

Lazarus Draegona 2017 年 7 月 2 日 下午 7:39
Draegona's Retreat on Nexus Mods: Adventure Mode and Billionaire Mode
Draegona's Retreat with Adventure and Billionaire Modes Link:
Be sure to check out my YouTube Channel with custom episodic TV-like let's plays. No commentary, just story arc, and art:

Draegona's Retreat w/ Adventure & Billionaire Modes


Draegona's Retreat is a custom game mode save state mod. Currently, there is two featured custom modes, Adventure, and Billionaire Modes. Each will suit drastically different play styles for various players.

The first is Adventure Mode. Discover lost derelict bases and sunken submarines. Crack open these treasure troves with your handy habitat builder and repair tool. Be careful though, these bases are ready to implode! Build a hatch, reduce the pressure on the base, repair the hull, power the base, and drain the water. Don't forget to clear out the infestation of cave crawlers. Once you do this, you'll have a lightly furnished base ready to go! You might even find little treasures hidden inside!

The second is Billionaire Mode. All the amenities of a home have been provided at this Retreat. Featuring a fully furnished home base and cyclops, this Home Base makes you feel like you belong. Never go hungry, and you'll have plenty of water. Beautifully decorated with a filled aquarium and creepvine lighted bedroom. Also features a fabricator room with essential supplies and equipment, scanner room, well-placed observatory, moon pool with a mod station, decompression chamber, a storage room, water filtration room, nuclear reactor with reactor rods, hydroponics grow room, and a comfortably decorated office with laboratory equipment. Zoom around in your brand new seamoth or cyclops at a depth of up to 500 meters. Upgrades not included. This mode is a great option for veteran players who don't really want to start from scratch to be able to just jump in the game for exploration or even just the story.

Do you want an extra challenge for just about any playthrough of Subnautica? Can you handle the ultimate scuba diving challenge? Then head on down the page to the section titled Subnautica: The Adventurer's Challenge and check out the rules and regulations. This challenge is based on real-world scuba diving scenarios, rules, physics, and biology. This is absolutely for bragging rights! There are many more things that can kill you besides running out of the air in your Oxygen tanks or being eaten by a Leviathan. The ocean is way more deadly than you initially think.

If you are looking for base concepts, a place to start over at a stable base since your save corrupted, you have no idea how to use console commands, or if you simply just want to jump in and experience everything all at once, then this mod is certainly for you. If you have ideas that you want to add to this mod, you have noticed a bug particular to this mod, or you simply have a critique of something particular or game breaking, then feel free to contact me.

Let us know your scariest moments in either The Adventurer's Challenge or Adventure Mode by posting your stories, links, videos, and pictures in the Nexus Mod Forum.

If you enjoyed this mod or anything I have provided, be sure to endorse this mod on the Nexus page. Simply clicking the endorse button at the top of the mod page, if you are a Nexus Community registered user, lets me and the rest of the community know just how much you are enjoying what I've provided, just short of a direct comment on the forums. I wish you the best of luck on your adventures!


(VERSION AM1.4.0) [UPDATED 02/26/18]

Discover lost derelict bases and sunken submarines. Crack open these treasure troves with your handy habitat builder and repair tool. Be careful though, these bases are ready to implode! Build a hatch, reduce the pressure on the base, repair the hull, power the base, and drain the water. It seems that since nobody has been home for a long time, some new creatures have taken up residence. They could be hiding just about anywhere. Get rid of them for peace of mind. Once you do this, you'll have a lightly furnished base ready to go! You might even find little treasures hidden inside!

Derelict Base Details: Must have repair tool and habitat builder to access the bases, repair, and power to drain the water. Once the water has been drained, and the base repaired, the base is ready to be used. Just getting into the base isn't enough. Derelict bases were designed to start crushing the moment you add something to it that reduces hull integrity. You must either add reinforcement or remove an aesthetic item to stop the crushing effect. Cave crawlers have infested the derelict bases. Clear out the cave crawler infestation for a creature-free home. Starter bases have been provided and are designed to replace the use of the life pod. These starter bases are located in shallow waters or above water. There will not be any starter bases located in deep water.

Derelict Wreck Details: There are ships out there in distress! Two cyclops class submarines have popped their distress beacons, and now that you are on the planet's surface, you can see them. Activate the distress beacon pings in the ping manager on your PDA.

Derelict Base Locations:
Bases are named based on environment, aesthetics, or story lore. Multiple large solid titanium structures detected both above and below sea level on planet 4546B. Caution is advised when exploring these structures. Coordinates have been provided.

Shallowed Starter Base (-80 0 30)
Drae's Breach Starter Base (-825 0 -950)
Red Grass Retreat (-550 -50 50)
Jelly Reach Outpost (-365 -85 -225)
The Fissure (-770 -180 -845)
Bones of the Degasi (-740 -30 -1035)

Derelict Wreck Locations:
Wrecks are named based upon environment, aesthetics, or story lore. Multiple cyclops class submarine distress beacons detected under the ocean's surface on planet 4546B... Awaiting arrival of emergency response crew... Coordinates have been provided.

USS Dreagona (-550 -50 0)
USS Bones (-940 -400 -590)

Derelict Base Additional Details:
Bases lightly furnished.
Bases destroyed and damaged. Filled with water. Removed hatches.
No game breaking items/equipment/furnishings.
Starter bases are an exception. Starter bases have a bed, lockers, fabricator, relay, medical fabricator, trash can, and power. These bases serve as staging areas. There will be 3 in total. They are intended to replace the use of the life pod if players can locate these small structures. These structures will not be built deep underwater. Any deep oceanic bases will be derelict.
Any items/equipment/power are absent from derelict bases. There are lootable resources hidden. Everything is upgradable at the abandoned stations.

Additional features regarding the storyline of Subnautica:
Reset story elements
Locked ALL blueprints. They can be unlocked through normal game progression.
Start at the game's beginning, just after the crash.
Spawn inside of Lifepod 5.
Aurora countdown reset
Inventory reset
Voice logs locked
Data downloads locked


(VERSION BM2.5.0) [UPDATED 02/25/18]

All the amenities of a home have been provided at this Retreat. Featuring a fully furnished home base and cyclops, this Home Base makes you feel like you belong. Never go hungry, and you'll have plenty of water. Beautifully decorated with a filled aquarium and creepvine lighted bedroom. Also features a fabricator room with essential supplies and equipment, scanner room, well-placed observatory, moon pool with a mod station, decompression chamber, a storage room, water filtration room, nuclear reactor with reactor rods, hydroponics grow room, and a comfortably decorated office with laboratory equipment. Zoom around in your brand new seamoth or cyclops at a depth of up to 500 meters. Upgrades not included.

This mode is a great option for veteran players who don't really want to start from scratch to be able to just jump in the game for exploration or even just the story.

It seems that when you arrive at The Retreat, everything is powered down. Find the power cells in the upper floor glass storage containers, in the cyclops class submarine, and place them in the power slots in the back of the ship to power up the cyclops. The Retreat also needs to be powered up. The reactor rods are located on the upper floor of the reactor room. Find the 8 reactor rods and place them in the nuclear reactors to power up the facility.

Home Base (The Retreat) Additional Details:
Fully furnished Retreat with all the accommodations of a comfortable home.
"Simulated" Decompression Chamber.
Seamoth, Sea Draegona. Max crush depth of 500 meters. Upgradable.
Fully furnished Cyclops, USS Draegona. Max crush depth of 500 meters. Upgradable.
The base is stocked with essential equipment and supplies. Supplies are located in the rooms with fabricators.

Additional features regarding the storyline of Subnautica:
Reset story elements
Locked ALL blueprints. They can be unlocked through normal game progression.
Start at the game's beginning, just after the crash.
Spawn inside of Lifepod 5.
Aurora countdown reset
Inventory reset
Voice logs locked
Data downloads locked


Subnautica: The Adventurer's Challenge
Can you handle the ultimate scuba diving challenge?

These are playable scuba diving rules for any Subnautica playthrough. Use them on your own save if you want to. They aren't gameplay mechanics from the mod per se but a clever use of vanilla gameplay mechanics. These rules are mindful of what is already there in the game and of what you are able to do normally on a vanilla version of a playthrough. These rules were initially intended to be used in correlation with Draegona's Retreat Adventure Mode.

There are several real life PHYSICAL and BIOLOGICAL rules when scuba diving in the real world. One of the first questions you are obviously going to ask me is... "Well, how would you know? You're not an expert!". You're right, I'm not an expert. I am however a certified scuba diver with several dozens of hours of experience, so I think I know what I'm talking about here. I was certified as an Open-Water Diver by PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) at the Jupiter Dive Club in Florida. I have roughly 20-30 hours of total scuba diving experience.

Check out the Nexus Mods page link at the top of the page to learn more about Draegona's Retreat and The Adventurer's Challenge Rules and Regulations.


Be sure to check out my tutorial on how I managed to reset the story without corrupting the save file:

Draegona's Retreat with Adventure and Billionaire Modes Link:

最後修改者:Lazarus Draegona; 2018 年 2 月 27 日 上午 6:36
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目前顯示第 16-30 則留言,共 40
Lazarus Draegona 2017 年 7 月 8 日 上午 10:00 
With the most recent update today, I fixed the problem with the fabricators not showing up inside of the life pods. You now spawn inside the life pod with default beginning just moments after the crash. Story elements seem to be fully intact and aurora countdown works fine. Seems that I've gotten all of the small bugs worked out finally and can move on to base building for adventure mode. Expect more updates soon.
Sarah Palin 2017 年 7 月 8 日 上午 11:13 
The adventure mode/treasure hunt seem pretty cool, might have to give this a try.

One thing, for the adventure bases, is there a way to make it so you have to remove a feature/add something before the integrity stops collapsing? Could make it more challenging to have to repair and then also add a reinforcement panel or bulkhead before it's useable.
Lazarus Draegona 2017 年 7 月 8 日 下午 3:49 
引用自 Sarah Palin
The adventure mode/treasure hunt seem pretty cool, might have to give this a try.

One thing, for the adventure bases, is there a way to make it so you have to remove a feature/add something before the integrity stops collapsing? Could make it more challenging to have to repair and then also add a reinforcement panel or bulkhead before it's useable.

I'm glad you asked and that's exactly what I did. Unfortunately, it seems that this leaves a rather nasty and irritating message at the top of the screen that doesn't go away. To resolve this, I made it to where the hull integrity is within 0 to 1. This means adding anything that reduces the hull integrity, especially a hatch, will start crushing the base. Having said that, just entering the base and repairing isn't enough. You'd have to remove the hatch to start repairing and that's a diver's worst nightmare. Instead, this forces the player to remove a window or other aesthetic, or add reinforcement, such as a bulkhead or wall reinforcement. So basically, reinforce the base first, add the hatch, and then you can get to repairing. The dynamic gameplay is there for sure, and I may even add hardmode game rules for you guys to challenge yourselves with. Basically it would be up to the player's disclosure as to whether or not to cheat and go around the hardmode rules, but that's self defeating. I'll just add some side notes for the rules later on when Adventure Mode is finished, or at least has considerable content.
最後修改者:Lazarus Draegona; 2017 年 7 月 8 日 下午 3:56
Jeff 2017 年 7 月 9 日 上午 1:16 
can you add a piece of base that keeps in the plot on the south island. I tend to go there before the aurora explodes to get the habitat and food and grow beds. but would be cool to find something random made that is usable there? to keep in with the lore the people from there go under water to build so maybe on an edge of the island have a observation and a small storage with a seaglide but no battery. like they were using them to get to the othe base they made .
Lazarus Draegona 2017 年 7 月 9 日 上午 5:45 
引用自 Jeffbomford
can you add a piece of base that keeps in the plot on the south island. I tend to go there before the aurora explodes to get the habitat and food and grow beds. but would be cool to find something random made that is usable there? to keep in with the lore the people from there go under water to build so maybe on an edge of the island have a observation and a small storage with a seaglide but no battery. like they were using them to get to the othe base they made .

Oh absolutely. Each island may have up to 2 bases I'm thinking. One underwater, and one above water. The bases above water I want to have minimal items/equipment, but yeah a small island base is certainly gonna be made for both islands above water. Seeing as how, yes, many expert Subnautica players, inlcluding myself, instantly make a beeline for the islands to go get the observatory and moonpool... It is almost essential to have bases there. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I'll think about trying to get those particular bases worked into the mod soon. So it may be a day or two idk.

In regards to lore, I really want to write a fanfiction regarding this mod. It will certainly take time to do so, but what I want to do is tie in the story of the fanfic character with the Degasi crew as sort of a space-time rupture alternate timeline that occurs during FTL travel or whatever kind of warp tech they have. I can't stop thinking about it, like an itch I wanna scratch. The detail here is that the fanfic will not work in the same timeline as the game, as the fanfic character's actions would influence the Degasi crew and they certainly would have wrote about him. I have thought of ways to work around this, such as him being a stowaway that they had no idea about, but now I'm getting ahead of myself. I know the entire timeline of the game so far and have had the pleasure to read all of the downloads and watch Markiplier's playthrough. Speaking of which, I need to use the wiki for data download references to stay true to lore. I want to say much more about the story, but that would be spoilers lol. I'm thinking that I'm going to wait until the developers finish the game. Wouldn't want to oversee important details.
最後修改者:Lazarus Draegona; 2017 年 7 月 9 日 上午 7:36
Lazarus Draegona 2017 年 7 月 9 日 上午 11:26 
Updated the framework for an extra challenge for those of you that want that higher difficulty. I will release the rules when I have more bases built for adventure mode and have playtested them.
Lazarus Draegona 2017 年 7 月 10 日 下午 4:18 
Finished updating The Adventurer's Challenge with more accurate rules and grammar. Let me know how you like the playing by these rules and if you have any questions.
Lazarus Draegona 2017 年 7 月 13 日 上午 3:39 
Currently working on adding 3 more bases to Adventure Mode by the weekend, which will bring up the total to 5 derelict bases and 1 derelict cyclops. I plan on building 2 island bases and 1 base between 100-200 meters below the surface. The 3rd base that I'm building is going into the sparse reef biome, because I found a lovely little trench to place it in.

You may challenge my aesthetic choices for bases and post suggestions for changes to bases, but be specific and concise about what you are trying to tell me.
最後修改者:Lazarus Draegona; 2017 年 7 月 13 日 上午 3:41
Lazarus Draegona 2017 年 7 月 13 日 下午 6:57 
Updated Billionaire Mode with more balancing by removing the scanner room upgrades, renaming the base, adding a structure, and turning off the clutter of vehicle pings. Vehicle pings/beacons must now be activated manually in the ping manager on your PDA. This may be the last update for Billionaire Mode for some time unless I can find any small tweaks that need to be made. Still working on adding 3 new derelict bases and 2 hidden sunken ships to The Adventure Mode. Also, the forum mod description has been updated to match the mod page partially.
最後修改者:Lazarus Draegona; 2017 年 7 月 13 日 下午 6:59
Lazarus Draegona 2017 年 7 月 14 日 上午 7:49 
I'm trying to be as lore friendly as possible...

Seeing as how Unknown Worlds and Charlie Cleveland, Subnautica's Director, had intended for the game to be gun-free, and to have the players find creative solutions instead of violent solutions, I have removed the torpedo module and torpedoes from the moon pool storage. If you want to defend yourself, you need to work for it. Sorry about that..

This update was applied to Billionaire Mode.
最後修改者:Lazarus Draegona; 2017 年 7 月 14 日 上午 7:49
Jeff 2017 年 7 月 14 日 上午 11:37 
i just thought of a base, what about one that is like the start of a building area where someone was starting to build a launch pad for a ship to flee. who knows maybe thet thought that once they launched they could beat the gun. did they or did they get shout down again.
Lazarus Draegona 2017 年 7 月 14 日 上午 11:39 
引用自 Jeffbomford
i just thought of a base, what about one that is like the start of a building area where someone was starting to build a launch pad for a ship to flee. who knows maybe thet thought that once they launched they could beat the gun. did they or did they get shout down again.

Since I am going lore heavy on this mod, no, I cannot add the launchpad. It is unfortunately an end game item and may upset many people, especially the devs. These bases are in-line with Degasi lore. No one else has landed on this planet, except for the fanfic character I'm to shortly make, which is a stowaway on the Degasi. The blueprints for the launchpad are sent to the Aurora and not the Degasi crew. They were unfortunately heavily under equipped. I am working on pushing the new Adventure Mode update through in the next couple of hours. Just working on some issues with the cyclops respawning.
最後修改者:Lazarus Draegona; 2017 年 7 月 14 日 上午 11:45
Lazarus Draegona 2017 年 7 月 14 日 下午 2:32 
Updates for Adventure Mode Version 1.3: The Islander's Retreat Update
Added 3 new bases and 1 derelict cyclops.
Derelict cyclops USS Bones has been sunk in the Blood Kelp Zone.
Drae's Breach Starter Base has been added to the floating island on the North side.
Bones of the Degasi derelict base had been added to the floating island in the central pool.
The Fissure base has been added in the Sparse Reef Biome just North of the floating island.
Areas added to Jelly Reach Outpost.
The derelict cyclops USS DREAGONA and USS BONES have popped their distress beacons. These beacons may now be activated manually in the ping manager.
最後修改者:Lazarus Draegona; 2017 年 7 月 14 日 下午 2:33
Lazarus Draegona 2017 年 7 月 15 日 上午 6:55 
I have once again updated Billionaire Mode with more checks and balances. Now with the added feature of having to power up the facility when you arrive. I think this may be the most balanced version of Billionaire Mode yet and this will certainly satisfy those of you who say I was giving too much. You were right, and I took the time to go through the facility, read the lore, and then rebalance it even more. So, now that I have that out of the way. Billionaire Mode may be getting at least 1 more massive base in the future. I will have to take my time and be methodical. I'm thinking of placing this new base either at the dunes sinkhole or the deep grand reef entrance to the lost river. Not sure yet. Let me know what you think about my latest update to this modded save state.
Zuleica 2017 年 7 月 15 日 上午 7:53 

Your base design is truely stunning! Very well thought out and nicely placed!

The only changes I made were;
1. Turned the storage room into storage/workshop making the room that had the constructors an 'entry' way.

2. Added signs at all the junctions so I could remember where everything was!

3. Turned the 'T's to the sides of the moon pool to '+' sections so the moonpool has four entries.

What a great base! The design is so nicely balanced functiionally and aesthetically. Well done!
最後修改者:Zuleica; 2017 年 7 月 15 日 上午 7:54
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張貼日期: 2017 年 7 月 2 日 下午 7:39
回覆: 40