The Guild 3

The Guild 3

BUG REPORTS - Submitting them the right way
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In order for your bug reports to be actually helpful (and thus get the bug out of the way faster) make sure to follow a few simple guidelines for best practice with bug reports.

I am in no way affiliated with The Guild 3, GolemLabs or THQNordic. I am merely a user trying to help in providing the best possible bug reports to make fixing the bugs easier for the developers.

Want to help?
We're starting a little community effort to help keep the bugtracker organized.
Visit for more information!

Temporary Solutions:
Make sure to visit to find possible temporary solutions to your problem.

The Guild 3 uses Redmine as Bugtracker, this is the best way to submit bugs!!
You can check existing bug reports here:

Don't forget to check if your bug has already been submitted!
If your bug already exists you do not need to create a new report, you can add additional information by pressing "edit" or the chat bubble, this will create a new comment.

Please make sure you are on the latest version before reporting a bug. It is also recommended to start a new save game to make sure the bug has not yet been fixed.

Please create one ticket per issue!

Make sure to include the following parts:
  1. Summary: A short summation of the problem.
  2. The name of the map
  3. If relevant and possible, a screenshot
  4. The Issue: A description of the problem.
  5. The Expected Behaviour: What you think should happen instead of the problem.
  6. Steps to Replicate: What has to be done to cause the problem?
  7. Severity: How bad is the problem?
  8. Don't forget to fill out the "Category" section!
  9. If you have issues with a savegame, attach a copy of the savegame!

Important: Include detailed information about your Hardware, Drivers and Operating System

This can be done by using the "dxdiag" utility. Follow the steps below:
  1. Press Win + R or open the Windows Search.
  2. Type "dxdiag" (without the " ) and press Enter.
  3. In the window that opens press "Save All Information".
  4. Save the file and include it in your bug report.

Thank you!
Ultima modifica da Tao; 20 ott 2017, ore 4:47
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We'll get there :) For now it would be great if more people see this, many of the existing bug reports are ... lacking ;)
Scandal  [sviluppatore] 27 set 2017, ore 4:07 
Thank you, Tao
Would it be a problem if we report bugs in our native languages? I don't want to write a german report and than they have to use Google Translator^^
And... there are 2,3k reports so far, I don't think I'm going to check if there are posts that include my issues AND are reported "correctly" :< I was about to write a big one with several issues. Or would it make your life easier if I wrote 20 reports instead?
There are both german and english speakers in the team, but I do not know how bug reports are handled. When in doubt I suspect english will be preferrable :)
Cant search it see if my bug is listed or not. I cant build smugglers hole says need skill but according to skill tree I have it.
Only one issue about the smugglers hole is on record and that person could build it - could you submit a report about your issue!
Summary: Crashes by tryin to establish an auto trading route.
The Issue:It crashes
The Expected Behaviour: Vehicle should go to market & buy & sell stuff
Steps to Replicate: 1. Klick on Building, selecting vehicle. 2. Used Vehicle Interfache (lecft buttom corner) for start creating an autoroute. 3. Window opens to set points. Points not avalible, or can`t write anywhere. 4. activating the route causes crash
Severity: Ever try to run anything with a bigger prod line without auto route? :D Hope you can fix this! Love that game:steamhappy:
"Game I've personally waited years for just to have it arrive in one of the worst states I've ever seen an early access game be in and unfortunately, the devs are describing it as "nearly complete". GG"
Bug report :

- When you choose a language for you caracter, you can have the 3 vocals playing at the same time.
- When saving, you click the "New Game button" and the text move like 15pixels on the right top

- Lagging a lot
- Game freeze on veryfast mode and crash
- Building turning black like shadows when you Alt+Tab or Alt+Enter

Damit Ihre Fehlerberichte tatsächlich hilfreich sind (und somit den Fehler schneller aus dem Weg räumen), sollten Sie einige einfache Richtlinien für Best Practices mit Fehlerberichten befolgen.

Die Gilde 3 benutzt Redmine als Bugtracker - benutze es!

Vorhandene Fehlerberichte können Sie hier einsehen:

Vergessen Sie nicht zu überprüfen, ob Ihr Fehler bereits gemeldet wurde!
Wenn Ihr Fehler bereits vorhanden ist, brauchen Sie keinen neuen Bericht zu erstellen, Sie können zusätzliche Informationen hinzufügen, indem Sie auf "Bearbeiten" oder die Chatblase klicken.

Achten Sie darauf, die folgenden 5 Teile beizufügen:

1. Inhaltsangabe: Eine kurze Zusammenfassung des Problems
2. Das Problem: Eine Beschreibung des Problems
3. Das erwartete Verhalten: Was Sie denken, was anstelle des Problems geschehen sollte
4. Schritte zur Replikation: Was muss getan werden, um das Problem zu beheben?
5. Schweregrad: Wie schlimm ist das Problem?

Wichtig: Fügen Sie detaillierte Informationen über Ihre Hardware, Treiber und Ihr Betriebssystem bei.

Dies kann mit Hilfe des Dienstprogramms "dxdiag" erfolgen. Gehen Sie wie folgt vor:

1. Drücken Sie Win + R oder öffnen Sie die Windows Suche
2. Geben Sie "dxdiag" (ohne ") ein und drücken Sie Enter
3. Im sich öffnenden Fenster klicken Sie auf "Save All Information".
4. Speichern Sie die Datei und nehmen Sie sie in Ihren Fehlerbericht auf.

Vielen Dank!
Ultima modifica da Cpt. Hindsight; 27 set 2017, ore 7:58
Awesome - I'll add that to the original post if I may!
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Data di pubblicazione: 26 set 2017, ore 14:34
Messaggi: 125