Takedown: Red Sabre

Takedown: Red Sabre

amazon sale $3.68 usd
download for sale on amazon $3.68
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Zobrazeno 14 z 4 komentářů
At $3.68 I feel I didn't get had... It does bring back memories of R6 though not as much control over ai. Not a bad game to kill some time if you can pick it up at a discount.
It's very bare bones and the squadmate A.I. is super basic, but if you play with friends (or even strangers now that it has VOIP) in co-op, it's a surprisingly solid game with some great level design and tense missions. It's worth $3 for sure.
Naposledy upravil Chubzdoomer; 30. lis. 2013 v 20.10
i got it on amazon too did any of you get a free copy
HydraCell původně napsal:
i got it on amazon too did any of you get a free copy
Yeah, I got a free copy too. Weird. Oh well, looks like I'm gonna give it to a buddy of mine so we can play!
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Zobrazeno 14 z 4 komentářů
Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 29. lis. 2013 v 16.31
Počet příspěvků: 4