If My Heart Had Wings

If My Heart Had Wings

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Chalis Nov 18, 2014 @ 7:06am
Heavily Censored, dont bother.
Sadly this is one of the more extreme cases of a VN getting the axe. Most of the content that makes a visual novel a visual novel is gone.

As such they are left with a bland, awful VN that appeals to no-one.

See the link for more details. http://visualnovelaer.fuwanovel.org/2013/07/why-i-wont-be-buying-if-my-heart-had-wings/

Instead, why not buy the original japanese copy and play that with a fan translation.
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rusanon Nov 18, 2014 @ 7:52am 
Our patch is not really "fan translation" — we used MoeNovel's translation as base, and added/changed about 30% of lines, of which most are h-content.
Weaver Nov 18, 2014 @ 12:42pm 
Aww, if the H scenes are removed I'm just not really into it.
Bellum Nov 18, 2014 @ 1:10pm 
Thanks for the link, it was a good read. I'm not touching this censored mess.
Mark-James Nov 18, 2014 @ 1:15pm 
It's nice seeing companies trying to appeal to a casual audience for visual novels and I understand their motive somewhat, but I'll never buy visual novels that have been butchered by censorship.
Shinku Nov 18, 2014 @ 2:03pm 
the censored stuff doesn't matter, anyone that buys a VN on steam knows what they're getting. the translation is the bad part. it is a readable, but it gets worse as the game goes on. pretty inexcusable for a game like this to have a mediocre translation.
Utumo Nov 18, 2014 @ 6:25pm 
While Valve is not faultless in the matter, there is still fault that lies with the companies that wish to bring visual novels to the west and feel the need to change the content of these VNs to reach and appeal to a wider audience. For example, one of the producers at Moenovel has said in an interview (part of this is quoted in the link in the original post) that ero content was removed to make it easier to distribute to a wider audience, and that they want to expand the knowledge of the existence of these VNs to other audiences. Do note that this game has been available for english for quite some time (over a year I believe), and this Steam release is not its initial debut.

Moenovel is an example of a company that is willing to cut/change content to market VNs to a wider audience. It is important to be aware of this before purchasing if you are interested in VNs.

Personally, I disagree with this strategy and mindset, and while Steam and how many cultures view sexual content are to blame, Moenovel is not innocent.
Last edited by Utumo; Nov 18, 2014 @ 6:25pm
Ragnawind Nov 18, 2014 @ 9:19pm 
I personally though MoeNoevel's all ages version was quite enjoyable. The only problem was Ageha's route in which most of it made no sense at all. The other routes were perfectly fine and the h-Scenes didn't detract from the game at all by being removed. The text was not proper english oftentimes, but you have to keep in mind that the company itself doesn't seem to have native english speakers and are a small company, as well, with only the one title.

Also, the other titles available on Steam all still have an official english translation of their uncensored versions, when they have one to begin with. You can also still use the data from said official releases to convert the Steam version into the adult version. You could also probably use the fan restoration patch for this on the Steam version and have the uncut version on Steam in english.
md2501 Nov 19, 2014 @ 6:22am 
I'll buy it to support VNs on Steam, but I will have to get the full version somewhere else when I want to actually play it.
HunterSeeker Nov 19, 2014 @ 2:48pm 
Originally posted by Niyari:
the censored stuff doesn't matter, anyone that buys a VN on steam knows what they're getting. the translation is the bad part. it is a readable, but it gets worse as the game goes on. pretty inexcusable for a game like this to have a mediocre translation.

It matters when the censorship is done by the publisher rather than the developers. The degree of modifications done is completely unheard of - worse still - the justification for this is because they "want 12 year old French girls to enjoy (this)" (actual quote)

-----> IMAGINE pulp fiction is censored to become PG12. No seriously. Think about it.
Last edited by HunterSeeker; Nov 19, 2014 @ 2:50pm
rusanon Nov 19, 2014 @ 4:33pm 
Yeah, some censoring was outright insane. Like, they replaced "boobs" with "eyes" in dialogue about boob sizes. Whole "do you like girls with big eyes" stuff while game zooms in on girl's chest just makes reader wonder whether they ever actually played game after inserting translation.
To those of you who are critical of this (alleged) "censorship":

Since I don't know anything about this VN...

Does the sexual content add anything meaningful to the story?

Because I've heard of various instances where VN developers add in sexual content just because it sells. I've heard how non-eroge VNs do poorly in comparison to eroge VNs, and I've heard about VNs where the sexual content just really was put in gratuitously and doesn't really add anything to the story and there are even patches that take out the sexual content because it just didn't really fit at all.
Last edited by Quint the Alligator Snapper; Nov 20, 2014 @ 2:56am
Stalinchan Nov 20, 2014 @ 4:42am 
Usually all-age versions of eroge VN's tend to be alright but Moenovel's handling of it turns one of the heroine route's into a gibberish unreadable mess
Suika <3 Nov 20, 2014 @ 6:18am 
for all who think the were only the H-scenes removed

They personally stated that they removed the following:
1. All H-Scenes.
2. Kissing scenes were censored to not show lips touching or tongue.
3. All sexual jokes were removed or replaced.
4. All nudity was removed or censored.

- 32 H CG removed
- 1 SD CG removed (the one with the sex joke)
- 3 CG some variations removed
- 1 SD CG edited to remove panty shot
- 3 CG edited to add towels
- 1 CG edited to remove visible bra under wet shirt
razisgosu Nov 20, 2014 @ 7:43am 
Normally I instantly add any Visual Novel to my watch list, but I'll be steering 100% clear of this one. I don't buy heavily censored games.

@Neozero, if you're the same Neozero from IFI's forums, hi! And my god that is a LOT of removed content. It's like paying for half a game.
See, the funny thing is I'm looking at that list and on one hand I'm wondering what I'd be missing, and on the other hand I'm wondering whether this might actually help VNs get the respect they deserve instead of constantly being mocked (by jerks) and avoided (by people who are not jerks but are too embarrassed to have this game on their profile) for being a genre that boasts smutty content (with screenshots to prove it).

...Then again, one might counter-argue that someone is going to make an uncensor patch and post smutty screenshots anyway...to say nothing of the tons of completely irrelevant non-game "screenshots" that grace community hubs for various other games already.

Now if you're saying that the translation is poor, that's a totally different story, and has nothing to do with the removal or non-removal of sketchy content.
Last edited by Quint the Alligator Snapper; Nov 20, 2014 @ 9:04am
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Date Posted: Nov 18, 2014 @ 7:06am
Posts: 225