Homeworld Remastered Collection

Homeworld Remastered Collection

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kanesoban 12 mar. 2015 às 16:04
Sajuuk is underwhelming
So Sajuuk is supposed to be this awesome superweapon that is worth searching the entire galaxy for. But a single volley of missiles from a Vaygr BC takes down about 1/3 of it's health. It's weapons are just as close range as every other ship's, so it's weakness is not really compensated by anything. The Kuun Laan's Siege cannon at least has a very long range and area damage. Why didn't the Hiigarans just built a few more Battlecruisers instead of finding this ship is beyond me. Also, why did the Vaygr just give up after you destroyed the planetkillers ? They still had all their fleets.
< >
A mostrar 1-15 de 50 comentários
Spacemonkey 12 mar. 2015 às 16:27 
Have no idea what you are on about.

Really the only purpose of Sajuuk has is to take out the planet killers. Why would it be in combat with Vaygr battle cruisers?
Última alteração por Spacemonkey; 12 mar. 2015 às 16:28
Gotcha! 12 mar. 2015 às 16:55 
Originalmente postado por kanesoban:
Why didn't the Hiigarans just built a few more Battlecruisers instead of finding this ship is beyond me.
It's because invisible forces are limiting them to 2. :P

In all seriousness though, I tend to agree. For a superweapon that's supposed to be made by some incredibly advanced civilization it's pretty mild.
It'd have been nice to have it as an incredibly powerful toy in the only mission you'll use it in, especially after having dealt with so much frustration in the previous missions. Something that'd sweep the floor with a vaygr battlecruiser, split it in half with one shot. Something that screams "It's payback time!"

But hey, whatever, the whole story of Homeworld 2 is rather poor in my opinion. What's another detail.
dbrower 12 mar. 2015 às 17:02 
For a challenge, try to complete the last mission with no losses to the already-present hiigaran defense fleet. There are people in those ships, you know, letting them get killed is bad.

Spacemonkey 12 mar. 2015 às 17:21 
Sajuuk is an awesome superweapon.

It has an super powerful gun with a really long range. A Vaygr BC should be long dead before it could even get close enough to fire a volley of missiles .
sick duck 12 mar. 2015 às 17:43 
The Beast would eat sajuuk for breakfast.
Última alteração por sick duck; 12 mar. 2015 às 17:43
Lcpl Liru 12 mar. 2015 às 17:53 
Originalmente postado por neckbeard ♥♥♥♥ lord:
The Beast would eat sajuuk for breakfast.

No, the Beast would infect it, then modify its laser so that it could then use Sajuuk to...ohh god...
Schwab-Zero 12 mar. 2015 às 17:54 
I'd design Sajuuk as a bigger, badder Dreadnaught ship. Double the cannon array's range and triple the width size. Add some more pulse cannons for good measure.
mistehmen 12 mar. 2015 às 18:02 
Originalmente postado por Spacemonkey:
Sajuuk is an awesome superweapon.

It has an super powerful gun with a really long range..

So do the dreadnaughts and they are pretty boring as well.

At least the dreadnaughts give you a sense of wonder cus you struggle to get it and then you decimate a ""fleet"" with it (not the heavy use of quotes). Sajuuk is literally the same thing with somewhat longer range and an odd form factor.

All progenitor technology in the galaxy was constructed in the foundries of an incredibly advanced galaxy-jumping ship. The background image in the Karos Graveyard is all that remains of this colossal ship and the image itself is mind-boggling, blowing all types of ideas you might have had about advanced space-travel out of proportion.
Then we transition to the oh-so-lame progenitor technology that was forged inside this ship and left to be fought for and found by the lesser races... This tech is totally standard compared to existing space-faring technology.

Exarch_Alpha 12 mar. 2015 às 18:15 
It was bad already in HW2 so it´s not the remasterization´s fault, at least :)
Unit 12 mar. 2015 às 18:22 
I remember one time when I started the final mission and thought I'd send the super-powerful-ultra-omega-death-God-ship that everyone had been going on about the whole game over to decimate the Vaygr fleet. but then I saw how pathetically slow this "super advanced" piece of technology was and thought I'd hyperspace it a bit closer. Of course the Vaygr immediately targeted it as it began to exit hyperspace, and for some reason this highly advanced, extra-galactic god weapon took so long to become active again (it had completely exited hyperspace but then just sat there for like a minute, doing nothing and unable to be selected) that it ended up dying after like 1 trinity cannon volley.

Yeah Sajuuk kinda completely sucks. They built it up to be incredibly powerful, and it's instead one of the least useful ships you get outside of being a plot device. Like someone else said before, I'd rather have a couple extra BCs instead.
Ewe 12 mar. 2015 às 18:27 
The progenitor created Sajuuk as a key to open the Great Network of Hyperspace Gates. Just as the Dreadnaught is the key to Balcora Gates. The fact that they are a formidable battle vessel is a bonus.
Unit 12 mar. 2015 às 18:48 
Except that they aren't even formidable :/
Spacemonkey 12 mar. 2015 às 18:58 
You guys have no idea what you are on about.

It has the most powerful gun in the game, and out ranges any other ship.

It certainly is formidable. It can kill an enemy battle cruiser long before it could get close enough to do any damage.

If it died while you are in control, then you must be really doing something wrong.

Última alteração por Spacemonkey; 12 mar. 2015 às 19:01
Unit 12 mar. 2015 às 20:29 
I'm talking in practical terms. Sure it's POWERFUL, but any commander with half a brain could easily destroy a ship with only 1 gun that points straight forward and posesses 0 maneuverability. You see the Vaygr Battlecruiser? Take away the missile battery and make it even slower, how threatening is it? Sure if you sit in front of it it will kill you, but seeing as how this is a universe with magical teleporting hyperspace technology, it would be very easy to destroy Sajuuk in a straight fight. Just hyperspace to any position that ISN'T directly in front of it and you win.
RSS| Bloogonis 12 mar. 2015 às 21:49 
Its also like a bajillion years old sitting in gravity eddies powerfull enough to make the whole region un jumpable for lightyears around.So that ♥♥♥♥ needs some referbishing, and its armor is old and dusty covered in radiation burns. its gun kills a factory ship in two shots and a battleship in 1.

Originalmente postado por Kraft_Lawrence:
Originalmente postado por neckbeard ♥♥♥♥ lord:
The Beast would eat sajuuk for breakfast.

No, the Beast would infect it, then modify its laser so that it could then use Sajuuk to...ohh god...
Stop! The nightmares wont end!
< >
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Postado a: 12 mar. 2015 às 16:04
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