Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - First Assault Online

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - First Assault Online

Kyrion Jun 16, 2016 @ 2:53am
SUDDENLY! A wild Artist appears XD
Originally posted by Major:
"When I float weightless back to the surface, I'm imagining I'm becoming someone else."

Heysa! Itsa me! (And be happy My name isn't Mario :P)

So: some of You might've noticed me but possibly most of You didn't.

To explain myself: I'm that weirdo freelance drawer doing recently some doodlish ink handmade fanarts under unified cover name of "Dual Phase". If you wanna blame someone for this peculiar occurrence: blame Lumos (she encouraged me and thus gave me final push for it :steammocking:). They might not be quite popular outside my galleries (particularly Memecenter... which even I find interesting fact in fact) and since only one game fanart was on feature and only on twitter: you surely ask yourselves "WAT?" by now.

So let us inquire :D !

"Dual Phase" is my small-time Fanfic/Fanart project based on GitS setting but using original characters inspired in a good part by the ongoing game (mostly I've planned their respective skills to be somewhat: interesting if they were to appear in GitSSAC:FA). Two of my "character projects/game fanarts" are available in Artwork section here on steam (both were also posted by me on Game's FB but it's a harder to find thing). I decided to share a little bit of fanfic setting and the additional info on already shown characters.

The timeline of "Dual Phase" is set on year 2036 (2 years after Solid State Society events). Leading to it are following events:

- During 2025 after World War IV crisis and "Laughing Man" incidenent the topic of 'Cyber Terrorism" becomes urgent issue for UN and separate European countries governments.
- In year 2027 a new UN initiative under codename D.P.S. (Defense Protocol System) gets officially approved. Based on similar successful projects including formation of Japanese "Section 9". The initiative is meant to create small Unit sections of Anti-terrorist squads specialized in fighting against cyber terrorism. Teams are meant to be elite selected and further trained by UN.
- In 2029 first three D.P.S. units are officially established in Germany, Poland and England. In following years they amass good number of achievements and earn trust for the project.
- In 2032 another two new Units are formed in France and Republic of South Africa respectively
- In 2036 after long period of negotiations formation of 6th D.P.S. Unit based in Japan gets approved by Japanese government. The operation receives codename "Dual Phase"

Now onto the particular characters of Unit 6:

Muramasa "Doujigiri" Koryou

Koryou is meant to be field commander of Unit 6. Although she is in fact very young for someone of her rank, she is actually 22 during the 'Dual Phase' storyline. Her 'frame' appearance is solely based on her preferences as she's (much Alike to Major Motoko of Section 9) nearly fully a cyborg. In 2023 right before start of Second Korean War her family was visiting Siam Peninsula regions and their company helicopter fell a victim to one of few very first acts of terrorism which became excuse for the war. With both of her parents dead - Koryou became sole survivor of explosion and following crash, but since her body was beyond saving and only her brain and majority of spinal cord was saved. Adopted soon after at age of 12 by one of her relatives Koryou decided to follow a military training and education. Helpfully her adoptive father was high rank officer of JSDF. Thanks to her talents she quickly became renown young officer and soon after got enlisted into D.P.S. initiative as Unit Field Commander for newly forming Japanese branch.

There is a dual reason for Koryou's rank in D.P.S.. One officially claimed is her outstanding education and military training records which in fact mention her as one of best current Japanese CQC specialists and instructor with expertise in 5 fighting styles including 8th Dan in Karate and Kendo. Other is the fact that she is a heir to distinguished family. Surprisingly her heritage "Muramasa Fine Arts" is an artisan family based company with a long history within Japan. It is however a very respected family based company with certain degree of political influence. Looking for a good foothold for new Japanese D.P.S. branch UN took it into consideration as the initiative would certainly require political back up from within the Japan.

Koryou's personality is somewhat tease in normal circumstances. She is very intelligent individual and seems to enjoy being sarcastic. During the operations however she often would become practically emotionless. It's her default trained mental state. Being faced with severe challenge however and especially left on her own she would actually start to 'enjoy' the situation, so it is not uncommon to see her grinning widely while faced with life or death situation or simply after finding a fine opponent. Although it is a slightly psychotic tendency, people knowing her refer to it simply as Koryou being 'in her groove' and advise to not get in her way if possible once it happens. Being born and raised in Japan she did learn about Section 9 activities and even some operation cases during her time with JSDF and in Military Academy. She became something alike to a 'fangirl' towards Major Motoko admiring her skills and achievements.

In Unit 6 she is a CQC specialist/instructor, trap-master and most of all field commanding officer.

Sukezane Noriko

Being merely nineteen years old Noriko is both: youngest Unit 6 member and youngest individual enlisted into D.P.S. project. Circumstances for that are peculiar as she haves in fact criminal record since the age of twelve. Noriko is an orphan. Since birth she had severe genetic disorder causing an atrophy to parts of her spinal cord and subsequently her legs. Seeing it as opportunity for human implantation research Megatech decided to 'invest' in Noriko. By the age of 9 she already had a multiple experimental brain chips implanted into her along with an equally experimental at the time spinal cord stimulator. Surprisingly Noriko was doing fine with all that treatment and as a matter of fact she was even showing exponentially good skills at hacking and information gathering. At age of 12 Noriko went somewhat rogue. She breached Japanese government network defences and was able to access some of the top secret informations a government had to offer. Learning about hackers identity the government was amazed and decided to 'supervise' her. Especially since it was claimed by her in her testimony that her actions were just dictated by her 'having fun' doing such thing.

Up until age of fourteen Noriko was in fact unable to walk on her own as her legs did not develop properly due to severe flaws in their nerve system. This lead to a surgery at which entirety of her legs was replaced with a cybernetic ones. Their quality was a state-of-art military grade at the time of operation and ever since in last five years they were heavily upgraded twice. She also learned very quickly as to how to use them as well as she took peculiar interest in athletic activities and martial arts. Surprisingly she proved to be able to score outstanding results in both of those matters

Noriko bears a happy-go-lucky personality which does not seem to fade in any kind of situation. It is not weird for her to 'crack a joke' in weird situations. Surprisingly enough Noriko does not seem overly intelligent (more like a ditz in fact) so it's anyone's guess as to how possibly her outstanding hacking skills work.

In Unit 6 she is mid-range combat and infiltration specialist. She is also 1st choice to send on 'Search and Destroy' missions due to uncanny intuition and unorthodox combat tactics

That's it for now!
Hope my walls of text did not bore anyone to their demise :( . Either way: I plan on expanding it to few more characters, adding colour to existing fanarts and possibly doing Bio use arts along with short set of info as fanart artbook? I dunno: if you people like it. If you do: please spread the word! If you don't.... I can stop.Planned are 6 characters for Unit 6 overall (no fun intended). 3 Female and 3 Male (5 operatives, 1 supervisor). And I want to include my own take on Tachikoma as well (since Tachikomas are CUTE!). If all goes well artbook will be born. If that happens: I might wanna try using it on some Irish conventions (like Akumakon or Eirtakon), promoting game in the process (since I like this game! It's fun game and I'm saying it fully aware of my too often title of "Pacifist" XD). I think it's overall fun activity and opportunity for me to go wild on gear and weapons designs as well! (YAY!)

So.... how do You like it :D?

EDIT: Added image links. Did not knew the Steam adds miniatures to 'insider' links. The more I know...
Last edited by Kyrion; Jun 17, 2016 @ 1:02am
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
Kyrion Jun 16, 2016 @ 2:36pm 
Yup, yup I've bored the hell outta anyone even seeing this wall of text ( ´_⊃`)

Staying positive I should probably celebrate this achievement (●´ω`●)
Last edited by Kyrion; Jun 16, 2016 @ 2:39pm
frogger Jun 16, 2016 @ 7:05pm 

Do you draw anything that isn't stylized (anime)?
Kyrion Jun 17, 2016 @ 12:22am 
Originally posted by Frosthowl:
I might be missing something, but I expected some art links.

Do want.

Oops, well I found the steam art lol. Cool stuff

Still if anyone was wondering where it might be :3 :

And if You like it, please check my (more active) galleries:

But most of all: thanks for a praise !

Originally posted by frogger:

Do you draw anything that isn't stylized (anime)?

Good question. But nowadays I'm stuck with Eastern style practically. I did draw even a realistic portraits for a moment and it was easier cash than manga style arts, but neither it put my designing skills into use any way nor it was much fun. Doing manga stuff I can do varying stuff (chibi, armor and gear designs, character expressionsets etc.) and I can do it in multiple styles (fantasy, cyberpunk, modern, steampunk, horror etc.) + I love much much more creating characters (own or someone's) from scratch than doing a portrait from photo :P (in regard to comparing the type of paid commissions)

Now - one could argue that I could do the same doing western style comic. And I could. Still 2 things:
-eastern style haves much greater variety of resources to learn from (several times more artists)
-I prefer that style (nothing against western one though, I like it as well)
Last edited by Kyrion; Jun 17, 2016 @ 1:06am
Kyrion Jun 17, 2016 @ 5:32am 
CRAZY IDEA (Proposed by one of my friends who saw last Livestream with me)

Should I make
Lumos and Disrespect as Section 9 or Unit 6 operatives?

What do you say :3 ? It would sure enough take a bit of time and effort and all... and I'm falling behind with paid commissions already... but it's idea crazy enough to work!

What do You say: Should I :3 ?:steamhappy:

If they agree (and can bear with my slowpoke working pace) I would be happy to draw them... and with weapons (gadgets?) of their choice. But it also goes into the artbook then XD (we may even work out some bios? I'm starting to think it's getting more and more interesting :3 )

EDIT: After livestreamit appears that Raziel woul be 1st included GM.
THANKS FOR SPECS! (and sudden pop-out in the end, gave you quit few fans, for sure XD)
Gotta make it cool :3

Last edited by Kyrion; Jun 17, 2016 @ 3:08pm
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Date Posted: Jun 16, 2016 @ 2:53am
Posts: 4