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HEX: MINMUS Feb 23, 2018 @ 12:29pm
Unsupported display mode?
Just purchased this game during the lunar new years sale however I can't Get it to run.
When I launch the game my screen flashes Black beforee reverting to desktop and displaying an error message.
The error message is
Display Change Failed

The Specified mode is unsupported by this device.

does anyone have a fix for this i have tried the fixes recomended in the pinned discussion but cannot locate any of the settings it is talking about.

Edit: i can hear what i assume to be the darkout main menu music running and it shows up on my sound mixer.
Steam tells me that the game is running however my task manager is not displaying the game
Last edited by HEX: MINMUS; Feb 23, 2018 @ 12:31pm
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FDru Feb 23, 2018 @ 6:51pm 
I assume you're using windows 10 and I assume your monitor is higher than 1600x900, if so then try going to documents/my games/darkout and editing the commonconfig.xml file and replace the whole thing with this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <TorqueGameConfiguration> <Resolution>1600 900 32</Resolution> <FullScreen>false</FullScreen> <MusicAudioVolume>0.8</MusicAudioVolume> <EffectsAudioVolume>0.8</EffectsAudioVolume> <VoiceAudioVolume>1</VoiceAudioVolume> <screenShotFormat>PNG</screenShotFormat> <Tutorial>1</Tutorial> <AutoSave>1</AutoSave> <AutoSaveTime>600000</AutoSaveTime> <AO>1</AO> <DS>1</DS> <Bloom>1</Bloom> <FluidFX>1</FluidFX> <GammaSetting>1</GammaSetting> <GameLanguage>English</GameLanguage> <GameSavedWorld>Ferretville</GameSavedWorld> <GameSavedPlayer>Ferret</GameSavedPlayer> <CameraLock>0</CameraLock> <Volumetrics>1</Volumetrics> <DisableVerticalSync>0</DisableVerticalSync> <ResourceTooltip>1</ResourceTooltip> <NoHealthBar>0</NoHealthBar> <FloaterPoints>1</FloaterPoints> <ToggleRemote></ToggleRemote> <MessagePopup>0</MessagePopup> <InvertMouse>0</InvertMouse> <DisableAction>0</DisableAction> </TorqueGameConfiguration>

If those folders/files don't exist then create them yourself.
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