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Podesta Dec 5, 2013 @ 2:38pm
Too Early?
So, first of all I would like to clarify that I do understand the concept of early access, and I am a great fan of it and of alpha funding as a whole. Actually, most of the games I play are still very early in development (many of them actully are so early that altough I get to download them on steam you can't access a store page for it..).

So, my question is, what was the motivation for Simon Roth to release it on Steam Early at this point, because it seems to me that it might be a bit too early for the big Steam audience, even with the early access tag, which a lot of people on Steam fail to understand. Also, noting that it was a good success on kickstarter, I think that the need of money right now wasn't the main point that led to him releasing right now, which I think might end up hurting the game's image..
So what you guys think? Is it too early? What was his intentions releasing it at this point?

And just a last consideration, this early access is going to be good for me, because I've been following this game for quite some time already, and just didn't buy it because the exchange rate was absolutely terrible (the US monetary policy and all the instability it's creating at the exchange rates around the world..) so, I will very likely buy it before the promotion ends...
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Showing 1-15 of 104 comments
simon  [developer] Dec 5, 2013 @ 3:17pm 
Am I allowed to answer? :p It's mainly because I want an open, accessible dev process. I think a lot of developers do go on early access for the money, but for us that was mostly irrelevant. The only value I find in my game is if people are playing it.

I am pretty aware that I am one of the earliest "feeling" builds that has had a lot of sales/coverage. I wasn't expecting to get to be the #2 selling game on Steam last night and so I did underestimate that by far. I am quite open about the state of the game and won't take down scathing reviews or forum posts like other devs. If people feel the game is too early for them I don't want to trick them into buying it.

I did release in a worse state than I wanted, but that was only by a few days, and due to the timing of Steam sales and other game releases. Having put out 6 or so patches in 2 days I'm more happy with it. Almost all of the things we fixed were a direct result of the Steam launch feedback, so thats immediately shown the usefulness of launching an early build.

The feedback I have got has so far been overwhelmingly positive, yes these forums have a few people who didn't read the minimum specs or didn't realise what the word "alpha" really entails when developers use it correctly, but on the whole I really think that I made the right choice.
Last edited by simon; Dec 5, 2013 @ 3:22pm
poontawn Dec 5, 2013 @ 3:21pm 
Sounds like a great idea. I am currently on the fence with this game and seeing your comment is swaying me in the direction to purchase. I like playing games in development and I can shape it's future.
simon  [developer] Dec 5, 2013 @ 3:28pm 
Yeah, some developers have a vague interest in community feedback, but as the Kickstarter and Indiegogo backers will know, I genuinely do find it useful use it to improve the quality of the final game.
Last edited by simon; Dec 5, 2013 @ 3:28pm
Dark_453 Dec 5, 2013 @ 3:58pm 
i personal think you have done a very good job. if i had half the skill and determination you have i would have released my game along time ago (made before half-life 2 released)
i will counter any post i see with a pos. on there neg.. because for what the game is, its got MAJOR pertential. This game is going places, i am glad to say that i was here to see it on its way. good job Simon :)
" 3 cheers to our Devs" hip hip hip Hooray!
Mywad Dec 5, 2013 @ 3:58pm 
Nice post/question op. I think like simon said its an early release of the game and it must be (as a developer) very nerve racking to release a game to the beast that is the steam community.
I agree with podesta its often misunderstood by a lot of steam users what exactly an alpha is.

If it helps anyone look at it like this, early access is like kickstarter apart from you get the game in its current first build/alpha state to mess around with while the game gets developed from our help.
You also get to influence to a certain extent the game and features that may or may not be added, and get to help finding bugs/errors which can only improve the game.

If you are in anyway buying from early access any game and expect a finished or nearly finished game then it maybe not for you, those of us that do buy get a unique experience from following the game/s as they grow.
Belsameth Dec 5, 2013 @ 5:28pm 
I've been following this game since before it was even on Kickstarter (and now run the official IRC channel, and such) and, in my dealings with Simon and my impression of him, his claims are 100% true. I've yet to catch him cow pooing (stupid Steam censorship) and he's always very open and accessible (except whe stressed out :p). As a sign of this he's always on IRC, for one, and his involvement here on the forums (with both the positive and negative feedback ) should only further prove what he is saying.

I am sure there are dishonest devs on Early Access, just as I am sure most aren't really dishonest but just crumbled under the pressure that is Steam. I am, however, also convinced that Simon won't be either of them. Even if it might be incredibly challeging at times, as a solo dev. with a home grown engine, as opposed to middleware.
Last edited by Belsameth; Dec 5, 2013 @ 5:33pm
VulpineMachine Dec 5, 2013 @ 5:36pm 
Originally posted by simon:
Am I allowed to answer? :p It's mainly because I want an open, accessible dev process. I think a lot of developers do go on early access for the money, but for us that was mostly irrelevant. The only value I find in my game is if people are playing it.

I admire your forthrightness. Your direct honesty and your stated intentions have nearly earned you a sale from myself.

Let me ask if I may, what sort of systemic realism can we expect in the future? For example, will we be able to control subsystem of volatile materials and have a chance to worry about O2 concentration or UV light intentsity in a hydroponics lab?

And to further the "realism" question: will you seek out and accept input from the "hard science" crowd (yes I'm egocentrically referring to myself)? I imagine some of us have backgrounds in physics, sciences, engineering, and aerospace, which I *think* would be a boon to your development process.

VulpineMachine Dec 5, 2013 @ 5:43pm 
@Simon, btw I went ahead and picked up the game regardless of your answer :P
simon  [developer] Dec 5, 2013 @ 5:44pm 
To the above question yes and no. Some things have to be somewhat simplified for the game to be playable. So "atmosphere" is used in a generic term rather than presenting the player with ppms of gas. That said a lot of it IS going on under the hood, the solar panels really do convert light to joules which are fed into the grid as watts.

Input from hard science fans would be great. I had an EMT send me a email last night saying he really loved the fact that I was tracking the RR interval of the colonists. ...and a school teacher who is using the game to get kids talking about future science.

(also the game predicted the discovery of a planet in Tau Ceti based on some research I'd done. Turns out I was right and a month after the Kickstarter ended they found a planet!)
Maverick Dec 5, 2013 @ 5:45pm 
Originally posted by fesoferbex:
I imagine some of us have backgrounds in physics, sciences, engineering, and aerospace, which I *think* would be a boon to your development process.
Let me see.... errr.... Nope. None of the above Sir.

But I do know how to play a game. <<< expert advice right there folks!!

Pick me, pick me...
simon  [developer] Dec 5, 2013 @ 5:46pm 
btw I went ahead and picked up the game regardless of your answer

Hah oh cool thanks. I think you'll enjoy the updates!
Last edited by simon; Dec 5, 2013 @ 5:46pm
VulpineMachine Dec 5, 2013 @ 7:01pm 
Originally posted by simon:
To the above question yes and no. Some things have to be somewhat simplified for the game to be playable. So "atmosphere" is used in a generic term rather than presenting the player with ppms of gas. That said a lot of it IS going on under the hood, the solar panels really do convert light to joules which are fed into the grid as watts.

Very... exciting. :D

Mkay, so suggestions and all that (assuming I end up with anything meaningful to suggest) should just be dropped in the main discussion and you guys will check it out when you get time? Planning on opening up another section on the forum just for suggestions?

I'm an Aero Eng. student, but my main interests lay in colonization. I'll fiddle with the game and see what I see and let you know what I think.

Originally posted by Maverick:

But I do know how to play a game.

sage advice indeed :D I suspect we're all here to have fun. I'm just admittedly super excited to see a game with the stated intention of using hard science. So much yes it hurts
Maverick Dec 5, 2013 @ 8:18pm 
Originally posted by fesoferbex:
Originally posted by Maverick:
But I do know how to play a game.
sage advice indeed :D I suspect we're all here to have fun. I'm just admittedly super excited to see a game with the stated intention of using hard science. So much yes it hurts
I was, to a point, jesting.

I actually have a professional background in IT (Analyst/Programmer) and was a tertiary education IT specialist.

Alas, as I am semi-retired and employing other people to work for me, I get to do what I please and lately..... that's been "playing games". ;)

And forgive me. I take NOTHING seriously..... The legacy of a good life.
Last edited by Maverick; Dec 5, 2013 @ 8:30pm
Kato1144 Dec 5, 2013 @ 8:25pm 
Maybe alittle early but I understand this is alpha don't expect crash free game play thats why it's in alpha and early alpha at that.

Mark Dec 6, 2013 @ 2:57am 
I'm interested in this game. ... The theme kind of reminds me of a very old dos (1990s) space, colony game from Sierra called "Outpost". If the save feature is added soon I will purchase. :)
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Date Posted: Dec 5, 2013 @ 2:38pm
Posts: 104