Might & Magic X - Legacy

Might & Magic X - Legacy

Tower Of Enigma riddle chest need help
While i dont walk swim or fly
Before i fade i still wander
i shed tears even if i dont cry
but what am i ? That i wonder
< >
110/10 megjegyzés mutatása
2nd chest
What three letters make a man of a boy?
mikaelmg eredeti hozzászólása:
While i dont walk swim or fly
Before i fade i still wander
i shed tears even if i dont cry
but what am i ? That i wonder
mikaelmg eredeti hozzászólása:
2nd chest
What three letters make a man of a boy?
i am known to both young and old
some cower from me others i make bold
but im not one you mock or taunt
for your every step i haunt
(answer death)
Legutóbb szerkesztette: mikaelmg; 2014. jan. 25., 10:05
anyone know how to past room on 2nd floor with blue ligts
Door code: 0451

The answer to the last riddle (3rd floor) = fear

Pressure Place room:
- -Z- -
- -X- -

X = Start/Reset plate
Z = Exit

Sequence: X, B, C, B, E, D, G, H, I, H, Z

Trap Room:
T * * * T
* * T * * Z
* T T T T
* * T T *
T * * * *
- - X - -

T = trap tile
* = safe tile
* * * = path
X = Entrance
Z = Exit

Source for pressure and trap room: MarkShapiro [forums.ubi.com]

Legutóbb szerkesztette: TBK; 2014. jan. 28., 12:13
mikaelmg eredeti hozzászólása:
While i dont walk swim or fly
Before i fade i still wander
i shed tears even if i dont cry
but what am i ? That i wonder

Cloud??? WTF??? Clouds are flying!
Actually they float. The authors of the game did not create the riddles. They are classic ones.
mikaelmg eredeti hozzászólása:
anyone know how to past room on 2nd floor with blue ligts
These are the (column, row) coordinates of the path to follow. Columns are top to bottom and rows are left to right. (1,2) is you starting position and (3,2) your target.
1 2
1 1
1 2
2 2
2 3
3 3
3 2
3 2

Does anyone know whether there is a logic to this? I just brute-forced it with a graph search :steamhappy:
< >
110/10 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2014. jan. 25., 9:26
Hozzászólások: 10