Block N Load

Block N Load

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Ablockalypse - What do you think?
Ablockalypse mode is crazy, fast, and great for new players or a short manic blast of fun for more experienced players. It’s not meant to be balanced, it’s just meant to be crazy. “Ablockalypse” will be available from 16:00 BST on Friday the 29th of May to 10:00 BST on Monday the 2nd of June.

Compared to the current other game modes:
  • Damage to other Heroes is increased by 25%.
  • Damage to world and player placed blocks is increased by 100%.
  • Build speed has been increased by 100% (decreasing the time taken to build Blocks).
  • Costs of most blocks are reduced to half their normal values, with the exception of Crates, Sandbags, and Bricks which are free.
  • The time to Recall to your main spawn point has been reduced to 5 seconds.
  • Hero Switching is enabled regardless of player level.
  • Cost of switching Heroes has been removed.
  • Heroes active ability cool-down times are reduced by 50%.
  • The build phase length is set to 240 seconds.
Please let us know what you think of this mode in particular, we’d love to hear your feedback!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Shauny; 29. Mai 2015 um 2:56
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Obviously it's not released yet but the concept sounds so great! I have been playing block n load for a bit now and matches can take way too long, one of mine took an hour and a half which was way too much and this seems like a great solution. One thing that draws me to the game is the destruction. Seeing supports go and having a bridge just collapse is really good to look at visually and can be a great tactical move in order to stop the enemy therefore damage to blocks and more build speed seems heaven to me. Although there is a problem even with shorter respawn times more damage to players = more death and may cause more people to rage and spit out nasty phrases ruining the game. This may not happen but it's just my way of seeing things. Looking forward to 16:00!
Played possibly the first match of the gamemode. Game lasted 13 mins roughly and was okay. Felt like the normal game... although a lot of people not knowing what they are doing with no communication therefore losing the match. Tons of people left and we lost through no communication and ditchers. But fun none the less
Right now it's "Who can bum rush the base faster"

I don't find it fun at all, sorry :/
any chance of getting the ablokalypse maps on custom for testing?
It's okay, not my type of game mode though I'm sure some people will like it.
Personally I quite enjoy the madness of it! It's really manic and fast-paced, which I find fun. Although I must say I do prefer normal matches. Still though, it's good for when you want to play but don't have hours of free time.
Very good gamemode but I think you should lvl up
This is just me, but I would like more build time.... I ALWAYS want more build time. XD :gunner:
I haven't tried it yet but I'm concerned that this serves to splinter an already small player base which will likely increase queue times for the Classic and Ranked modes.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von DrunknGod:
I haven't tried it yet but I'm concerned that this serves to splinter an already small player base which will likely increase queue times for the Classic and Ranked modes.
Well Classic never had any problems with joining and as of right now it still doesn't. Hopefully with the new Ranked times that becomes better though.
GregJA 29. Mai 2015 um 13:22 
if you gained xp id like it more :P

I think it would be great if we had this new mode/classic/ranked permantely if we had a bigger playerbase.
hate it, not enough players to split up the queue into silly hacker mode.
I do agree that we should keep the mode IF there was a bigger playerbase.
not a fan so far but will give it more time. It doesnt feel different enough to me from other game mode other than just being over really quick, and i prefer longer matches personally. I thought it would be 10v10 with more than 1 cube? IDK just initial thoughts, will give it the weekend to really feel it out.
I quite like it, for a quick game now and again

I do wish crouching was faster in this mode. Because digging is faster, tunneling feels slower, as you dig away the furthest blocks faster
< >
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Geschrieben am: 29. Mai 2015 um 2:54
Beiträge: 53