Wanderlust Adventures

Wanderlust Adventures

Voir les stats:
100% accidental early release but 100% voluntary fun game !
It seems that the availability of the game on steam at this current stage of developpement was unplaned.

If so all i can say after a small game session is that devs shouldn't feel too bad about what happened as far as the game already sounds very promising even in its current alpha/beta state.

So keep up the good work ! :steamhappy:
< >
Affichage des commentaires 1 à 15 sur 31
Leth 10 aout 2015 à 20h29 
Believe me when I tell you that these kind words are truly helpful to us right now. <3

We are very confused about what happened and doubly concerned that we've unintentionally crippled our launch sales opportunity with this. The support has been very considerate from our fanbase thus far.

Thank you.
~ Leth
is it bad that i bought it now :P? to exited hehe cant wait to sink hours in to Wanderlust Adventures ^^
Xilitu a écrit :
is it bad that i bought it now :P? to exited hehe cant wait to sink hours in to Wanderlust Adventures ^^

Traffic, front page status, noteriety and all of that jazz are generally determined by an influx of sales on the first day. Thus, increasing exposure to the game itself and allowing for other people who may not have heard of it, to check it out and buy it.

I do feel like an ass now for grabbing it early, but I'll give them this. I was gonna wait to see if I got my loyalty coupon in the next few days anyways. I know those few dollars don't mean crap in the big picture, but consider this a full price purchase that otherwise wouldn't have been.
Leth 10 aout 2015 à 20h34 
Xilitu a écrit :
is it bad that i bought it now :P? to exited hehe cant wait to sink hours in to Wanderlust Adventures ^^
We certainly would never hold it against you.

That would be incredibly unfair for us to do! =)
Xilitu - Just be aware the final quest is not accessible right now. The game is 100% playable and there is plenty to do in the meantime.

The Mountains area and final dungeon is done and tested and will likely be added in the next day or so, but as launch was supposed to be until 8/13, it is not in the current build.
Sirithre a écrit :
Xilitu - Just be aware the final quest is not accessible right now. The game is 100% playable and there is plenty to do in the meantime.

The Mountains area and final dungeon is done and tested and will likely be added in the next day or so, but as launch was supposed to be until 8/13, it is not in the current build.

thats alright :D planning to enjoy he game as much as i can not rush through it :3
Well all i can say is that i ll spread the word to my friends and colleagues at work about this nice little game and hope that people doing so ll compensate for this unintentional release.
I just played the game for ~2 hours with 2 friends and I must say we had a blast !

The pixel art is gorgeous, the gameplay feels smooth, and there's a ton of loot ! Truly entertaining and genuinely fun.

Great work on the game ! Don't let this early release thing bring you down. Your game rocks !
Woops I didn't realise it wasnt supposed to be out yet. I thought it was a bit early but I saw it and grabbed it. Now I guess I have to buy a copy for a friend to get a popularity up on release day.
They understand Daynar - Don't feel bad - it's not like anything on the page says that it wasn't intended to be launched. You wouldn't know unless you checked the forums or were in the dev livestream on twitch and following everything.

Thanks for your support either way!
Good work, Leth, Matt.

Yes, I'm also guilty of buying too early, and playing too early. Hush.
Same thing with me Daynar i saw it out early and bought it right away......guess i should have checked why it was out early
Will the 4-pack be available on the intended release date?
Leth 10 aout 2015 à 22h22 
We had a 4-pack planned but for some reason it isn't there. Yet another issue with this... turn of events. =/
Nam 10 aout 2015 à 22h27 
Leth a écrit :
We had a 4-pack planned but for some reason it isn't there. Yet another issue with this... turn of events. =/

What's the 4 Pack Price off the top of yer head... Might wanna get a 4 pack so I kinda wanna hold off on buying it :P
< >
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