Might & Magic Heroes VII

Might & Magic Heroes VII

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Haters love to hate and QQ..Lol look what I started
This happens every single HOMM game after 3. I'll admit 4 was terrible, but there were reasons it was bad. People will argue the story may have been best in series and that they had a lot of good ideas that were improved upon or refined in future additions. When HOMM5 came out, flood of negativity and hate. I loved 5 and I after all was said and done, many people changed their minds about 5 and then hated on 6. Oh Uplay this and Ubisoft that, it's unable, they did this different, or that different. There are less classes...blah blah blah. Whine whine whine. I honestly don't know where all the hate comes from or why people feel the need to trash things. I found both HOMM 5 and 6 to be amazing and honestly I like 7 even more.

I've looked at a few of the reviews and mostly what I see are....WAAAHHHHH we want a fully cinematic opening....I don't like the font or colors they used it looks cheap, or someone key bound stuff wrong because he can't handle the default setting (which is actually quite good), someone said it was dark and unrefined, hard to see stuff on the map (really??? I completely disagree) People are saying there are TONS of bugs, and honestly I've only run into very minor bugs that will more than likely be fixed in their first patch, like combat music not looping. (Let's trash the game's rep because of that q.q) More stupid crap like they didn't like menu design, they didn't like the controls (which are fully customizable btw), the gameplay is slow (also FULLY customizable gameplay speed), someone complained about how the skill tree did nothing (is he drunk??? the skill tree is amazing), a few even said it was dated with no innovation to the genre or series. The only thing I can't speak to and that is probably accurate is that multiplayer is having out of sync issues. Welcome to multiplayer folks, it happens. Civ V anyone? Heh....

My opinion vastly differs from all the hate. Honestly, I'm a few hours in and I'm still blown away by how smooth the launch was compared to HOMM6, how much they've added, the innovation of things like a garrison that builds up to fortify your town without sacrificing recruitable troops, the governors to boost your town in a variety of ways (barely experienced this yet, but its a great idea), control over how to build your hero and choose the skills (which all of the earlier titles relied on a lot of random luck pre-5 or pre-6), the new buildings you can grab, the return of the caravan system, and as I said there have been nearly no bugs at all that's I've run across. You all can see the non-looping music bug and my cursor was freaking out (in a pre-release build) in one combat. Short of that, one item on the world map had a glow but was missing the floating graphic I guess. I still grabbed it no problem. Honestly any and all problems (again no idea about multiplayer) are all very very very minor and at worst a small annoyance.

The one complaint that gets me is that they took an artist approach that you see in many movies. There are tons of movies with a picture montage explaining the story. They decided to do it with statues in various poses. People say how awful it is and how lazy they must be. The voice acting is fine, the story is good, people just need a reason to complain. The developers decided to do something different and people hate it, as is the norm. I'd have preferred a fully animated cinematic too, but it's a very minor thing and I can't grasp how so many people are so upset about it.

If you want my honest opinion, I personally love the game and I'm really leaning toward the best in series. I can't say for sure until I get further along, but I'm really enjoying my time with the game. I'm just a fan of turn based strategy games, and of the HOMM series in general. Reading through those negative reviews I felt 90-95% of them were just absurd.
Terakhir diedit oleh Saica-Fox; 1 Okt 2015 @ 2:18pm
< >
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DefilerGV 30 Sep 2015 @ 9:22am 
So true:)
PhamTrinli 30 Sep 2015 @ 9:23am 
Diposting pertama kali oleh Saica-Fox:
This happens every single HOMM game after 3. I'll admit 4 was terrible, but there were reasons it was bad.
and there are not reasons this launch is bad?
Saica-Fox 30 Sep 2015 @ 9:26am 
Diposting pertama kali oleh PhamTrinli:
Diposting pertama kali oleh Saica-Fox:
This happens every single HOMM game after 3. I'll admit 4 was terrible, but there were reasons it was bad.
and there are not reasons this launch is bad?

It happens with all games now a days even AAA like batman arkham knight... battlefield 4..call of duty....assassians creed...its more common on AAA than this...

This game is not a AAA budget game not by a long shot
[HN] 30 Sep 2015 @ 9:40am 
I love to see the clueless fanboys and kids who can't accept that the game they have waited and paid for trying desesperatly to convince the world that NO, THEY are wrong and the game is PERFECT, THE BEST THEY EVER PLAYED !

Tldr, but the title alone is so stupid that no one will ever take your serriously.

Grow up, learn that some time (most of the time with ubi) the game you wished for is trash, it's not your fault, but it's the reality.
Geeves 30 Sep 2015 @ 9:40am 
Diposting pertama kali oleh Saica-Fox:
This game is not a AAA budget game not by a long shot
Then why the AAA price-tag?
Terakhir diedit oleh Geeves; 30 Sep 2015 @ 9:40am
Ariakas6 30 Sep 2015 @ 9:50am 
Hell_nico you spoiled child stop commenting about the game like your lifestyleü

Edit: Hey nico nub stop writing here shouldnt use your parents pc
Terakhir diedit oleh Ariakas6; 30 Sep 2015 @ 9:57am
[HN] 30 Sep 2015 @ 9:52am 
Diposting pertama kali oleh Geeves:
Diposting pertama kali oleh Saica-Fox:
This game is not a AAA budget game not by a long shot
Then why the AAA price-tag?
Geez Geeves !
Why are you such a hater ? Don't you see that this game is clearly the BEST ?
Even if it's buggy as hell, developed like some lowbudget indy first game, with a ton of reused asset from the previous one and with the Inferno missing so we could gladly pay for it in a DLC ?


Edit : Hey hicuty, you should stop writing here, you don't even make sens. So please go back to school before your mom find out that you use her PC again.
Terakhir diedit oleh [HN]; 30 Sep 2015 @ 9:54am
Vindictus 30 Sep 2015 @ 9:54am 
For $19.99 it would be a great game.
At $49.99 its just fail to pretend to be a AAA title.
[HN] 30 Sep 2015 @ 9:56am 
BUT Vindictus ! How can you be such a hater too ?
Don't you see that this is the BEST GAME IN THE FREAKING SERIES?
Ariakas6 30 Sep 2015 @ 9:59am 
Terakhir diedit oleh Ariakas6; 30 Sep 2015 @ 9:59am
[HN] 30 Sep 2015 @ 10:00am 
MONZUN 30 Sep 2015 @ 10:01am 
i agree its a superb game with some rough edges. BUT it has less rough edges then all other heroes games on launch. so let haters hate i don't care i'm happily playing the game :D

and yeah it could be even the best in the entire series.. not sure about it and won't rate it before i don't have like 50 hours playtime in this game but it has potential to be the best..
Ariakas6 30 Sep 2015 @ 10:01am 
Diposting pertama kali oleh Hell_Nico:

Nice you agree now good
Terakhir diedit oleh Ariakas6; 30 Sep 2015 @ 10:02am
PhamTrinli 30 Sep 2015 @ 10:02am 
Diposting pertama kali oleh Hell_Nico:
[HN] 30 Sep 2015 @ 10:03am 
(is that ♥♥♥♥♥♥ serious ? I think he's serious...)
Yeah hicuty, I totally agree with you ! I was totaly NOT sarcastic (type that on google) with you.

Now please, return masturbating over your perfect game.
< >
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Tanggal Diposting: 30 Sep 2015 @ 9:20am
Postingan: 123