Vanguard Princess

Vanguard Princess

eigoMANGA  [sviluppatore] 23 apr 2014, ore 14:29
eigoMANGA Launches Indiegogo Campaign For A Vanguard Princess Netplay DLC
There is a need for a Vanguard Princess Netplay DLC on Steam and this Indiegogo campaign is aimed to reward developers who are driven to create it.

The Vanguard Princess Netplay DLC will be free to Steam gamers who own a copy of Vanguard Princess.

eigoMANGA offers benefits for supporters who financially contribute to the campaign. The benefits ranges is based on the level of support.

More information on the Vanguard Princess Indiegogo Campaign can be found on {COLLEGAMENTO RIMOSSO}
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Wait wait wait.....let me get this straight.

This is 4 years now when you guys first got the rights to Vanguard Princess. Back then, you guys stated that the game will have netplay capabilities and probably be put on Xbox Live (I'm not concerned with this no more since I don't have a Xbox 360). It took you 2 years afterwards to even get the game released on PC when it was just graphical & translation changes, another year gone by to get the game in the OnLive service, & now we're in 2014 and you guys got it on Steam with the same promise that the netplay function was in the works.

It's already bad enough that you guys wont provide an yes or no answer as to if Sugeno stopped developement on Prime (which everyone has speculated....yes, he has) but now you want fans to help you again by funding the development of a feature which was the main draw for people to buy this game......a game that is normally "FREE" (without the english translations & ability to choose Hilde outright). Within those 4 years, what have eigoMANGA been doing outside of trying to get this game on 2 different media platforms (Steam & OnLive)!? Keep in mind that some of us even double (or triple) dipped on this game to support it with us knowing that an actual online mode was being made.

Now you guys pull this stunt and want fans to help you guys again by funding to have a function developed that you guys promised that was being worked on? Yeah, it will be free if you guys ever release it but not to those who help by giving into the indiegogo campaign because they literally paid for it (no matter how small the amount.....okay maybe anything under $10 but still, you get my point). Yes, I'm outraged by this because you guys have kept quiet about it since the beginning without even giving any update as to what is going on and then this magically pops up and you expect some people to just accept it and help out (again).
I have to agree this is rediculous, didnt you send developers to some steamworks conference so that they could learn how to implement the online. The online that you have been promising from the start should not suddenly need to be funded without any reason provided. This was one of the things you said that you would implement during greenlight and none of those things have so far happened. Until you show that you can put effort into this game i see no reason to do your work for you or support other people to do your work for you.
My annoyance is at how we were told in the Greenlight bid that there were working Mac and Linux versions back in late Oct. 2013. Now here we are all these months later, and it's still only on Windows.
eigoMANGA  [sviluppatore] 25 apr 2014, ore 0:43 
@Phoenix: We did develope a version for Mac and Linux but Steam pushed it back because their technology doesn't support the way we ported it to Man and Linux. It's taking us a longer time to port the game in another way.
eigoMANGA  [sviluppatore] 25 apr 2014, ore 0:49 
@Drude: We did go to the Steamworks conference and worked with their engineers at the conference and after as well. We actually had the Mac and Linux build presented there but it was pushed back.

We worked on multiplayer feature using Steamworks with them as well at the conference. It was a challenge to inject their coding into our engine which was a bummer. An external application is the only way to get this work. If a developer can create this through Steamworks then great!
eigoMANGA  [sviluppatore] 25 apr 2014, ore 1:12 

1. Yes, we tried to build with for Xbox Live. We worked with Microsoft Studios and their engineers to make it work but their XNA didn't support the engine. Onlive is a different story; they had their internal company situation which delayed the game. Despite this we all pushed really hard for it to ultimately get on their.

2. We don't know if Sugeno stopped the development of Prime. It's a different game and he can essentially do whatever he wants. Aside from the Steam and Onlive, we're actually experimenting with Unity 2D to port Vanguard Princess into that engine...

3. There's a lot of incentives for supporters to join the campaign (I don't want to write it all out, just go to the indiegogo page). You're right, we should be more active on the community boards. Vanguard Princess is a brand that we are very behind. I mentioned before hand, we've been busy creating a new Mac and Linux wrapper for VP and we are experimenting with Unity 2D to port the game on that engine. Unity 2D will give us alot of freedom to do the things that gamers want. I don't want to mention about this but we are working with a game studio who has a successful 2D fighting game and the idea is to do use that engine for a new VP game but that's not going to materialize until a couple of years.

In the meantime, a netplay is needed now. It was the fans' idea at various cons to do a crowdsource campaign so hear we are now. I've been personally playing around with MTSP and the Lunaport source I think it'll work great with VP on Steam. From what I can see, we just need to sync two Steam versions on VP together, adjust the file size parameters within the Lunaport source code so that I can read the Steam game, then we'll see what happens.

@MikuruX I agree we should be more vocal and active in the community boards, but we definatly have been working on an updated version of VP.


1. The situation with XNA not being compatiable with Vanguard Princess was a gimme. Besides the fact that XNA was pretty much dead as soon as Unity was announced, XNA was never compatiable with Vanguard Princess because VP was developed with a closed source game engine (Fighter Maker 2K). You would have to have needed a source code build of Fighter Maker 2K from Enterbrain to even make that possible but their likely wont cough up a source code build of the program for a single game. Not only that, you would have to rebuild the game from scratch again as well. don't know? Are you guys supposed to be working closely with him on this? Is simply asking him not even possible?

3. I'm sure the incentives are great and all but only for those people who want them but coming from the point of view of someone who has no interest in them, it's very hard bring one self to supporting the cause with the way things have percieved themselves to the general public like myself and many others (sorry but Anime Expo is one of the worst anime conventions I've experienced and I swore I will never return to that awful event....I'll stick with Anime Weekend Atlanta). I'm not trying to stop this from happening but understand that from a consumers point of view, there are a lot of "issues" as to how this is being percieved, handled, & conveyed to the public.

At any rate, I recommend you guys talk to some people in the SRK VP forums. They know more about getting in touch with people who can make the netplay patch for you guys and probably more cheaper than what you are asking for. Just saying.......
You guys should spread this netplay dlc campaign news to FGC like eventhubs, SRK or even Maximilian to help to raise the goal $10,000
Ultima modifica da Yomartin 10th; 27 apr 2014, ore 17:10
Why use Indiegogo instead of Kickstarter? It's more popular and gets more exposure.

I'd be happy if the developer fixed the fullscreen issue.
Ultima modifica da muckymucks; 28 apr 2014, ore 21:00
eigoMANGA  [sviluppatore] 28 apr 2014, ore 0:39 
@muckymucks. The people at Indiegogo approached us to do a campaign with them. We've been working on the fullscreen issue.
eigoMANGA  [sviluppatore] 28 apr 2014, ore 0:40 
@Yomartin 10th: I think we sent out a press release to them. The campaign's still young so we can still do it
eigoMANGA  [sviluppatore] 28 apr 2014, ore 0:45 
1 & 2. Enterbrain is the publisher of FM2D not the developer. The developer went out of business along time ago which is why Enterbrain took it off the market. Both nonetheless, the engineers at XBox in 2011 were confident that they could get VP on Xbox Live.

You're right about Unity. It solves all our porting product. We all jumped for joy when they announced Unity 2D.

3. Sorry about your experience about AX but it is the biggest Anime convention in North America. When you want to make an anime/manga announcement about a new project in North America you do it at AX.

Excellent idea about getting in touch with the SRK VP.
Ultima modifica da eigoMANGA; 28 apr 2014, ore 0:47
#2 wasn't answered, just saying.....
How about crowdfunding for a training mode? Or better yet put it in for free because training mode should be a standard for fighting games.
Ultima modifica da GG Player; 29 apr 2014, ore 5:04
eigoMANGA  [sviluppatore] 29 apr 2014, ore 5:06 
@MikuruX Sugeno wanted to be hands-off on this project. I know the major thing he cared about is that if we could actually pull it off and if could we resolve VP's bugs in 1.08
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Data di pubblicazione: 23 apr 2014, ore 14:29
Messaggi: 55