Fuklebark Jan 12, 2014 @ 5:48pm
Great old game, but....
I love this game, have for years, and it works flawlessly. But no expansions, and no mod compatibilty? I feel a bit cheated after this purchase. For the same price I can buy the CD online and mod to my heart's content. If you just want the vanilla game this is pretty rock solid, but if you're like me and like to play around a bit to keep things new and fresh, you may not want to get this version.
Last edited by Fuklebark; Jan 12, 2014 @ 5:49pm
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The Destined Dead Jan 12, 2014 @ 8:34pm 
There are mods coming out for the Steam vesion, but you care correct in the understanding that the old mods are incompatible. I'm rather sad no content updates have come and I fear no further updates will happen.
Mekiah Jan 13, 2014 @ 7:39am 
Yeah im upset they didn't include any of the expansions for it, valve pls
Bakedtoast Mar 27, 2014 @ 12:50pm 
Old mods are compatible. You just can't use mod loader and can only install them in the English version of the game. I've installed several old mods and they work. You have to install them manually though.
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Date Posted: Jan 12, 2014 @ 5:48pm
Posts: 3