Paper Dungeons

Paper Dungeons

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Paifu  [developer] Mar 27, 2014 @ 10:13am
Paper Dungeons [v1.132] HOTFIX

  • Puzzle mode bug:
    The latest 1.131 version introduced a change in the game balance, allowing higher ranked monsters to get a boost in their statistics. This modification was only intended for the Adventure and Rogue modes, but it was implemented in the Puzzle mode by mistake. Due to this error, some Puzzle levels couldn't be finished, like the lvl 19.

  • Adventure and Rogue bug:
    Both modes were harder than intended, due to a miscalculation that didn't assign enough attack points when your character leveled up. Please note that the game is still supposed to be tough and still relays on luck in your dice rolls, but it should be fairer now.

Thanks for your speedy reports, guys!
Last edited by Miyu; Apr 6, 2014 @ 9:31pm
Date Posted: Mar 27, 2014 @ 10:13am
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