If this gets cards, I'll actually get around to finally playing the second game :)
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Опубліковано: 11 лип. 2013 о 16:47
Дописів: 37