From The Depths
Help please
Hi im trying to play a the campain every time i try to scout something and i come back everything apearing in white boxs with the name of ship i tryed restarting tabing in and out how do i fix this?
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12/2 megjegyzés mutatása
This is called "Out of Play". It essentially hides the ship while keeping it in its last position. This is meant to ease the strain on your computer by not loading in each individual block. To pull forces into play, open the map with the 'N' key. Scroll out until it shows the green box representation of the ships (the screen will visibly change). From there, click on the ship that is "Out of Play" and the dropdown menu should open (top left corner). Find the icon with the pirate ship in the marker (should be 1st column, 2nd row). Click this to bring the ship back into play.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: colonelmustardgas3; 2017. jan. 12., 7:07
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12/2 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2017. jan. 11., 13:56
Hozzászólások: 2