Trigger Zone / Entity questions...
I'm not sure if anyone can answer my question or if I'd get a dev response here, but I was having trouble figuring this out with the Editor.

I wanted to make a pretty simple encounter:
Player enters triggerzone, spawn one entity. I was actually using Clone Entity on one I had hidden away solely for the purpose of keeping it safe for said cloning, so that I can alter the "Parent" stats and make it like a boss with more HP and custom name. Spawn Entity seems to only let me choose the normal enemies from that selection list.

While testing it in "character mode" inside the Editor, it did report text messages of it working when I entered the zone, but didn't actually spawn mobs, so I played the map to really test it.
It created two enemies (I must've backed out then stepped over the border of the zone real quick), and I was wondering how I could make sure that doesn't happen.

I had it set to triggered by "Any Player" and "Do not fire if another object is in the trigger zone" (but there's no cooldown delay to prevent someone from accidentally back-and-forthing over the border?)
And what does "Times Triggered" do? (Default setting seems to be -1, but not sure what that means or if I should set it to 1 if that will limit the times triggered... and if -1 means triggers infinitely. Which is actually what I want, just... with a cooldown to prevent accidental mass spawnings.

On a final note, after having actually tested that in a live game, I went back into the editor to look at that... and while the two enemies that had spawned were there, the trigger zone (and all its settings) was gone. Later after I recreated my triggerzone a 2nd time, and then loaded into the actual game to test some other things (did not set off that trigger this time), then went back to the editor... it was gone again. So it seems like any instance of playing the map and then returning to the Editor later wipes all triggers? :\

I guess that's like a... you better be through and no more finishing touches thing, then.

I also had to delete those two enemies... is there no way to attach a script to them to say... delete them after ~5 minutes if they haven't engaged a player recently? If enough people used this, I wouldn't want a map flooded with leftover enemies, either.)
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Jmee; 8.1.2018 klo 8.56
Lähetetty: 8.1.2018 klo 8.43
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