Dirty Bomb

Dirty Bomb

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Syn 17/set./2016 às 22:37
Exploiting The Dirty Bomb Truth
Edit: To learn more go here to the Dirty Bomb Forums... http://forums.dirtybomb.nexon.net/discussion/32435/lets-talk-about-the-change-team-function/p1

Attention all new players! Use this "Feature" or be pub stomped... Conform or get wrecked, everyone does it, don't let them B.S. you. You have to do it, or you will be spawn camped.

Hey guys, wanna learn a cool Exploit for the game that is approved by the community and completely acceptable?

When in a match, you can switch teams. By doing this, you can be on the team with the players you want to be with.

This is not too known by all players, most just kinda stay on whatever team they're put on, but a lot of more experienced players know that you can switch teams.

So what players do is... Let the game auto select balanced teams, then when the game starts they switch to whichever side they want to be on, and after they are on a team together, they pub stomp newer players.

Why am I telling you this?

I want the devs to fix this problem, the Team Change feature is a very outdated form of attempting to balance teams. The game should auto-balance teams and they should be locked in. The ONLY time it can change is if the Shuffle System is voted and agreed on.

Why is the Change Team feature good?

Som players do use it to balance teams and some also use it to play with their friends. Both great reasons to have the feature.

Why is this bad?

Players trying out this great new game are getting STOMPED by the players doing this Team Stacking Exploit.

Players get frustrated that the Team Balancing is crap, they can't win, and are just getting rolled, so they stop playing this game. Bad reviews of balance and pay 2 win are then placed on the Steam Reviews. (This is bad for your game devs.)

Overall this is terrible for everyone. New players aren't having fun and leaving the game, Experienced players are losing their community because players are not sticking to the great game, and Devs are losing customers.

How can this Exploit be fixed?

Don't let players switch teams. That's it, easy fix. Put it in the next patch. *Wipes hands clean* But instead the issue is being silenced and swept under the rug. If no one sees it, it will go away.


For anyone checking out this game, and just coming to the Discussion forums to see what's generally up, here is the breakdown.

THIS GAME IS GREAT! I love it, it's not Pay 2 Win, and it feels like a great mix between TF2 and CS:GO. Wonderful wonderful game!

Every game has flaws, and this one is no different, but don't let flaws deter you from playing this game, don't let my post sway you wrong, because this game is awesome. PLAY IT! (And also help the devs fix issues like the one I'm pointing out here.)



Let's talk about a PERFECT WORLD SCENARIO...

In a perfect world, each team would have equal skill distributed between the 2 of them. So let's create that scenario.

Players will each have a skill level, to keep it simple will we range that skill level from 1-10.

Perfectly Balanced teams

Team 1 - 10, 9, 8, 7, 5, 5, 2, 2 (8 Total Players) 48 Team Power

Team 2 - 10, 9, 8, 7, 5, 5, 2, 2 (8 Total Players) 48 Team Power

I'd expect this match to be pretty fair, making for a great game experience.

So how Can I exploit this perfect world?

Team 2 has a player drop from the game, unkown reason, and it was one of the 5s.

If any player from Team 1 that is above 5 changes team to Team 2 now, let's just say the 9 switches, then Team 1 will be down a player, and Team 2 will have a Stacked team.

The numbers would look like this.

Team 1 - 10, 8, 7, 5, 5, 2, 2 (7 Total Players)

Team 2 - 10, 9, 9, 8, 7, 5, 2, 2 (8 Total Players)

So Team 1 now has about 39 total team power, while Team 2 is sitting at 52 team power.

There is still an available slot for someone to join Team 1, but the random player that joins is like rolling the dice, you are going to get a player level between 1-10, but you don't know what level, and the game never accounted for this character in its original team balancing at the beginning of the game.

Even if Team 1 gets another 10, their team power is still only at 49 compared to Team 2 at 52 team power.

This is pretty close to being perfectly balanced, but in the end, one team is still Stacked.

Another way this can be done, because it doesn't only rely on "if a random player drops" is at the beginning of games, if both teams aren't completely full yet this can happen...

Team 1 - 10, 9, 5, 2, 2 (5 Total Players)

Team 2 - 10, 9, 5, 2, 2 (5 Total Players)

So here we have 2 balanced teams that still have 3 slots before the teams become full.

How can I Exploit this?

The match starts and about 2 mins into what looks like is going to be a pretty fair and balanced game some random newcomer joins Team 1. Now Team 1 has an extra player, so anyone from Team 1 can join Team 2 if they choose to. Let's say the 9 from Team 1 decides to switch teams. This is what it looks like.

Team 1 - 10, 5, 2, 2, ? (5 Total Players)

Team 2 - 10, 9, 9, 5, 2, 2 (6 Total Players)

Now the teams are stacked. Team 1 has a newcomer with an unknown skill level, that wasn't balanced by the original match balancing, while Team 2 has an extra player, and that player is a 9. So Team 2's now has a 37 team score while Team 1 has a score ranging from 20-29, because we don't really know how good that new player is yet.

So in both of the scenarios the game might end up filling out with players, and who knows what kind of player will join your match, and I know there are many other variables, this is a simplified version of what is happening in a majority of matches.

So even with a PERFECT WORLD SCENARIO the change team ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is an easy way to break the balance of any game. Hence it needs to be removed from the game, and let Shuffle do the work of balancing, along with the original match start team balancing.


TL;DR Seems you don't care enough about the game, so be it.
Última edição por Syn; 22/set./2016 às 8:44
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Exibindo comentários 115 de 29
Ja'Crispy 17/set./2016 às 22:38 
...I didn't realize only experienced players could see the switch teams button.
Flatmouse 17/set./2016 às 23:00 
Team switching only works from a team with more people to a team with fewer. This means right out of the gate, only 1 player can switch. If 2 players switch over, that means the other team was outnumbered by 2 to begin with, etc. I often see team switching used as a way to balance when the vote shuffle doesn't pass, or as a way for a carrying player to switch sides at halftime to the weaker team. The shuffle is garbage at balancing. Team switching is a good thing.
Sword 17/set./2016 às 23:25 
Yes god forbid people actually switch teams to balance them. Can't have that now can we?
BallonDior 17/set./2016 às 23:27 
I switch teams because sometimes the opponent team is 2 man down and they are all below level 20.
If they are all above level 25 and my team is all below level 15 then I just stay because someone will surely come to their team later.
Also when it's all high levels vs all lower levels then I switch to the low level team.
Ja'Crispy 17/set./2016 às 23:33 
Escrito originalmente por WATAMAN:
I switch teams because sometimes the opponent team is 2 man down and they are all below level 20.
If they are all above level 25 and my team is all below level 15 then I just stay because someone will surely come to their team later.
Also when it's all high levels vs all lower levels then I switch to the low level team.
Lies. People obviously only exploit team switching to stack teams.
SWGamer[FTS] 18/set./2016 às 0:16 
I saw a nice guy help us we were 2-6 and 3vs8 and then he joined and we managed to win a 4vs8
Última edição por SWGamer[FTS]; 18/set./2016 às 0:16
BallonDior 18/set./2016 às 0:56 
Escrito originalmente por Butt Stallion <3:
Escrito originalmente por WATAMAN:
I switch teams because sometimes the opponent team is 2 man down and they are all below level 20.
If they are all above level 25 and my team is all below level 15 then I just stay because someone will surely come to their team later.
Also when it's all high levels vs all lower levels then I switch to the low level team.
Lies. People obviously only exploit team switching to stack teams.
Not everyone is a "Butt" Stallion. :steammocking:
I'm trash, but even I still swap all the time to try and balance teams a bit.
Sometimes I swap to be on the same team as a friend or a member of my clan, but I just as often swap to be on the oposite team so I can kill them to death.

Please don't advicate for getting rid of the only way we currently have to balance teams in the game before CMM comes.

PS. Shuffling doesn't count... I've literally seen shuffles where no one was changed at all, or only 1 person was changed. And I've also seen both teams being changed entirely. It never helps.
Syn 18/set./2016 às 7:25 
Hey guys, thanks for the input! :)

Escrito originalmente por Flatmouse:
Team switching only works from a team with more people to a team with fewer. This means right out of the gate, only 1 player can switch. If 2 players switch over, that means the other team was outnumbered by 2 to begin with, etc. I often see team switching used as a way to balance when the vote shuffle doesn't pass, or as a way for a carrying player to switch sides at halftime to the weaker team. The shuffle is garbage at balancing. Team switching is a good thing.

Yes, but if you wait for timing and stuff you can switch teams pretty regularly. I know there are restrictions, but it still happens.

Escrito originalmente por Sword:
Yes god forbid people actually switch teams to balance them. Can't have that now can we?

Not everyone is a golden stallion, there are still a lot of players out there that use this to their advantage to Stack teams.

Escrito originalmente por WATAMAN:
I switch teams because sometimes the opponent team is 2 man down and they are all below level 20.
If they are all above level 25 and my team is all below level 15 then I just stay because someone will surely come to their team later.
Also when it's all high levels vs all lower levels then I switch to the low level team.

That's great, and actually I do see a lot of community memebers willing to shuffle or switch teams to balance the games out, but there are still plenty of people doing whatever they can to get an advantage and Pub Stomp players, which we all know just isn't any fun.

Escrito originalmente por SWGamer #anotherezexam:
I saw a nice guy help us we were 2-6 and 3vs8 and then he joined and we managed to win a 4vs8

That's awesome, there are some nice and great players out there, but this topic is definitly more about the people taking advantage of the system, and causing the game to have a flaw that makes it not fun at times.

Escrito originalmente por AraHatesYou:
I'm trash, but even I still swap all the time to try and balance teams a bit.
Sometimes I swap to be on the same team as a friend or a member of my clan, but I just as often swap to be on the oposite team so I can kill them to death.

Please don't advicate for getting rid of the only way we currently have to balance teams in the game before CMM comes.

PS. Shuffling doesn't count... I've literally seen shuffles where no one was changed at all, or only 1 person was changed. And I've also seen both teams being changed entirely. It never helps.

While I see your point, overall it's used more for the Exploit than for keeping things balanced and fun. In the end the Shuffle mechanic could be altered a bit to make it work more properly, but this Team Stacking Exploit gets used way too often, and it's really why many players will leave the game a bad review.


I can definitly see both sides of the tracks here, but people taking advantage of others should be delt with. Team Stacking should not be possible, the game should auto balance, and if it gets it wrong, that's what Shuffle is for. Also they are adding a feature to let you party up soon, you can check their video updates to learn more, so hanging out with your friends is on it's way.

Let's fix this Team Stacking Exploit, because the negatives definitly out weigh the positives when it comes to gameplay, reviews, and maintaining customers.
Última edição por Syn; 18/set./2016 às 7:27
Fornax The Lazy 18/set./2016 às 8:17 
Personally ,I just hate that when you somehow persuade enough people to team shuffle,the system did literally nothing and ♥♥♥♥ on you,your computer,your hopes and your dreams.
Syn 18/set./2016 às 8:24 
Escrito originalmente por Fornax The Guy:
Personally ,I just hate that when you somehow persuade enough people to team shuffle,the system did literally nothing and ♥♥♥♥ on you,your computer,your hopes and your dreams.

That is understandable, I haven't played enough to see the Shuffle Issue, but it's something that would have to be fixed along with this Exploit.
Última edição por Syn; 18/set./2016 às 8:25
Arolust 18/set./2016 às 8:53 
I find the game often puts me on the side that is going to lose and get stomped, it doesnt seem to matter if I use auto match making or server browser.

Now I try to only join even number populated servers (like 14/16, 10/12) no odd numbers, this way the moment I get to the waiting room I switch teams. I have noticed a significant increase in being on the team stomping instead of being stomped.
Syn 18/set./2016 às 9:29 
Escrito originalmente por Arolust:
I find the game often puts me on the side that is going to lose and get stomped, it doesnt seem to matter if I use auto match making or server browser.

Now I try to only join even number populated servers (like 14/16, 10/12) no odd numbers, this way the moment I get to the waiting room I switch teams. I have noticed a significant increase in being on the team stomping instead of being stomped.

Correct, I've been testing out this team switching today, and I've won 4/5 matches in a row. The 1 loss I experienced was me incorrectly evaluating which team had the better players.

I'm not too good at the game, probably only average, but if I make sure to switch teams, I can stack the teams with just my presense.
Última edição por Syn; 18/set./2016 às 9:30
SWGamer[FTS] 18/set./2016 às 10:05 
Ok ♥♥♥♥ my other reply.I was with a lvl 6 guy and we had a lvl 42 and other team had a lvl 9 and lvl 84.And guess what the lvl 42 ♥♥♥ did.He stacked with them.I am only lvl 14.I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tryhard and still lost 3-6.Do something please.
Última edição por SWGamer[FTS]; 18/set./2016 às 10:06
Sword 18/set./2016 às 13:01 
The issue here isn't really "golden stallions" vs "butt stallions."

The issue as I understand it is human nature. So long as we have the option to switch teams, people will switch teams, for good reasons and for bad reasons.

Taking away the option entirely will effectively stop that but then you end up with numerically unbalanced teams that can't be fixed. Vote shuffling to balance teams is not a good option as that system can be and is abused already.

When you have people quit or crash mid-match the teams will be unbalanced. Also, when you have one person who is simply dominating and way better than everyone else in the room, the teams will be unbalanced and making the teams 8 vs 3 to balance that one guy isn't a good solution either.

I don't know what the best fix would be, but I feel like taking away the option for players to try to correct imbalance is not a good solution.
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Publicado em: 17/set./2016 às 22:37
Mensagens: 29