Painkiller: Gold Edition

Painkiller: Gold Edition

terry309 Apr 11, 2015 @ 8:06am
Retail Painkiller and Painkiller Battle out of hell (separate) help!!!
I have Painkiller and Painkiller Battle Out Of Hell separate, Battle Out Of Hell refused to load for some reason so after tampering with it, i had to reinstall it, this caused me to lose EVERYTHING from both the original game and the expansion.

Now this problem happened before and i fixed it by installing one of them (not sure which one). Now however BOOH's data is also missing (which it wasn't the first time). I don't even know where the data is saved, if i did i'd back it up but it seems to be lost in a non existant void.

So i uninstalled Painkiller Battle Out Of Hell and still can't access the original Painkiller. Did it completely overwrite the game deleting my saves? If so then Painkiller Battle Out Of Hell is probably the worst installer ever

Edit: After uninstalling BOOH all my save data is back for the original Painkiller, what is the deal with this? Of course i can't access BOOH but after trying to reinstall it says "Painkiller Battle Out Of Hell is already on your pc" HOW!? I UNINSTALLED IT!

Edit 2: After Installing BOOH again, my original Painkiller data remained... until i launched it from another directory where it was overwritten YET AGAIN. I give up on it, please tell me that the steam release is better.
Last edited by terry309; Apr 11, 2015 @ 8:44am