Ballistic Overkill

Ballistic Overkill

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JesusFabre May 9, 2015 @ 1:42pm
F.A.Q. - Frequently Asked Questions
How can I stay tuned and participate in the development process?
Find all the info here:

Ballistic was originally a Unity based browser game, how Ballistic Overkill differentiates here on Steam, also, is this Free 2 Play?

BALLISTIC OVERKILL is not a free2play game, nor a browser game, the key difference between the two versions is that OVERKILL will be completely rebalanced, won't have any in game microtransactions and you will be able to participate in the development with your feedback. We want to offer a simple and intuitive FPS experience where you have access to all the characters from the beginning. Like in other similar games as Team Fortress 2, you will be able to create private rooms to play with your friends, organize tournaments, etc... You can check our Trello public tasks board to know more:

Long term development

BALLISTIC (original browser-based game) has been in the making for a few years now, and started out as a purely F2P browser game developed for a publisher. After bringing it to the market with a publishing partner, we are now re assuming full control of the product, and we feel there is an audience that will enjoy a retail game with no microtransactions, with the full experience and content unlocked from day 1. This will start out as an Early Access, so the players community can give us feedback along the way, thus helping us shape what this new BALLISTIC OVERKILL will be.

The game will receive constant updates and extra content. You can expect new weapon packs, characters, game modes and levels that are already in the works as well as weapon and character skin vanity DLC to show-off on the battlefield. We hope you like it and take your time to participate in our forums, this game was made by us for you, so help us make it even better! See you in-game, enjoy!

When will BALLISTIC OVERKILL be out?

Release date for Early Access is 8th of October. Full version release is still undetermined, Early Access could last around a year.

Will the Browser game end? Will you keep maintaining the free to play version? If so, how?

BALLISTIC OVERKILL is an answer to the players who want to play BALLISTIC in a different way. Until now, there was only the browser-based Free to Play version of the game. This original version of the game will continue to be available as long as the major browsers will run the game, and we'll still be supporting it with new events and bugfixes.

What will you be doing to keep hackers under control in both versions?

In BALLISTIC OVERKILL we'll have the protection of Valve Antihack System (VAC), this along with a recent feature added by Valve in which a developer to ban any player using hacks, will make the game hard to break. Also consider any player from the Facebook version who gets banned for hacking could create a new email and FB account again and again, enter the game and still annoy other players. Steam also prevents fake users and spammers accounts thanks to their user limited accounts.

Technical benefits of the Steam version when compared to Ballistic F2P.

Nothing is confirmed here, but our progammers believe the end game could allow for:
  • Higher Frames Per Second ratio.
  • Higher number of players allowed in a game.
  • Lower latency, since the game won't be running on your browser, it will do it locally.

Will I be able to keep all I achieved on the free version on Steam?

BALLISTIC OVERKILL is a different game than the original browser based version. There won’t be rentals, lockboxes,boosts, you won’t be able to play for access classes. It’s a new game, with a different philosophy where you will have everything available from the very beginning. So it doesn’t make sense to transfer any progress, as there is no way to do it. Once you pay for the game, there will be a full product in your hands from the very beginning.

Classes Rebalance.

Our plans are to make classes really unique, for example on the skill trees, we’re reducing the number of skills you have available and leave only the skills that make a class what it is (i.e. Wraith and Shadow going invisible, etc). This is gonna improve game balance in a big way, since in the BALLISTIC free to play version you have a lot of skill which made basically weapons better, which wasn’t making the classes that unique. For example, Shadow will be much more reliable, you won’t need to rely so much on ninja dash (we’re actually taking that out of the game). We’re going to revisit the whole mechanics of the Grenadier (how the grenades are fired and such). In general terms, we’re putting a lot more emphasis on how you build your characters, rather than if you have the right weapon or not.

Lobby System.

On BALLISTIC OVERKILL the player has total control on how he plays the game. Thanks to the new Lobby System, he will be able to customize the whole experience, defining the maximum number of players in a match, the map he wants to play, the rules of the match, and invite the friends he wants, or play against unknown players from all over the world, being it by joining their games or inviting them to join to your hosted match.

Will the player have access to the server files so we can run our own server and have admin tools to ban or kick hackers

In the release version of BALLISTIC OVERKILL all the players will be able to create their own rooms where they can host a game. Also, as hosts of a room, they will be able to kick a player out from it. Also, eventually we'll end up enabling the possibility for players to install and run their own servers, a feature that will increase the quality of the resources dedicated to handle the game and the connections of the several peers who join. This will improve things even more if the server has a good bandwith.

Are there any countries where I can't buy/play Ballistic Overkill?

The game will not be available in the following countries: AM AZ BY GE KZ KG MD RU TJ TM UZ UA LT EE LV LU (for more info about country codes:

I'm a player of the Free to Play version of Ballistic, made a lot of progress in skills, weapons etc. What will happen with all of that now that the game is not available anymore on Facebook / Kongregate?

First and foremost, know your progress in the Free to Play game is not lost. We have it stored in a back-up and it will be available for you in the case Ballistic F2P comes back to life. Also, as Overkill is a different type of game (where you have all the skills and weapons available) sadly there's no way we can transfer the progress made in the browser game to that one.

Can I purchase this game using a different method than Steam?
Not for now, but we don't discard to publish the game on other retailers.

Will there be any event in Ballistic Overkill as we had in the F2P version?
We don't have plans for events, the game will be improving and evolving progressively, having new stuff (weapons, skins) permanently added.

How can I change my username in Ballistic Overkill?
To change your name in the game you need to change your Steam username (go to Steam menu -> Friends -> Change Profile Name)

Last edited by JesusFabre; Oct 22, 2015 @ 12:39pm
Date Posted: May 9, 2015 @ 1:42pm
Posts: 0