Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

How would you rate this game now?
Just forget all the past issues and give an honest score for how well this game plays for the audience it's marketed to.
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115/91 megjegyzés mutatása
Coming from someone with over 540 hours in the game: 7/10. It provides the sort of gameplay I want, but it's still very rough around the edges, and the devs have been extremely slow at delivering new content. We have only been relying on custom maps now.
8/10. The basics are there, and they are much better than any other game so far. But needs so much heavy polishment and features that we have been asking for....waiting for RS to come out so they concentrate on standard game.
2/10. Boring stockmaps, boring run and gun gameplay. More Bots than players online. No new content since over a year. Devs are working on RS too make more dman money, instead giving us some content like promised. Two silly maps and still lots of bugs. No Tanks no Halftracks like promised. Compared to RoOst and Mods this game is a bunch of crap. It tastes like piss.
I dont like realism-mode (too much COD for me).

Classic mode is pretty well done, its really challenging. But much more content is needed to reach the awesomeness of RO 1 and RO-DH.
Only one populated classic server out there. And i cant play, because i have been banned for life, complaining about bad teamplay.!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 40-1 ♥♥♥♥♥
Overall its a great game. 8/10. On a side note, dont join the server RGN semper Fi. The admin on there is a total A-hole. He will make you hate the game.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Vulkan; 2013. febr. 3., 11:37
8/10, RGN SUCKS, stay away or not only will you be unfairly banned, but have to listen to one of the EXTREMELY hostile admins, map selection were enjoyable till i was banned for have one good match, i got no warnings, just straight to the menu, nor was i doing anything wrong. If you want an enjoyable experience STAY AWAY FROM RGN SERVERS!
This game is INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATING. It has more bugs than a Haitian hotel. Both this and the BETA version go black as you play and then eventually you can't see a thing. It's a shame to because when it works, not my copy, it has never worked, I play this at a friends house, its a GREAT game. I give this game a 50%. If it worked consitently maybe I would reconsider, but my friend gifted me this game and his has proven to disappoint me everytime as well as waste my time and my friends money.
Game works great for me, have had it for about 6 months maybe? Got almost all classes hero level and more than half the guns maxed or close to it. When you find other people that are "in the zone" and are capable of working together and using strategy it can be VERY fun. I'd give it about 8/10 because yeah.. the graphics were never that great for the engine and the content needs to be expanded already.

There were never really any bugs for me, sometimes a random crash but nothing out of the ordinary. Runs great on my system even though it's rather old. Of course I got the game after the big patch update that fixed it up.
its full of cheaters and the devs dont care 0/10
7/10, with great potential for improvement: 1) [+] CoD run-and-gun is NOT what I'm looking for, and RO2 in Classic mode is as far away from that as I can find so far; 2) [-] No Classic games available without a huge ping for me; 3) [+] No bugs for me, with either Steam or the game itself--Sorry, I'm a techno-idiot, so I can't help with the problems others are experiencing; 4) I know that most coming to the game are used to the run-gun-die-respawn mode of play, but this game could be awesome with actual teamwork and tactics; 5) I normally wouldn't jump into criticizing individuals, but I have to agree about the RGN admin. No, I haven't been banned, because I refuse to listen to his rants and arbitrary flames and bans against others. If he reads this, however, I'll be banned for sure--it's just the type of guy he is.
Phisher_0x029A eredeti hozzászólása:
its full of cheaters and the devs dont care 0/10
As I stated in my comments, above, I'm an old dog noob trying to learn new tricks when it comes to gaming, and especially to FPS games, so I'd appreciate some insight on what cheating is going on. I've heard of aimbots, and I've watched YouTube videos of some of the other cheats, but how do you detect that such is going on in a game you're playing? Are the in-game (Vac) and PunkBuster anti-cheat systems ineffective? I'd appreciate some education on this.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Qarlo; 2013. febr. 3., 16:47
8/10 !!! Someone played the banjo over the radio :D was fun..
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115/91 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. febr. 2., 23:13
Hozzászólások: 91