Driver San Francisco

Driver San Francisco

h4tfan 28 czerwca 2015 o 11:55
[Solved]: Windows 7 64-bit [Uplay Works with Online Features]
EDIT 2016-05-28: Finally have this working flawlessly. My network router required port forwarding enabled and port settings specificly for Uplay on PC -> plus additional port settings for Uplay's Driver San Francisco. I required additional settings for 'The Crew' too. These settings have worked for months and continue to work with the free upgrade to Win10.

The port settings;
EDIT 2015-07-06+: Youtube information in another post offered assistance into Uplay settings. The video displays an old Uplay menu, but similar settings in the newer menu may have done the trick. I'll review them tomorrow to see if they still work.
EDIT 2015-07-06: Spent time looking at the windows configuration with focus on the potential of programs conflicting with Uplay. Did not find a solution, but have narrowed the avenues for me to review. Next; My Internet Provider and Network Router's ability to permit the cummnication needed for Uplay. I did find a pattern that allows me to play the game, however it disconnects the online features. This disconnection is related to Uplay's need to interact with my PC in a specific way and is prevented from doing so.
Uplay Setting;
1]Open Uplay. (Install Uplay from if needed)
2]Click Cogwheel Icon in the upper-right, Select: Settings.
3]In 'GENERAL'; Un-check all boxes.
5]Shutdown PC.
The Pattern;
1]Power on PC. (NOTE: Important for Steam to not activate at start-up)
2]Open Uplay. (Install Uplay from if needed)
3]Launch Driver San Francisco from Uplay.
4]Wait while Uplay initiates the launch of Steam. (this launch creates a needed delay)
5]Click through any pop-ups QUICKLY. (a delay here will likely result in Driver.exe error)
6]Game launches and coveys a message;"Connection Error"
"Your connection to Ubisoft server has been lost."
"Online features will not be available until you sign in again."
7]Press 'Enter" and play the game.
NOTE: Multiplayer and Ubisoft features will not work and Steam will not log time played.
EDIT 2015-07-05: Game Launch Failure; Driver.exe Stopped Working. Worked yesterday, but not this morning. It's like a cruel joke. Perhaps the Uplay servers are loaded heavy this morning. I don't know. A couple more attempts in the afternoon simply locked the PC.
EDIT 2015-07-04: The game launched and is playable. A few days ago, a message from Uplay Representitives conveyed they were aware of issues. Things may be looking up. I re-installed over the past few days in hopes of a fix. It didn't help, but I found that setting compatibility for files in the Uplay Folder is not neccessary. However, I am running Compatibility for the Steam Fileset as XP SP2 and set to Run as Adminitrator. I have not tested to see if the Steam Fileset needs the Compatibility settings.
EDIT 2015-07-01: Noticed a pattern where Steam, Steamwebhelper and Uplay would obtain a series of remote addressess when first launched. Driver.exe would crash, then I'd wait for the applications to release the addresses and play once more from Steam. The 2nd launch would play for a short time followed by a frozen PC. I suspect a communication and/or validation issue with Uplay. Still uncertain.
EDIT 2015-06-29: Worked for 2 Days. Currently the PC locks-up and I'm looking into the issue.
I purchased Driver San Farancisco in 2012. This game would freeze the PC and my attempts to resolve it failed. I was unable to find a fix and simply gave up -> until this weekend. I googled about and found a player's simple instruction, "Change all executables for Uplay and DSF to Compatability and Administrative." I do remember setting compatibility for DSF. There was improvement but the game would freeze shortly after gameplay started.

This weekend I set ALL Uplay and DSF applications for compatibility and it worked, the game runs fine. I wish this was performed years ago. The lastest issue is that Uplay may hide Steam's Launch Winow. It will 'feel' like the game isn't launching then I realise the Play Button appeared behind Uplay.

This may help someone having the same issue;

Driver San Francisco from Steam in Windows 7 64-bit

Perform actions [a]thru[f] for each of the files 7-10 listed below (ignore 1-6).
a]'Right-Click' the Filename and 'Click' Properties.
b]'Click' Compatibility
c]'Click' Check-box Run this program in compatibility mode for:
d]'Select' Windows XP (Sevice Pack 3) -> if unavailable 'Select' Windows Vista.
e]'Click' Check-box Run this program as an administrator
f]'Click' OK

(Skip)C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Driver San Francisco

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Driver San Francisco\bin\win32

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Driver San Francisco\Support\Ubisoft

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Driver San Francisco\Support\Ubisoft Game Launcher
Ostatnio edytowany przez: h4tfan; 28 maja 2016 o 13:22
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supergradio 28 czerwca 2015 o 17:52 
Strange, I run Windows 7 64-bit pro and Uplay and Driver SF works fine. It's the non-xbox controller that gave me quite the headache. In the end running the 32bit version of x360ce emulator works with a few quirks. Every time I change the gamepad settings I must restart the game because the controls go wacky until the game is relaunched. Also, no analog throttle is possible without a strange jerky montion when turning. Returning to a button for gas and one button for brake/reverse and it works fine.

5 years of Developement! It shows. Polished game... well sorta... you know what I mean.
h4tfan 28 czerwca 2015 o 18:04 
Yes, the game is great. I was very unhappy with the purchase and had never played it until yesterday. I'm not sure why some PCs have issues with it. I have a feeling it may be dual video cards in crossfire. Perhaps it's a chipset compatability issue? I don't know. I have a G25 and should pull it out of storage, as my hands are aching from repetitive key-strokes. Currently having a ball jumping through the hills chasing down the violator drivers.
supergradio 28 czerwca 2015 o 22:21 
I'm running an i7 with a two-way SLI configuration. That accounts for something. What... I don't know. What I do know is that I appreciate gamers like yourself that take the time to post potentially game changing, time saving, headache curing information for the rest of us. If I crack the x360ce settings for optimal no wackiness control I'll do the same. Also, I'd appreciate some help populating my challenge times. I can recepricate the effort.... in due time.
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Data napisania: 28 czerwca 2015 o 11:55
Posty: 3