Feeding Frenzy 2: Shipwreck Showdown Deluxe

Feeding Frenzy 2: Shipwreck Showdown Deluxe

Unable to install
Does anyone else have this problem? Steam opens the installation dialog, but it doesn't show the available space on the HDD nor the space required by the game. It just shows the desired installation path.

When I click next Steam begins the installation, but downloads nothing and I end up with an empty folder. Steam says the game is installed, but I disagree with the lack of any files.
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18/8 megjegyzés mutatása
Same problem here. Report to steam using steam support and they might fix it on your account.
Same problem on Win8.1
same, win7 x64. put in a support ticket... lets see if they fix it.
I'm now able to install the game. I didn't create a ticket and it just got fixed automatically.
Having the same problem.. anyone resolved this?
i think ive found a solution? try downloading the demo- somethin should pop up about owning the full game. then go to your library, right click "delete local content", and reinstall it.
Yes! That worked... Thankyou very much, appreciate it!
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18/8 megjegyzés mutatása
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