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Daniel (dev)  [Entwickler] 22. Juni 2016 um 13:29
Update v0.63.5
This update IS compatible with savegames from previous v0.62+ updates!

- If a tamed Troodon dies, player is notified with a message.
- Added a placeholder option for the future new skill "Stealth" in the character creation menu.
- Damage floating text now also shows damage received from animals or the environment, in red, while damage dealt is now white.
- Damage floating text font changed and size now scales with zoom level.

- Added a new setting to toggle the damage floating text.
- Minor layout changes in the setting menu.

- Tamed adult Troodons will chase and fight baby animals that the player is attacking (not adults for now).
- Tamed baby Troodon can start with Tamed level 50%, instead of 25% (depending on Zoology skill).
- Added red hair color (in character creation).
- Grey hair color made slightly darker.

- Troodons can now attack youngs of their species if starving and over-populated.
- Troodon babies now flee only from predators that are attacking a member of their species, not from all hunting events (like young plant-eaters do).
- Adult T-Rex are less likely to hunt youngs of their species.
- Triceratops and Troodons lay more eggs.

- Tweaked Ferns energy balance to increase their survability during the summer.

- Minor improvements to the game guide.

- Minor optimization to CPU usage.

- Fixed adult male Troodons that, when tamed, still tried to regroup with other troodons.
- Fixed a bug triggering if saving when the character falls asleep, causing the character to sleep endlessy on reload.
- Fixed never-ending character fire that prevented the player from sleeping and doing other actions.
- Fixed additional minor/rare bugs.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Daniel (dev); 22. Juni 2016 um 14:11
Geschrieben am: 22. Juni 2016 um 13:29
Beiträge: 0