Professional Farmer 2014
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Bugreport Professional Farmer 2014 - America DLC
If you find some Bugs, please post them here. Thank You.
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Показані коментарі 115 із 59
Hi Kio - would appreciate some help getting the DLC to work. I've previously been playing the base pro farmer with no issues but after downloading the DLC last night, the game now fails (crashes) on launch -

I've re-installed both Steam and the game with no difference. when in Steam I click on the play button and it appears to do something then stops with an error Steam client isnt running (which is incorrect as I am launching it from within steam.
I have also tried adding a shortcut which makes little difference and have done various tests with Steam run as admin and with different compatibility settings.

DXdiag removed from below as its too long for the forum post - any thoughts?


System Information
Time of this report: 4/26/2014, 07:55:20
Machine name: TAFF-GAMER-PC
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.130828-1532)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
System Model: Z87-HD3
BIOS: BIOS Date: 05/16/13 20:46:38 Ver: 04.06.05
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.4GHz
Memory: 16384MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 16272MB RAM
Page File: 1993MB used, 30548MB available
Windows Dir: C:\Windows
DirectX Version: DirectX 11
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 64bit Unicode

DxDiag Notes
Display Tab 1: No problems found.
Sound Tab 1: No problems found.
Sound Tab 2: No problems found.
Sound Tab 3: No problems found.
Sound Tab 4: No problems found.
Sound Tab 5: No problems found.
Input Tab: No problems found.

Ok I've found a solution - and its working now.
ok now that I'm in and able to play -

1) The camera directly behind the tractor with the plow will cause the view to clip into the tractor cab.

2) there are still issue with the plowing/cultivating textures lifting up / hovering about the ground at the edges of the fields.
when plowing in viow 2 the cam goes weard on me .
Graphics clipping to equipment behing tractor. Seems like all equipment does it depending on the angle, but it is VERY BAD using the plow!

Currency is in Euros on USA map. FAIL!!

Old savegames are destroyed when upgrading to Platinum Edition. :( I have to completely start over.

A LOT of equipment at the Machine Store is listed as "Unavailable". Not sure what that means or if it unlocks at a later time. Need explanation on this.

Highway/Expressway on the south side of map is not an actual highway, but two bi-directional roads - FAIL...

Graphics at the gas station. WC... We don't have Waterclosets in the USA. We have bathrooms or restrooms. The sign should read "Restroom". Also, we don't have Clinics in our gas stations. LOL

I'll post more as I find them.

*Yaaayyy!! You guys finally spelled "header" correctly!!
ok i have only had two or three bugs 1. some of the equitment says "Price Not availible" I really would like to be able to buy a set of mowers not just the rear one.....Please work on that. 2the camera view goes wanky well plowing. .3 AI cars at crossroads pile up and crash.

Other than that i am quite pleased with this dlc

PS: please work on animal husbandry..thanks.
when planting the potatots the textur is all worng it is just like normal seeding why ?
(SEEDERS) most of the seedes do not let you put weat seed in them and most uptodte seeders caltavate as well as seed but theres ones do not ?
Cant pick up square bales after baling with the square balers.
Автор останньої редакції: Showgunn84; 27 квіт. 2014 о 11:14
Please uig Put some work into this.......
Yea, PLEASE!! Make this the game to compete with Farming Simulator 2013!!
Цитата допису bradm73:
Yea, PLEASE!! Make this the game to compete with Farming Simulator 2013!!

Exactly i want a game to Make Giants Get off there @sses and Work Because right now they have the only completly working Farming simulator out UIG Please step up to the plate and Finish this title!.
Цитата допису Farmer klink:
Цитата допису bradm73:
Yea, PLEASE!! Make this the game to compete with Farming Simulator 2013!!

Exactly i want a game to Make Giants Get off there @sses and Work Because right now they have the only completly working Farming simulator out UIG Please step up to the plate and Finish this title!.

Yeah at least Giants bug fixes as soon as they have a list of 5 bugs,
i'd love to know what stage the updates are at right now.

Oh that reminds me Giants has a stable game,
FS15 is going to steamroll this game at the current rate,
it won't need anything new except graphics and related stuff to out sell PF2014.

Not directed at anybody but the devs.
Автор останньої редакції: [HSC]LMB; 27 квіт. 2014 о 20:49
Цитата допису LMBFarmer:
Цитата допису Farmer klink:

Exactly i want a game to Make Giants Get off there @sses and Work Because right now they have the only completly working Farming simulator out UIG Please step up to the plate and Finish this title!.

At least Giants bug fixes as soon as they have a list of 5 bugs,
i'd love to know what stage the updates are at right now.

Oh that reminds me Giants has a stable game,
FS15 is going to steamroll this game at the current rate,
it won't need anything new except graphics and related stuff to out sell PF2014.

It's not all about outselling Giants it's about Realisom,Diffrent gameplay,and graphics It would take giants along time to completly redesigne the graphics in fs and make it more realistic. But that is not my problem what i want to see is Competition it makes people work and produces Great products.

hence the saying "Competition Breeds Exelence"

So with that said UIG i have faith in Professional Farmer 2014 Please work on it and smooth out the bugs prove to me(us) that your product will not be another adition to the Unfinished Agra sim series, it takes Work to make a good game i Know you guys can do it!
Автор останньої редакції: AlbertKropp; 27 квіт. 2014 о 20:56
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