Worms W.M.D

Worms W.M.D

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This game is dead - THANKS TEAM 17
Cant even get a 6 man game going, and I bought this for myself and a friend, there goes 60 dollars down the drain, thanks alot Team 17
< >
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Hey Lizard88,

Sorry to hear that you've had trouble finding the larger multiplayer lobbies at all times. We're working hard to make the experience as enjoyable as possible across all platforms and part of that is introducing features that the community have requested. Some of the next big features we have on our roadmap are cross play and global chat, which we feel the community are really going to enjoy.
I hope your right because I feel like I wasted my money so far because I can only play against my friend when he feels like it, after spending 60 dollars
try to join a worms group so you can play more often with random group members
DUKAPb 18. Okt. 2016 um 13:56 
Lizard88, you need say your "thx" to the people which wanted to see "more competitive scheme". They ruined first reviews on the successful game and later TEAM 17 went to meet them and killed the game.
Its the same BS that happens with all the worms games. Clan wars was dead too. Team 17 is beyond incompetent. This game should have had cross play from the beginning. Literally not one game is being hosted at peak play hours all the time.
Lol guys... i read everywhere worms is so popular... i bought worms 4 on my iPad.. no player and Wasted 5€... bought worms wmd here, no players, wasted 30€...
Rantsi 19. Okt. 2016 um 1:44 
I would play ranked games if the rating system was somewhat reasonable. I grinded games to get the silver grenade but now I feel there's no point in playing more. In top 20 there's just six players (five in top 10) who have better winning ratio than me. Yet I'm 31st with 146 played games. For a top 10 position I would need to grind at least 135 games more (and win all the games). Top 1 position is already 752 wins away from me. Any plans on moving to a system where you gain/lose points based on the rating difference?

Maybe I'll try to organize some rope scheme games once the global chat is there.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Rantsi; 19. Okt. 2016 um 2:13
Recent reviews changed the "Mostly Positive" into "Mixed". Are these reviews follow the No Man's Sky path (which currently has Overwhelmingly Negative recent reviews)?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Happy Pink Pony; 19. Okt. 2016 um 4:08
I predicted that the game would be exactly like this before it even launched. No global chat, divided player base (no cross play), a stupid crafting system, and the list goes on and on. I often log on and can't find a single game hosted, and this is during hours that should be very active. When I can get a game going, it's usually vs. idiotic noobs, or people who single me out and attack only me, even when another player with more HP is conveniently close by. Last night I hosted a game and "Captain America" (above) joined and focused only on me. I eventually just quit the match because there's no fun in getting attacked every single turn, and it's blatantly obvious that the other player is being purposefully ignored. I hope that when they do update the game to add a global chat lobby they don't mess that up. I also hope that it shows at least a little info about games in progress so that even if a game isn't currently hosted, we know it's not totally dead. WMD should still be in beta right now. At this point I honestly don't know if I would buy another Worms title in the future. I'm so tired of bad decision-making.
skunk ^ you have to be assertive, if there are idiots create and host your own game with fair rules... simple as that. this game is very good once people actually join, but reviews like this wont help one bit , ignore this opinion. there is global chat . ..PAGE DOWN in game and chate icon top left hand corner once hosting...
Wow, Skunk3. Way to call me out cause you quit a game like a baby. It was a 3 person game and the other guy was a newb who could barely double jump. Of course i singled you out....and you quit. LOL
Ursprünglich geschrieben von libertycaps86:
skunk ^ you have to be assertive, if there are idiots create and host your own game with fair rules... simple as that. this game is very good once people actually join, but reviews like this wont help one bit , ignore this opinion. there is global chat . ..PAGE DOWN in game and chate icon top left hand corner once hosting...

I created my own game. It's a shame that I have to tell people to abide by certain rules, otherwise people will just gang up on me. (This is why I prefer the W:A community because they just 'get it.') The game that I described was a 3 player free-for-all and I just can't be bothered playing when one or more people OBVIOUSLY single me out and ignore everyone else. I barely enjoy the game already, but when people make it their holy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ jihad to eliminate me, I lose all interest... unless its 1 vs 1.

LIberty, this game isn't 'very good.' It has numerous problems and potential buyers need to be aware. I have stood up for Team17 for years and defended them, but I'm done. They continue to make critical mistakes and have lost my trust and respect. Also, in-game chat is not GLOBAL chat. I am talking about a global chat lobby, WormNET style.

@ Captain America - Of course I quit. Why would I want to play a match in which you are going to completely ignore the other player and focus on only me? Yeah, the other guy wasn't great, but still... it was a waste of my time. Attitudes like yours are a big reason why I don't like playing newer Worms games.
Captain America often focuses me, and I focus him, because we both know what we're worth, and that we're quite decent players.

Once again skunk, you're a really good player, but if you can't accept that people are gonna focus you because you're the biggest threat, then stick to playing with people who share the same mindset as you.

I try to keep things even, but if there's one guy that's obviously above everybody else, I will go slightly out of my way to damage him. I will not use 3 ninja ropes, a jetpack and a parachute just to do it, but you get the idea.

Or just play 1v1 all day, that's about as fair as it can be. Pro scheme, 1v1, no crates, no vehicles. It also needs other small adjustments as I've discussed with another player when we played that scheme, but it's quite good.
Amen, Euphytose.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Aledevi:
Lol guys... i read everywhere worms is so popular... i bought worms 4 on my iPad.. no player and Wasted 5€... bought worms wmd here, no players, wasted 30€...
Thats what happend me too
< >
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Geschrieben am: 18. Okt. 2016 um 2:53
Beiträge: 57