Star Ruler 2

Star Ruler 2

Firgof  [Fejlesztő] 2014. aug. 13., 16:50
Dev-astation Fridays
Each week on Friday we'll be hosting a match of Star Ruler 2. It'll be us 3 devs and whoever comes into the IRC and wants to join us. The game will be passworded once teams and players are decided. We expect each match to run a couple of hours.

If you're available and interested in participating in this week's Dev-astation Friday feel free to post in this thread. Questions about the theme/style and suggestions of rules/mods to use are also welcome.

This week's match
Theme/Style: FFA (Free For All).

Description: Free For All games are a match between all players. No hard alliances, no preset teams. It's every Empire for itself in this dog-eat-dog match.

Modification(s): Vanilla ( No Mod(s) )

Empire Count: 3+Extra Player(s)

Map/Scenario: To be determined.

Special Rules: No traits besides your Government and FTL pick.

Time and Date
Friday the 15th (August 15), 4PM EDT, 10PM CEST.

Where to Watch
A stream of the match will be available on:
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Firgof; 2014. aug. 14., 13:21
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112/12 megjegyzés mutatása
Exciting! Will be there, hopefully.
sorry i just looked and i gotta fill out college forms that evening my apologies
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Decepticron; 2014. aug. 13., 17:36
Firgof  [Fejlesztő] 2014. aug. 13., 17:32 
Unless we specify otherwise, it'll always be with the Stable branch of the game.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Firgof; 2014. aug. 13., 17:33
Stupid job. Wish I could be there!
Drasca (Kitiltva) 2014. aug. 13., 20:11 
Let's kick their collective butts!
Sounds awesome.
Very interesting.
Im so glad I got to sub in alarcarrs empire so I could show the devs what savage AI should look like : )
I'll certainly be around next week
How did the match go?
Thy Reaper  [Fejlesztő] 2014. aug. 16., 22:12 
It went quite well, you can watch it here: (In two parts due to a connection loss on the host):

It did encounter performance issues late game, with the scale of everything going on and needing to also encode and upload the stream, the host was lagging quite badly. Despite that, It remained stable and playable for all clients throughout.
Haha thanks for the link. Looks really fun and it's nice to hear you guys chatting with each other. Had a few laughs here and there, especially at the marketing quip. Hope I can get it on the next match!
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112/12 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2014. aug. 13., 16:50
Hozzászólások: 12