Far Cry Primal

Far Cry Primal

~120mb updates
once a week in the last 3 weeks steam downloaded patches of 120~130mb (the last one was downloaded 5mins ago) but i cant find what theyre about... does anyone know? is it about the screenshot contest thing?
Naposledy upravil sheik; 27. dub. 2016 v 4.19
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would like to know this, too.
just started coming in here.
I hope it has something to do with optimizing the new version. I had anywhere form 55 - 75 fps in game, now, I can hardly play it anymore. Now all I get is anywhere betwen 2 - 13fps. I've already finished the game once, without issues.
Naposledy upravil HunterKiller; 27. dub. 2016 v 9.19
;357284767232190547 původně napsal:
I hope it has something to do with optimizing the new version. I had anywhere form 55 - 75 fps in game, now, I can hardly play it anymore. Now all I get is anywhere betwen 2 - 13fps. I've already finished the game once, without issues.

I have the same problem, now. I've taken a huge perfomance hit
serioulsy? i havent had any issue with performance... the only thing is that my gtx 970 cant mantain 60fps in the snowy parts even with shadows on high (the shadows settings are the ones which impact the most on performance). Other than that, the game runs flawessly.
I wont be able to play it 'till saturday doe... this last 129mb patch improved the performance for you guys?
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Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 27. dub. 2016 v 4.19
Počet příspěvků: 4