Wasteland 2

Wasteland 2

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Twigleaf 14 Thg12, 2013 @ 7:37pm
2 major gripes to InXile on this. And I consider it unethical practice.
This has been a controversy for a while in the devolpment of this game. This actually was a Kickstarter funded game by Brian Fargo and team. By putting it up on Steam, they have not only destroyed the principle of the " Kickstarter / Shareholder " idea. Where I am talking about, we funded the project over a year ago on kickstarter, and we the public are the stockholders. Putting this out here on Steam just threw that entire concept out the window, as its now a money grab.

Point #2, and a big one. The development team, that was FUNDED by kickstarter money, was moved to another project, called Torment. They can spin it whichever way they want, but the people who funded Wasteland 2, just had their developers moved to another game. Yet the people who funded it, get absolutely no credit for the move. A real douche move.

Putting the game up here as early access is a surprise by many. It was thought that only the kickstarters and backers of the project would be involved.

If they were needing money, that would be a different story, but this game hit its 100% mark FAST. They moved their design team to another project before this one was finished. Gave absolutely no credit to the people who backed W2, while they happily used their money to make a SECOND GAME. On top of that, they put an additional kickstarter site up for the second game, Torment.

I love the game, but a REAL Douche move from Fargo and company.
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Revolucas 14 Thg12, 2013 @ 7:47pm 
So, because you funded the game they are obligated to not make profit from the final product? You know Brian Fargo hasn't seen a dime of the Kickstarter money, right? How did you think he planned on actually making money? That's right, from profit sales. A non-profit organization makes enough money to pay it's employees, that's it. Is that what you are expecting here? Yes, they do have Torment to keep the employees working but that doesn't mean the company itself doesn't plan on making a profit.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 14 Thg12, 2013 @ 7:52pm 
Kickstarter isn't wallstreet. You're guaranteed nothing on your investment. You're giving someone money in the hopes their plans turn out well and you get a nice polished product at the end of development.
BigBlake 14 Thg12, 2013 @ 7:54pm 
They haven't destroyed anything. If they had went and got a publisher and kept the Kickstarter money, that would be underhanded. Putting it on Steam for Early Access is a smart move that gives them some financial cushion.
MooKalv 14 Thg12, 2013 @ 7:56pm 
As for point #2, they moved the design team (not the development team) to Torment because that team was done with their part of Wasteland 2. Instead of kicking them out, they started paying them with the money they got from the Torment Kickstarter. They are no longer being paid with the Wasteland 2 money.
Twigleaf 14 Thg12, 2013 @ 7:56pm 
Revolucas. This is not the final product. Open your mouth insert your foot. When the final product comes along, they can profit all they want. Right now, it is a kickstarter and backer project. You like to make new rules up as you go it seems. If you put money into a kickstarter project, and those funds are diverted, what is that normally called? What would happen if your bank or stockbroker did that?
SIX 14 Thg12, 2013 @ 8:00pm 
Nguyên văn bởi MooKalv:
As for point #2, they moved the design team (not the development team) to Torment because that team was done with their part of Wasteland 2. Instead of kicking them out, they started paying them with the money they got from the Torment Kickstarter. They are no longer being paid with the Wasteland 2 money.

You call that good resource management and dont see why OP is whining
Nguyên văn bởi Twigleaf:
This has been a controversy for a while in the devolpment of this game. This actually was a Kickstarter funded game by Brian Fargo and team. By putting it up on Steam, they have not only destroyed the principle of the " Kickstarter / Shareholder " idea.

The game continued to be available to backers after Kickstarter, there was never an exclusivity of "only Kickstarter people get it until release". What is the difference between someone buying it a week ago on our late backer store for $55 or for $60 on Steam now? It's just another outlet, it's not like we suddenly dropped the price or Kickstarter backers aren't still getting the best deal.
HeplMeh 14 Thg12, 2013 @ 8:33pm 
Ooh look another thread centered around entitlement.
Cutlass Jack 14 Thg12, 2013 @ 8:45pm 
Nguyên văn bởi ΣƑIX:
Nguyên văn bởi MooKalv:
As for point #2, they moved the design team (not the development team) to Torment because that team was done with their part of Wasteland 2. Instead of kicking them out, they started paying them with the money they got from the Torment Kickstarter. They are no longer being paid with the Wasteland 2 money.

You call that good resource management and dont see why OP is whining

Exactly. Projects have separate budgets. Design teams do their work at the beginning of a project, but have almost nothing to do with the end of one, when the Development team are doing their thing. The design team started work on Torment when their work on Wasteland was finished.

Think of it this way. When building a house, the Architect does all his work making blueprints, but he doesn't actually build the thing. Nor does he sit around doing nothing til the carpenters finish. He moves onto his next blueprint, which is billed to the next project, not the one he finished work on.
Twigleaf 14 Thg12, 2013 @ 9:38pm 
Spin it however you want. Kickstarter projects needs to stay off of Steam Early Access. Some of those backers I am sure put up well over 1000 dollars, and some as little as $5 show of good faith. Their money has been tied up for well over a year. This is yet another precedent as to the argument that you should not donate a dime to a Kickstarter project, because the founder is going to burn his backers. Kickstarter is a great way to get a game going. However, with no oversight, and Fargo putting this up on Steam like he did ( and there were discussions about it, in the InXile forums), it just helps to put the nail in that Kickstarter game coffin.

If, in the future, that game you want, fails funding on Kickstarter, you can point to Brian Fargo as one of the precedents, because everyone will have the mindset to be able to get it for $5 more on Steam and not have to invest early. Again, the price point is moot here. It is the principle of a 100% funded Kickstarter game, stuck out here for an obvious money grab. Early Access is just a pay to beta test and hope its not crap system. Their game designs may as well be written on stone, because you or your best elite gamer impression is not going to change their view on how they are creating the game. "You can help us develop our game".... I laugh.
bledcarrot 14 Thg12, 2013 @ 9:45pm 
Why do you care where they get more funding from? Wouldn't you want them to have as much money as possible to make the most awesome game possible for you to play? What is this "kickstarter" only rubbish? Is it really just about making you feel special, even at the expense of the quality of the game? Secondly, it's just simply false. This was never kickstarter only. As soon as the KS ended they offered late backing on their website. So what are you babbling about? Nothing.
Nguyên văn bởi Revolucas:
You know Brian Fargo hasn't seen a dime of the Kickstarter money, right?


Every KS project has their personal employee salaries included. They are inflated far past the going rate so they can pay for food, rent and the massive amounts of alcohol to medicate the fact they are all now 2nd rate.
Bockwinkle 14 Thg12, 2013 @ 9:46pm 
I would have loved it if ANY company out there would have put this out.

As it is, it is up to people to pay Brian Fargo to put it out.

That's the way it is and it makes your whole argument moot.
Sheytanaslan 14 Thg12, 2013 @ 9:48pm 
Nguyên văn bởi Twigleaf:
Spin it however you want. Kickstarter projects needs to stay off of Steam Early Access. Some of those backers I am sure put up well over 1000 dollars, and some as little as $5 show of good faith. Their money has been tied up for well over a year. This is yet another precedent as to the argument that you should not donate a dime to a Kickstarter project, because the founder is going to burn his backers. Kickstarter is a great way to get a game going. However, with no oversight, and Fargo putting this up on Steam like he did ( and there were discussions about it, in the InXile forums), it just helps to put the nail in that Kickstarter game coffin.

If, in the future, that game you want, fails funding on Kickstarter, you can point to Brian Fargo as one of the precedents, because everyone will have the mindset to be able to get it for $5 more on Steam and not have to invest early. Again, the price point is moot here. It is the principle of a 100% funded Kickstarter game, stuck out here for an obvious money grab. Early Access is just a pay to beta test and hope its not crap system. Their game designs may as well be written on stone, because you or your best elite gamer impression is not going to change their view on how they are creating the game. "You can help us develop our game".... I laugh.

Well I beg to differ. I will continue to support Kickstarter projects if they appeal to me. And I am delighted to have paid much more then what they are asking for Wasteland2 here on Steam currently to see the game get funded.

What is clear is that a number of posters on this forum see things differently then those of us that supported the funding of the game via Kickstarter and had access to the beta as a result of our tier donations.

Anyway for those of you still hell bent on raging about the price of the game currently, id suggest playing something else. You will not change my opinion about my choice of actions. You contribute nothing positive to the testing of the game. Your time would be better spent playing something you enjoy.

Lần sửa cuối bởi Sheytanaslan; 14 Thg12, 2013 @ 9:49pm
Nguyên văn bởi Boognish Bockwinkle:
I would have loved it if ANY company out there would have put this out.

As it is, it is up to people to pay Brian Fargo to put it out.

That's the way it is and it makes your whole argument moot.

except that "as it is" sucks. Revelant, talented developers have been putting games out for 4 decades without crowdfunded projects.
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Ngày đăng: 14 Thg12, 2013 @ 7:37pm
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