ルナティックドーン 前途への道標

ルナティックドーン 前途への道標

Elegnaim 23 jan. 2015 às 17:40
Translation help thread.
Making a separate thread for getting help on the actual text translation side of things.

Here's what I did with the items:


Some of the chinese-based things I just transliterated, which I THINK is what the game wanted me to do -- you have stuff like Iron Armor written out in katakana in one place, and then written out in more Chinese-flavored kanji elsewher. idk how well that'll work, but as I said I think the game was going for a multi-culural flavor.

Few other questions:


No idea what the katakana is saying there. Based on the description and icon for the weapon, it's a maduvu, which is some Tamil thing made of antelope? horns.


Semui and Arkmeyer are apparently bosses in the game. No idea if I'm rendering these right. Vassago and Angolmois are two other bosses, which are references to actual things (Goetia and Nostradamus' prophecies, respectively).
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Elegnaim 24 jan. 2015 às 9:52 

Monster names.

Similar thing with the items -- enemies have different variants based on their alignment I guess, but the naming convention for these is like... One has the English name written in Katakana, one has the Japanese name, and then you might also get one with a Chinese name, but all the names end up translating to more or less the same thing in English. So... yeah. If anyone has a more elegant solution, I'm all ears.

Also some of these are kind of obscure -- クアード・エチムミ appears to be some Sumerian thing, but then I get ネクロゾーン and I think that's just something unique to Lunatic Dawn.
HellyTrad 25 jan. 2015 às 10:35 
I've looked over the monster script. Nice found, that Qat Etemmu, it was a pain to find on the net too. I think ネクロゾーン would be Necrozone, I found a japanese "demonic" wiki explaning how it's some kind of ritual or something.
Anyway I checked all the monsters and modified some (almost all the chinese one). Here you go:


I'll check the items afterwards.
Última alteração por HellyTrad; 25 jan. 2015 às 10:36
HellyTrad 29 jan. 2015 às 15:47 
So, I checked the items
ファルキーズホーンド is actually Fakir's Horns, which is a Steel tipped Maduvu dagger. The more you know...

Anyway here you go for the rest:
Elegnaim 29 jan. 2015 às 20:02 
Cool, I'll start adding these in. Also apparently I can't spell ffffffffff. I think they're are a few I can't change because of the text length (Cursed chrysanthemum doll in particular), and for various reasons I /don't/ want to increase the max field length for item names because they game started freaking out when I did that for town names.

ゴットマスク looks like it's actually Gottmaske/Gott-Maske. I don't know what this is, but it appears to be a thing that matches the in-game icon for the item.

Also I have reason to suspect based on the monster sprite that Mauthe Doog's the intended name there, and not Mother Dog, althoughI think Moddey Dhoo's a more common English name for it.

Anyway, fwiw, the game seems to use kansaiben a lot. I'm totally lost on that.
HellyTrad 31 jan. 2015 às 5:58 
Cursed chrysanthemum doll yeah, I was sure it'd be too long but... well, that's what it is.

Regarding Gott Mask, as Gott also means God I thought I'd just translate it in english either way. I don't mind either way really.

Yeah, I didn't know Mauthe Doog was a real term! I should have googled it before changing it...

Heh, yeah, too much kansaiben for comfort. Do send those over if needed, I'm kinda used to it.
Elegnaim 1 fev. 2015 às 6:20 
Not entirely sure this is actually Kansaiben -- poking around a little more makes me think it might be Kagoshima, although this is very much not a thing I know a lot about. It also seems predominately associated with old people? It's not something showing up that extensively but it is a thing I'm making some assumptions on that I'm not comfortable with.

Here's a few I took a stab at. They probably have other problems besides my uncertainty about what the copulae are doing :)

** When this village was prosperous, they were even selling rare items!

(This one in particular -- no clue what nya is. "ja ga" /appears/ to be Kagoshima for "desu yo/da yo" maybe).

Fire, water, earth, and air - their spirit lives in all things.

(no ja -> n da/no da?)

Weird Codger
** I hear that there are substances governing the stability of society in this world...
(I hear that there are substances governing the stability of the world out there...)

(sou ja -> sou da?)

** Magic Power is dependent on the scale of one's own strength. I didn't forget this.

** The world goes on forever. Yes, forever.
Última alteração por Elegnaim; 1 fev. 2015 às 6:35
HellyTrad 1 fev. 2015 às 16:01 
Ja is definitely Da, and Nya is probably Ni wa.

** When this village was prosperous, they were even selling rare items!
Fire, water, earth, and air - their spirit lives in all things.
** The world goes on forever. Yes, forever.

Yeah, I'm fine with those

** I hear that there are substances governing the stability of society in this world...
(I hear that there are substances governing the stability of the world out there...)

I would go for:
I heard that some substances govern the stability of the world...

** Magic Power is dependent on the scale of one's own strength. I didn't forget this.

I would go for:
Magic power depends on your very own strength. Never forget that.
TONGPOO 10 fev. 2015 às 7:03 
are there any japanese? im japanese, and i wanna help you guys, but my english really suck :(


I would go for:
** Magic Power is dependent on the scale of one's own strength. Never forget that.
HellyTrad 12 fev. 2015 às 15:50 
Nope, no japanese, just enthusiasts :)
Welcome aboard anyway!
Still Going 22 fev. 2015 às 15:58 
wow thank you guys for all your hard work! :)
Elegnaim 25 abr. 2015 às 12:33 
Going over some NPC and item text.


Unsure if Helly already got this one, but this totally lost me. I think the last half is like "... listening to me, but that's what friends are for?" It's a little unreasonable for me to cherish them listening to me, but that's what friends are for, maybe..?
HellyTrad 26 abr. 2015 às 4:30 
I think 無理は聞いてくれる in this context means Ask the impossible. I'd translate the whole sentence like that:
Treat them well and you can ask the impossible from them once in a while, that's what comrades are for.
Última alteração por HellyTrad; 26 abr. 2015 às 4:31
Elegnaim 27 abr. 2015 às 17:49 
[I'll pass the remainder of this set off if I get stuck on it. I wanna try bashing my head against it some more for my own education, though].

I think the first part's something like "My nephew took in a lot of New Year's gifts. That pochibukuro thing..." No clue what なんとかならんかね is doing though.

(It's simply awful to get married, when the person doesn't live up to your dreams.)?

(A house is encouraged if you want children. Do your best!)?

(No idea)

(A battle axe consisting of a grip and pommel._=?

(There's even an item out there that show's the treasure chests inside a dungeon on your map.

I'm thinking "内の宝箱" might mean "inside the treasure chests", but afaik the item in question just shows you where they are, not what's in them?)
Última alteração por Elegnaim; 28 abr. 2015 às 19:43
HellyTrad 29 abr. 2015 às 13:24 
I misplaced the new year's gift I wanted to give my nephew. What did I do of that gift...
ポチ袋 is some kind of gift enveloppe with money inside japanese people give each other (like during new year)

Marrying someone who isn't your ideal person is a big no-no.

If you want children, do your duties at home as much as possible. Have fun! *wink*

If you love each other, age difference is...well it's still a bit annoying...

A battle axe consisting of a grip and pommel.
Unless it's some obscure metaphor or some rare proverb, I believe your translation is on the mark.

There's even an item out there that shows the treasure chests inside a dungeon on your map.
Your translation is just, inside the treasure chests would be 宝箱の内
Última alteração por HellyTrad; 29 abr. 2015 às 13:25
Elegnaim 18 mai. 2015 às 20:25 
"Bridal Bouquet ならどこにだってあるぜ。 例えば「%C」の「%D」に売っているしな。"

This should be quest hint text. It comes from:


"ならどこにだってあるぜ。 " getting inserted into slot %B. %A is an item name. Sample text:

In particular, what's shina doing at the end there?
Última alteração por Elegnaim; 18 mai. 2015 às 20:58
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