Space Hulk

Space Hulk

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Space Hulk cards
Unfortunately Space Hulk is not a popular game like CS:GO or L4D and so trade some cards is difficult. I offer use this topic for trading SH cards.
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I think it´s time to bump this thread so Space Hulk plrs may have the chance to trade those cards to complete it.
I made a thread in the Specific Trading Cards forum, but so many threads are made there so it is already lost in the crowd.
Ok, so anyone here on the Space Hulk forum that wish to trade some?

Cards I have:
Daimyo & Arrows + Leader for Shogun 2
Elephant for Total War Rome II

Cards I am in need of:
Gideon & Noctis Space Hulk Cards.
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Geplaatst op: 17 aug 2013 om 8:00
Aantal berichten: 1