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Styg  [pengembang] 24 Sep 2013 @ 12:26pm
If you have trouble running the game, look here first
- Make sure you have Media Player installed as Windows feature (no longer required)
- If you're running an old demo version, try running as admin
Terakhir diedit oleh Styg; 16 Jan 2014 @ 3:26am
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Menampilkan 1-15 dari 43 komentar
omniwyrd 4 Okt 2013 @ 9:31am 
Wow Vitriol. (hehe... in this case the the name suits). I think you could have taken this to Dejan's attention a little more lightly. That wall of text is a big superior prose ♥♥♥♥ on Dejan's work/passion/time. This is 4 years labour. Frankly I'm grateful and I'm not going to spit chips at his work. Yes it is preferable that ms media player is NOT neccesary but I dont think its time to call this guy a hack programmer.
I can't help but agree with Vitriol, even the negative tone. Media Player is one of the first things to go when I configure Windows after an installation. This same problem occurred with A.R.E.S., but the dependency was eventually patched out, I think. In either case, I can't play this game until it isn't dependent on WMP--you'd have to be talking about HL3 for me to even consider reinstalling what is bloated crapware (WMP), at best.
sirchet 7 Okt 2013 @ 9:00am 
I have to agree with Mr. V. his points are valid and the tone implied is actually up to the person who reads it.

Let's remember, written word is subject to the frame of mind of the reader, regardless of the writer's intention.
Babarix 9 Okt 2013 @ 8:31am 
I join the crowed of people how would like to see the WMP dependency gone.

But i can understand if its a low priority thing that get fixed latter.
But on the other hand it may be better to rewrite the problematic code now then alter were the gaem would be bigger and more changes would be needed.
SIGKILL 22 Okt 2013 @ 12:36pm 
I'm still completely unable to run this game, though I should very much like to. Any ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ word on fixing this?
I'd just like to take a moment to echo some of the previous posters.

Apparently there was a patch to remove the game's reliance on Windows Media Player, but the game is still doing the whole ' 'TimeLapse' such-and-such has encountered an error and needs to close' that was mainly caused by not having the aforementioned media player.
Babarix 2 Nov 2013 @ 5:21am 
If i understand his post right then he didnt't publish a patch with the changes yet. He jsut reportet what he changed in development so far. The current version should still be:
Sep 23 2013, 3:25pm - Alpha VERSION:
SIGKILL 3 Nov 2013 @ 5:33pm 
From the dev blog[www.underrail.com]:

Diposting pertama kali oleh author:
Thursday, 24 October 2013 23:06

Hey guys, here's an update on what's been happening since the Steam release.
It will be a while longer before a new version is ready, sorry.

- Changes
- Removed Media Player requirement by popular demand (you will no longer have to have media player windows feature installed in the next version of the game)

Cheers. Looking forward to the next release.
Littlemama 11 Des 2013 @ 10:19pm 
when does the mediaplayer ? be replaced ..i hate him and i hate him more when i cant play this GAME :(
Babarix 12 Des 2013 @ 8:07am 
Replace it yourself. Just intall free alternatives like Winamp or Clementine.
Littlemama 16 Des 2013 @ 4:56am 
thats not funny ...deliver the update 4 month should be enough gggrrrr
and babarix get lost because this game runs only with wmp and thats not a good choice
Babarix 18 Des 2013 @ 8:46am 
sry thought you mean the WMP in general not in the game dependency. And i guess we can just wait for the next patch.
cyberarmy 25 Des 2013 @ 10:53am 
I have WMP as a feature and also got both framework 4.0 thingies.
Still getting error when I try to run the game. Played the first demo version without any problems on my crappy lap top before but cannot play this steam version on my gaming rig T_T
Im welcoming any ideas!
Littlemama 29 Des 2013 @ 7:03am 
next time i wait before buying ... my error
Sir Pencil 30 Des 2013 @ 10:50pm 
Do we have an ETA on when the WMP dependencies will be removed?
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Tanggal Diposting: 24 Sep 2013 @ 12:26pm
Postingan: 43