Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™

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Sacha  [producent] 25 sierpnia 2016 o 14:05
Crash during Subway Loading Scene - Information Needed
Hi everyone. Our teams have been actively working to identify the exact cause of the crashes during the subway loading scene in Prague (Martial Law).

If you are experiencing these crashes, can you please share more information by answering the questions below (in order):

1. Which platform are you playing on?
2. What is your PSN, XBL or Steam ID?
3. What did you do when returning to Prague? In what order did you complete your objectives before experiencing the crash?
4. Did you trigger hostility before the crash occurred, or were you perfectly stealthy?
5. Do you have any of the DLC content or pre-order bonuses, such as grenades, special weapons, or augmentations?
6. Are you playing online or offline?

Thank you!
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Sacha; 25 sierpnia 2016 o 14:06
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gigea 27 sierpnia 2016 o 12:08 
Początkowo opublikowane przez fBx:
So, I'm fairly sure SM11 is what causes M14 to crash. I had completed SM11 and had the crash in the M14 subway scene. I reverted back to a save where SM11 was started, but not finished yet, and had the crash again. Then I reverted back to a savegame I had at the beginning of M14, before SM11 started, and just ignored Daria when she called me. The subway scene went through without any problem.

So, to be sure don't even touch SM11 if you are worried about the crash. If you have an old save before SM11, load it and try it.

Ignored the Harvester completely. Second playtrough, still crashing when comming back to Prague, can't even do 1 mission. ANY mission.
Corky_ 27 sierpnia 2016 o 12:13 
Okay, so I tried ordering missions differently and ended up resolving the game crash, but it involves having a save before/ during K mission:
Original order (crash) :
k breakout -> talk to williams -> talk to sarif @ home -> sm11 go see doctor (Crash)
k breakout -> talk to williams -> talk to sarif @ home -> Ignore sm11 (Crash)

k breakout -> talk to williams -> do davli stuff in same area -> talk to cyborg lady @ home -> talk to sarif @ home -> sm11 -> talk to doctor -> finish sm11 -> back in area with next mission (No Crash)

hope this helps.
Sacha  [producent] 27 sierpnia 2016 o 12:14 
Hey everyone, thanks for providing details on this issue.

Our team has been able to find a fix, which is currently going through QA.
We are targeting early next week (week of Aug 29) for the release of the next patch including this fix.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you all for your patience and support!
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Data napisania: 25 sierpnia 2016 o 14:05
Posty: 303