Fantasy Grounds Classic

Fantasy Grounds Classic

Smiteworks  [developer] May 13, 2014 @ 7:45am
Feature List
Below is a feature list for CoreRPG. This basic functionality is provided for when you don't have a custom ruleset available which provides even more functionality or when you want a general play experience. Commercial and Community Rulesets specific to a game typically have much better functionality built-in that has been customized for that play experience. It is very possible to play any game system using just the CoreRPG though.

Campaign Management
  • Create rich, visually appealing story entries with formatting into
  • lists
  • links to other items
  • boxed text
  • spoken text for an assigned speaker
  • headings
  • tables
  • Keep campaigns recorded and tracked separately. Resume where you left off

dice rolling
  • pick up and hold, then roll by moving mouse and releasing into chat window
  • roll multiple dice by r-clicking to add more or r-click to select multiple at first
  • supports d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, percentile, fudge dice
  • halve or negate dice values
  • build dice cups by dragging multiple types to the hotkey slot of your choice
  • Players and GMs can customize dice colors
  • dice tower to support hidden rolls

  • Build shared lists of common modifiers
  • Build custom modifiers and assign to hotkeys for individual player usage
  • macros
  • hotkeys

map and image sharing
  • hex and square grid support for maps
  • map templates for area of effects (cone, square, circle and arrow pointers)
  • image masking and reveal
  • drag story entries to map to place a push-pin hotkey
  • show all push-pin hotkeys by holding CTRL
  • Blank battlemap supported (as many as you want)
  • Use any image (jpg, png, gif) by dragging and dropping images from outside into FG and lay a grid over top
  • Apply a grid by setting the size for a single grid square or hex and apply to the entire map
  • Use auto-scale for tokens to fit into defined grid size (set to 80%, 100% or off)
  • Easily scale tokens to the map manually as a whole (from map screen) or individually from combat tracker
  • Turn on or off token facing indicator
  • Spin tokens with mousewheel
  • Show Token Name on map, display as a tooltip, display Title only on hover or keep hidden
  • turn individual or all NPC tokens visible or invisible to players

Chat Features
  • shared chat window to show chat, dice roll results, whispers and emotes
  • Shared dice roll tracker which auto-totals die results and modifiers
  • ability to include and list multiple modifiers to a dice roll
  • ability to change GM speaker identity to other personalities
  • set the mood or emote
  • Set option for GM identity to always switch to the active NPC
  • turn on options to show player and GM portrait when speaking
  • graphically show speech bubbles when talking
  • graphically show boxed text
  • change to day or night lighting modes or custom lighting modes
  • chat logs are saved to disk and accessible after the game
  • export character from one campaign and import into another
  • build custom dice strings

Item Tracking
  • Create individual items
  • Drag and drop to parcels
  • Drag and drop to players

Treasure parcels
  • use to track currency of different denominations however you design
  • use to track items found in the treasure parcel with links to those items

Party Management
  • Party Sheet to help manage party of adventurers
  • Distribute Parcels with drag and drop
  • See a list of all player inventory at a glance
  • Assign treasure parcel items to players with simple assignment. Start typing name and it recognizes the player
  • Distribute coins evenly to the party or keep in the party funds
  • Sell Party items at 50% cost or override for a different cost
  • Allow players to arrange themselves in a marching order for the GM to reference whenever needed

Free-form Character Shets
  • Assign your portrait
  • Assign your token
  • Create list of modifiers and skills
  • Track inventory, location of item, weight and link for more details
  • Track currency
  • Track spoken languages
  • General information for Race, Gender, Age, Height and Weight
  • Keep character specific notes

NPCs - Non-player characters
  • Assign a name
  • Provide a list of rolls or Skills (i.e. melee atk: 1d20+8, ranged atk: 1d20+5, sword: 3d6+5,crossbow: 1d8+2, Sense Motive +5, Hide +8) and auto-parse these to modifiers or die rolls to use during play
  • Provide a list of equipment
  • Define spoken languages
  • Enter notes and use full Story mark-up options if desired, including links to other items or entries
  • Assign a token in advance

  • drag and drop NPCs to the encounter to group them
  • change the number appearing to make multiples
  • pre-place on the map by dragging the tokens to an image with a grid assigned
  • when you want to run the encounter, click Add encounter to tracker to add them and place them on the map again automatically

  • Create multiple notes and use all story editing features
  • Mark notes as public or private
  • Drag note entry to single player to share with just that player

Combat Tracker
  • track the current turn
  • track friend, foe and neutral reactions for each NPC
  • autonumber NPCs if enabled - (example: Guard Dog 1, Guard Dog 2, Guard Dog 3)
  • Change visibility for all NPCs
  • Change visibilty for single NPC
  • Change the size and reach of a single NPC
  • Track effects active for a single NPC and make it hidden or visible to players
  • Easily open Full NPC entry with a click
  • Track current actor in turn sequence or re-order with ease
  • Remove all NPCs or all NPC actors with single step
  • Remove single NPC entry
  • Drag in additional encounter or NPCs to fight after it starts

  • Make and use your own by placing images in your tokens folder
  • Make GM only tokens by placing them in your tokens\host folder
  • Make Player and GM shared tokens by placing them in your tokens\shared folder
  • Comes with 32 included top-down animal tokens in pog and non-pog styles
  • comes with 72 included top-down fantasy character tokens in pog and non-pog styles
  • comes with 144 included top-down fantasy monster tokens in pog and non-pog styles
  • comes with letter tokens for general usage

  • Ability to create custom random tables
  • Use whatever size you want based on entries d4, d6, d8, d12, d10, d20, percentile
  • Assign ranges of die results to a value (example: 1-2 on a d6 = "Hairy")
  • Drag one table into another table to chain table results (example: NPC name generator that rolls the gender and then rolls on a subsequent male or female name table)
  • Drag other entry types to your table for Random Item lists, Random Encounter lists, etc.

Module Creation
  • Export the current campaigns Story, Images & Maps, Personalities, Encounters, Items, Parcels or Tables
  • Drag individual entries from each of the above types if you don't want them all
  • Re-use those modules in any campaign by activating the module and de-activating when no longer needed
Last edited by Smiteworks; May 13, 2014 @ 8:16am
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Showing 1-15 of 18 comments
Trenloe May 13, 2014 @ 7:59am 
Freeform character sheets?
Smiteworks  [developer] May 13, 2014 @ 8:13am 
Oops, missed that. Added and re-formatted
Trenloe May 13, 2014 @ 10:06am 
Originally posted by Smiteworks:
Oops, missed that. Added and re-formatted
Cool. Looks good. :)
Smiteworks  [developer] May 13, 2014 @ 11:05am 
Here is a link to a video walking through these various features:

I apologize for the audio being a little poor. I recorded the whole video before I realized my audio device wasn't set to use my headset. :(
Last edited by Smiteworks; May 13, 2014 @ 11:06am
as advice; everything this software offers can be found free, via sites like Roll20(with the advantage that roll20 and such can be infinitly customized and used with any system)
nylanfs Jun 18, 2014 @ 6:45am 
No it can't, the "majority" of the functions provided by FG can be done in Roll20 by subscribing. And then you are paying infinitely more money than $40.
CQCoder Jul 7, 2014 @ 2:40pm 
I'm not saying Roll20 is better...but I have to call a foul on the idea that you need to subscribe. What features exactly are you talking about? I don't consider dynamic lighting a must have.

I really think a lot of it has do to with exactly what you are trying to accomplish and what you want out of the system.
Last edited by CQCoder; Jul 7, 2014 @ 2:42pm
damned Jul 7, 2014 @ 3:42pm 
Originally posted by Mage:
I'm not saying Roll20 is better...but I have to call a foul on the idea that you need to subscribe. What features exactly are you talking about? I don't consider dynamic lighting a must have.

I really think a lot of it has do to with exactly what you are trying to accomplish and what you want out of the system.

as with all tools/things you might find that a cheaper/free product has the features you need/want. roll20 is both cheaper and more expensive. cheaper has less features while more expensive has a much closer feature list. fantasy grounds features are many and in constant development and are easily viewed on their website. roll20 features are many and in constant development but you are required to create an account and login to view them.
CQCoder Jul 8, 2014 @ 10:56am 
I'm not sure it really matters how you see what features they have, but that is simply incorrect. There's a 'take a tour' link right below the 'sign up' link. The forums are open for reading. The market place is open. The documentation is open. What you are referring to is the specifics on being a supporter - that's hardly a feature list.

Skimming the different between 'free', 'supporter' & 'mentor' - it's mostly being able to share stuff across campaigns and few other non-essentials (dynamic lighting, enhanced tablet support). The only one I see that might be an issue is you can't create custom character sheets - but you CAN use community created sheets - and the community is pretty busy. I seriously doubt it will be difficult to find characters sheets.

So..yeah I still say you are way blowing out of proportion the expense. There is nothing crucial to gaming on the pay side. Most people aren't going to use the API. Dynamic lighting is neat but hardly required. So I'll ask again: Exactly what features are missing from the free side that you deem so important?

I still contend the major issue here is what you want to get out of it. FG supports a certain type of game play very very well. It has a higher pay point of entry but probably a lower lifetime cost depending on your needs. I don't think either one is particularly better than the other.
nylanfs Jul 8, 2014 @ 11:19am 
How dare you come into this thread spouting your reasonableness all over it! :)
Smiteworks  [developer] Jul 8, 2014 @ 5:03pm 
I'm not familiar enough with what Roll20 does with a subscription, so I can't speak directly to that. For people that say that Roll20 or any other VTT does exactly what FG does, I don't think that is an accurate statement -- free or not. It may do most of the same things for a ruleset which is not fully supported. Depending on the ruleset, FG does a lot of things that I don't believe are covered in other VTTs. The way that all the pieces work together within the ruleset provides a different experience than any other VTT but ultimately it is up to the consumer to try those features out and determine if it is worth the cost.

There are a number of videos posted to the community that show the combat tracker and combat on a map and these are available for testing within the demo. You can test out the Pathfinder RPG, D&D 3.5E and D&D 4E rulesets with the demo to get a good idea on the sort of functionality provided by a ruleset. PFRPG and 3.5E are the most similar to a commercial ruleset since they include library content which can be dragged and dropped into encounters, onto story elements, etc. Items can be dragged to your campaign items, further edited and then added to treasure parcels you can link to stories and give to your players as rewards. Loot can be assigned and auto-divided out among the party.

Other rulesets have different functionality. For instance, in Deadlands Reloaded for Savage Worlds, the combat tracker uses playing cards for initiative and allows you to deal poker cards and hand out poker chips -- even play a full game of Texas Hold'em as your players around a virtual table.

The features listed above are for CoreRPG which works for any game system. You could play Savage Worlds using CoreRPG if you wanted, even though there is a much cooler and specialized ruleset available for it.
CQCoder Jul 8, 2014 @ 5:25pm 
Yes..hence my post 'It depends on what you want to get out of a VT'. I certainly didn't say they were the same. I do not believe they have the same goal. I simply contend that saying you need a subscription with Roll 20 for it to be useful is incorrect. Anyway, enough beating a dead horse.
Alan Nov 28, 2014 @ 9:25pm 
Please, make a Multiply and Divide modifiers for rolls so i can do something like "/die 3d6*4". Also, is there a way to add roll commands to a table? Something like "Roll a d6. If 1-2 then roll 3d6 Gold Pieces". Is that possible?

Thanks in advance.
Smiteworks  [developer] Nov 29, 2014 @ 8:07am 
Tables can be nested, but we don't currently have a way to create a treasure parcel with random coinage. It would be a nice feature though. I'll put it on the list.

For nested tables, create the first table to roll a d6 and set the results of 1-2 to roll on a second table by dragging the second table to the link location between the 1-2 and the text description. You can link to anything that way, such as items, treasures, monsters, encounters, etc. If the link is another table, it will auto-roll on that one and continue the process. If you want to roll on multiple tables, add multiple columns to your first table and link a 2nd and 3rd table to the 1st and 2nd columns, respectively.
[ATS] Mercnet May 20, 2015 @ 11:23pm 
Is there a scripting API so I can make my own homebrews and or effect within existing modules. This is basically the only thing holding me back from dropping $150 on the ultimate client on the site.
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Date Posted: May 13, 2014 @ 7:45am
Posts: 18