Paper Dungeons

Paper Dungeons

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Miyu  [developer] Mar 30, 2014 @ 8:33pm
Paper Dungeons [v1.133] HOTFIX

Fixed :

  • Puzzle and Rogue modes bug:
    In some rare cases, killing the boss didn't give credit (win the level and unlock the next one).

  • Rogue mode bug:
[/b] - Disease indicator not showing.
- When exiting the game, game progression didn't save and the dungeon's count was messed up.
- Characters level 21 and above received low XP rewards.
- When leveling to level 21, the Thief class stayed stuck on the choose a bonus screen.
- Thief's 2nd Kali's Benediction (Darkness Call) had its mini-icon missing.
- Game stuck after receiving dice reward.

  • Adventure and Rogue modes bug:
    - Game menu could be activated during combat.
    - Dice combat UI showed wrongly sized Life bars, due to negative values.

  • All:
    - After reloading a game, tooltips for benedictions and shop items were missing.
    - After reloading a game, maxed out (20) Chicken legs or Mana charms weren't working anymore
    - UI elements not always visible in 4x3 resolutions (under or equal to 1024x768).

  • Linux:
    Local non US systems froze the game on Adventure launch.

    Thanks for your reports!
  • Last edited by Miyu; Apr 6, 2014 @ 9:30pm