LEGO® MARVEL Super Heroes

LEGO® MARVEL Super Heroes

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Savegames for Windows 10
I`ve installed Windows 10 yesterday...And cant find my savegames for Lego Marvel
I would be pretty glad if someone could help me
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Zobrazeno 14 z 4 komentářů
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\246787685\313690\remote\savedgames\slot1
It didnt wotk :(
Duck Life původně napsal:
It didnt wotk :(
Do you have Steam installed under "C:\Program Files (x86)\"?
Replace "246787685" with your SteamID. (Should be "150170393")
Also replace "313690" with "249130". ("313690" is Lego Batman 3)

So: {Path to Steam}\Steam\userdata\150170393\249130\remote\savedgames\slot1
Darkwarrior původně napsal:
Duck Life původně napsal:
It didnt wotk :(
Do you have Steam installed under "C:\Program Files (x86)\"?
Replace "246787685" with your SteamID. (Should be "150170393")
Also replace "313690" with "249130". ("313690" is Lego Batman 3)

So: {Path to Steam}\Steam\userdata\150170393\249130\remote\savedgames\slot1

sorry I totally forgot to thank u . I was looking for a savegame for Lego Batman 3 and your comment was really usefull again :steamhappy:
< >
Zobrazeno 14 z 4 komentářů
Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 22. srp. 2015 v 6.53
Počet příspěvků: 4