Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Should not be able to level guns/Improve stats on bots
I think you shouldnt be able to improve stats or level guns up on bots, bots because it breaks the game. Think about it, being able to effortlessly get great weapon upgrades on like all guns, wihtout deserving to have them. I bot farmed qhuite a while to get some guns maxed out. I looked at my stats once. Im not gonna tell you the stats but they were... Undeserved. This needs some sort of patch in my opinion because I dont think bot farming is the way the devs intented the game to be played.
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In skirmish i dont know. But on server where are full bots you can.
Don't care if people BOT farm. I wouldn't care if everyone that bought this game today started out with maxed classes and weapons.
Yea the upgrades are nice but not game changing if anything people who farm on bots are hurting them selfs in the long run. Playing vs humans and bots is a big change most bots run into the open or never shoot at you while you're moving. battles in this game are won and lost based on how people play the classes they picked like squad leaders who never stay alive for thier squad to spawn on them for example.
Understand your argument. I look at it this way. Bots shoot back. Yes, they are easier to kill, but not ever player can devote to full games. While farming bots improves your stats it can also lead to bad habits. Bot farming may help you weapon stats but will not help you much in a 64 human player game. In my experience what is most important is knowing how to move on the objective, how to shoot, and how to support the team. Possibly have shooting bots as half
?. In the stats it does say human kills, etc. Mixwd feelings on this one.
Bots are harder to kill IMO. They move eraticly and literally dodge bullets. Then there's the fact that some bots will insta-kill you while not even facing your direction, or a bot with an MG hipfiring and killing you from 70m+
Humans are way more predictable, way easier to hit while moving, especially if they are 'crouch running.' The only real way that humans are more difficult, is they dont always run out in the open, they hide better than bots, but are way easier to kill IMO. A majority of humans dont have the greatest aim, or reaction time, IMO. There's only a few very skilled players that really give me a run for my money.
Отредактировано Quincy Jones; 20 сен. 2013 г. в 19:28
Автор сообщения: Quincy Jones
Bots are harder to kill IMO. They move eraticly and literally dodge bullets. Then there's the fact that some bots will insta-kill you while not even facing your direction, or a bot with an MG hipfiring and killing you from 70m+
Humans are way more predictable, way easier to hit while moving, especially if they are 'crouch running.' The only real way that humans are more difficult, is they dont always run out in the open, they hide better than bots, but are way easier to kill IMO. A majority of humans dont have the greatest aim, or reaction time, IMO. There's only a few very skilled players that really give me a run for my money.
I totally agree with this, I don't know how many times I was trying to shoot a bot and it just decides to start changing directions every half a second.
Отредактировано LaGGer; 20 сен. 2013 г. в 19:59
It took me an awfully long time to level up machine gunner back in the day (honour level 80, who knew?), but it has to be said, with experience being doled out like nobody's business, it's not hard to improve stats on human servers even if your score is not high at the end of a round.
2nd of all... Focus on player SKILL and not on the GUN. 85% of guys with bot-farmed guns dont know how to use them propetly.
Its a good idea with a bad point: You will need like 1 year to level sniper guns, etc, or high used classes, the typical class (as the marksman) that you can have 1 time every 27 maps you play...
Автор сообщения: LaGGer
Автор сообщения: Quincy Jones
Bots are harder to kill IMO. They move eraticly and literally dodge bullets. Then there's the fact that some bots will insta-kill you while not even facing your direction, or a bot with an MG hipfiring and killing you from 70m+
Humans are way more predictable, way easier to hit while moving, especially if they are 'crouch running.' The only real way that humans are more difficult, is they dont always run out in the open, they hide better than bots, but are way easier to kill IMO. A majority of humans dont have the greatest aim, or reaction time, IMO. There's only a few very skilled players that really give me a run for my money.
I totally agree with this, I don't know how many times I was trying to shoot a bot and it just decides to start changing directions every half a second.

I've noticed that. It seems that, no matter the distance you are from a bot, if you aim at them or adjust your aim the bot will suddenly change direction or start wobbling about in a really strange manner. If I aim ahead of a bot and let them walk over my sights it seems to be ok, but acutally trying to precision aim at them makes them dance.
Then again at close range they have a boatload of stupid in them. "He is 10 meters from me; I have a SMG and I could destroy him if I wanted. NO! I MUST CHARGE HIM AND MELEE! OR MAYBE I SHOULD TAKE COVER! OR CHARGE AND MELEE! OR TAKE COVER! OR OR OR..."
Has someone tried to get the "Chicago Typewriter" achievement? I couldn't care less about achievements, but this one got my attention because you have to kill 10 japanese soldiers with the Tommy without reloading. Of course, I failed miserably.
Автор сообщения: Mahoney
Has someone tried to get the "Chicago Typewriter" achievement? I couldn't care less about achievements, but this one got my attention because you have to kill 10 japanese soldiers with the Tommy without reloading. Of course, I failed miserably.
Wait till you get the drum. But even then it's not incredibly easy, even using controlled fire and short bursts. I still havent gotten that achievement and all of my RS weapons are lvl50 but then again, I only intentionally tried it one or two times. Achievements arent that important to me, especially when there's no real reward when you earn them.
I dont think that its a good idea because of anti-tank rifles and pistoles.Probably weapons shouldnt leveled when you make teamkills.
Отредактировано Radmir Rope; 22 сен. 2013 г. в 14:35
Автор сообщения: Orizuru折鶴
I dont think that its a good idea because of anti-tank rifles and pistoles.Probably weapons shouldnt leveled when you make teamkills.
While you have a good point, because that can encourage team killing, especially for trolls...
If you make a 200m headshot, wouldnt that increase your skill and experience with a weapon, even if the person you shot was a teammate? I know you shouldnt be awarded for team killing, but experience is experience and making a headshot on anyone, enemy, friendly, civilian, requires skill, and therefore should earn experience, IMO. I think that's why TWI didnt remove experience, or even add an experience penalty for team killing.
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Дата создания: 20 сен. 2013 г. в 7:42
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